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Created February 1, 2016 02:19
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Clay's Array, Do_over and Numlist macros
%MACRO ARRAY(arraypos, array=, data=, var=, values=,
delim=%STR( ), debug=N, numlist=Y);
/* last modified 8/4/2006 a.k.a. MACARRAY( ).
72nd col -->|
Function: Define one or more Macro Arrays
This macro creates one or more macro arrays, and stores in them
character values from a SAS dataset or view, or an explicit list
of values.
A macro array is a list of macro variables sharing the same prefix
and a numerical suffix. The suffix numbers run from 1 up to a
highest number. The value of this highest number, or the length
of the array, is stored in an additional macro variable with the
same prefix, plus the letter “N”. The prefix is also referred to
as the name of the macro array. For example, "AA1", "AA2", "AA3",
etc., plus "AAN". All such variables are declared GLOBAL.
Authors: Ted Clay, M.S. (541) 482-6435
David Katz, M.S.
"Please keep, use and pass on the ARRAY and DO_OVER macros with
this authorship note. -Thanks "
Full documentation with examples appears in SUGI Proceedings, 2006,
"Tight Looping With Macro Arrays" by Ted Clay
Please send improvements, fixes or comments to Ted Clay.
ARRAY are equivalent parameters. One or the other, but not both,
is required. ARRAYPOS is the only position parameter.
= Identifier(s) for the macro array(s) to be defined.
DATA = Dataset containing values to load into the array(s). Can be
a view, and dataset options such as WHERE= are OK.
VAR = Variable(s) containing values to put in list. If multiple
array names are specified in ARRAYPOS or ARRAY then the
same number of variables must be listed.
VALUES = An explicit list of character strings to put in the list
or lists. If present, VALUES are used rather than DATA
and VAR. VALUES can be a numbered list, eg 1-10, a01-A20,
a feature which can be turned of with NUMLIST=N.
The VALUES can be used with one or more array names
specified in the ARRAYPOS or ARRAY parameters. If more
than one array name is given, the values are assigned to
each array in turn. For example, if arrays AA and BB
are being assigned values, the values are assigned to
AA1, BB1, AA2, BB2, AA3, BB3, etc. Therefore the number
of values must be a multiple of the number of arrays.
DELIM = Character used to separate values in VALUES parameter.
Blank is default.
DEBUG = N/Y. Default=N. If Y, debugging statements are activated.
NUMLIST = Y/N. Default=Y. If Y, VALUES may be a number list.
REQUIRED OTHER MACRO: Requires NUMLIST if using numbered lists are used
in the VALUES parameter.
How the program works.
When the VALUES parameter is used, it is parsed into individual
words using the scan function. With the DATA parameter, each
observation of data to be loaded into one or more macro
arrays, _n_ determines the numeric suffix. Each one is declared
GLOBAL using "call execute" which is acted upon by the SAS macro
processor immediately. (Without this "global" setting, "Call symput"
would by default put the new macro variables in the local symbol
table, which would not be accessible outside this macro.) Because
"call execute" only is handling macro statements, the following
statement will normally appear on the SAS log: "NOTE: CALL EXECUTE
routine executed successfully, but no SAS statements were generated."
7/14/05 handle char variable value containing single quote
1/19/06 VALUES can be a a numbered list with dash, e.g. AA1-AA20
4/1/06 simplified process of making variables global.
4/12/06 allow VALUES= when creating more than one macro array.
%LOCAL prefixes PREFIXN manum _VAR_N iter i J val VAR WHICH MINLENG
var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10 var11 ;
%* Get array names from either the keyword or positional parameter;
%if &ARRAY= %then %let PREFIXES=&ARRAYPOS;
%else %let PREFIXES=&ARRAY;
%* Parse the list of macro array names;
%do MANUM = 1 %to 999;
%let prefix&MANUM=%scan(&prefixes,&MAnum,' ');
%if &&prefix&MANUM ne %then
%let PREFIXN=&MAnum;
%global &&prefix&MANUM..N;
%* initialize length to zero;
%let &&prefix&MANUM..N=0;
%else %goto out1;
%if &DEBUG=Y %then %put PREFIXN is &PREFIXN;
%* Parse the VAR parameter;
%let _VAR_N=0;
%do MANUM = 1 %to 999;
%let _var_&MANUM=%scan(&VAR,&MAnum,' ');
%if %str(&&_var_&MANUM) ne %then %let _VAR_N=&MAnum;
%else %goto out2;
%PUT ERROR: No macro array names are given;
%PUT ERROR: DATA parameter is used but VAR parameter is blank;
%PUT ERROR: The number of variables in the VAR parameter is not
equal to the number of arrays;
%* CASE 1: VALUES parameter is used
%IF &NUMLIST=Y %then
%* Check for numbered list of form xxx-xxx and expand it using
the NUMLIST macro.;
%IF (%INDEX(%quote(&VALUES),-) GT 0) and
(%length(%SCAN(%quote(&VALUES),1,-))>0) and
(%length(%SCAN(%quote(&VALUES),2,-))>0) and
%DO ITER=1 %TO 9999;
%ELSE %goto out3;
%out3: %IF &&&&&&PREFIX&J..N LT &MINLENG
%PUT ERROR: Number of values must be a multiple of the number of arrays;
%* CASE 2: DATA and VAR parameters used
%* Get values from one or more variables in a dataset or view;
data _null_;
set &DATA end = lastobs;
%DO J=1 %to &PREFIXN;
call execute('%GLOBAL '||"&&PREFIX&J.."||left(put(_n_,5.)) );
call symput(compress("&&prefix&J"||left(put(_n_,5.))),
if lastobs then
call symput(compress("&&prefix&J"||"N"), trim(left(put(_n_,5.))));
run ;
%* Write message to the log;
%IF &DEBUG=Y %then
%DO J=1 %to &PREFIXN;
%PUT &&&&PREFIX&J..N is &&&&&&PREFIX&J..N;
%MACRO DO_OVER(arraypos, array=,
values=, delim=%STR( ),
phrase=?, escape=?, between=,
macro=, keyword=);
/* Last modified: 8/4/2006
72nd col -->|
Function: Loop over one or more arrays of macro variables
substituting values into a phrase or macro.
Authors: Ted Clay, M.S.
Clay Software & Statistics (541) 482-6435
David Katz, M.S.
"Please keep, use and pass on the ARRAY and DO_OVER macros with
this authorship note. -Thanks "
Send any improvements, fixes or comments to Ted Clay.
Full documentation with examples appears in
"Tight Looping with Macro Arrays".SUGI Proceedings 2006,
The keyword parameter was added after the SUGI article was written.
NUMLIST -- if using numbered lists in VALUES parameter.
ARRAY -- if using macro arrays.
ARRAY are equivalent parameters. One or the other, but not both,
is required. ARRAYPOS is the only position parameter.
= Identifier(s) for the macro array(s) to iterate over.
Up to 9 array names are allowed. If multiple macro arrays
are given, they must have the same length, that is,
contain the same number of macro variables.
VALUES = An explicit list of character strings to put in an
internal macro array, VALUES may be a numbered lists of
the form 3-15, 03-15, xx3-xx15, etc.
DELIM = Character used to separate values in VALUES parameter.
Blank is default.
PHRASE = SAS code into which to substitute the values of the
macro variable array, replacing the ESCAPE
character with each value in turn. The default
value of PHRASE is a single <?> which is equivalent to
simply the values of the macro variable array.
The PHRASE parameter may contain semicolons and extend to
multiple lines.
NOTE: The text "?_I_", where ? is the ESCAPE character,
will be replaced with the value of the index variable
values, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.
Note: Any portion of the PHRASE parameter enclosed in
single quotes will not be scanned for the ESCAPE.
So, use double quotes within the PHRASE parameter.
If more than one array name is given in the ARRAY= or
ARRAYPOS parameter, in the PHRASE parameter the ESCAPE
character must be immediately followed by the name of one
of the macro arrays, using the same case.
ESCAPE = A single character to be replaced by macro array values.
Default is "?".
BETWEEN = code to generate between iterations of the main
phrase or macro. The most frequent need for this is to
place a comma between elements of an array, so the special
argument COMMA is provided for programming convenience.
BETWEEN=COMMA is equivalent to BETWEEN=%STR(,).
MACRO = Name of an externally-defined macro to execute on each
value of the array. It overrides the PHRASE parameter.
The parameters of this macro may be a combination of
positional or keyword parameters, but keyword parameters
on the external macro require the use of the KEYWORD=
parameter in DO_OVER. Normally, the macro would have
only positional parameters and these would be defined in
in the same order and meaning as the macro arrays specified
in the ARRAY or ARRAYPOS parameter.
For example, to execute the macro DOIT with one positional
parameter, separately define
and give the parameter MACRO=DOIT. The values of AAA1,
AAA2, etc. would be substituted for STRING.
MACRO=DOIT is equivalent to PHRASE=%NRQUOTE(%DOIT(?)).
Note: Within an externally defined macro, the value of the
macro index variable would be coded as "&I". This is
comparable to "?_I_" within the PHRASE parameter.
KEYWORD = Name(s) of keyword parameters used in the definition of
the macro refered to in the MACRO= parameter. Optional.
This parameter controls how DO_OVER passes macro array
values to specific keyword parameters on the macro.
This allows DO_OVER to execute a legacy or standard macro.
The number of keywords listed in the KEYWORD= parameter
must be less than or equal to the number of macro arrays
listed in the ARRAYPOS or ARRAY parameter. Macro array
names are matched with keywords proceeding from right
to left. If there are fewer keywords than macro array
names, the remaining array names are passed as positional
parameters to the external macro. See Example 6.
Exactly one of ARRAYPOS or ARRAY or VALUES is required.
PHRASE or MACRO is required. MACRO overrides PHRASE.
ESCAPE is used when PHRASE is used, but is ignored with MACRO.
If ARRAY or ARRAYPOS have multiple array names, these must exist
and have the same length. If used with externally defined
MACRO, the macro must have positional parameters that
correspond 1-for-1 with the array names. Alternatively, one
can specify keywords which tell DO_OVER the names of keyword
parameters of the external macro.
Assume macro array AAA has been created with
(1) %DO_OVER(AAA) generates: x y z;
(2) %DO_OVER(AAA,phrase="?",between=comma) generates: "x","y","z"
(3) %DO_OVER(AAA,phrase=if L="?" then ?=1;,between=else) generates:
if L="x" then x=1;
else if L="y" then y=1;
else if L="z" then z=1;
(4) %DO_OVER(AAA,macro=DOIT) generates:
which assumes %DOIT has a single positional parameter.
It is equivalent to:
(5) %DO_OVER(AAA,phrase=?pct=?/tot*100; format ?pct 4.1;)
xpct=x/tot*100; format xpct 4.1;
ypct=y/tot*100; format ypct 4.1;
zpct=z/tot*100; format zpct 4.1;
(6) %DO_OVER(aa bb cc,MACRO=doit,KEYWORD=borders columns)
is equivalent to %DO_OVER(aa,bb,cc,
Either example would generate the following internal do-loop:
%DO I=1 %to &AAN;
Because we are giving three macro array names, the macro DOIT
must have three parameters. Since there are only two keyword
parameters listed, the third parameter is assumed to be
positional. Positional parameters always preceed keyword
parameters in SAS macro definitions, so the first parameter
a positional parameter, which is given the values of first
macro array "aa". The second is keyword parameter "borders="
which is fed the values of the second array "bb". The third
is a keyword parameter "columns=" which is fed the values of
the third array "cc".
7/15/05 changed %str(&VAL) to %quote(&VAL).
4/1/06 added KEYWORD parameter
4/9/06 declared "_Intrnl" array variables local to remove problems
with nesting with VALUES=.
8/4/06 made lines 72 characters or less to be mainframe compatible
_Intrnl1 _Intrnl2 _Intrnl3 _Intrnl4 _Intrnl5
_Intrnl6 _Intrnl7 _Intrnl8 _Intrnl9 _Intrnl10
_Intrnl11 _Intrnl12 _Intrnl13 _Intrnl14 _Intrnl15
_Intrnl16 _Intrnl17 _Intrnl18 _Intrnl19 _Intrnl20
_Intrnl21 _Intrnl22 _Intrnl23 _Intrnl24 _Intrnl25
_Intrnl26 _Intrnl27 _Intrnl28 _Intrnl29 _Intrnl30
_Intrnl31 _Intrnl32 _Intrnl33 _Intrnl34 _Intrnl35
_Intrnl36 _Intrnl37 _Intrnl38 _Intrnl39 _Intrnl40
_Intrnl41 _Intrnl42 _Intrnl43 _Intrnl44 _Intrnl45
_Intrnl46 _Intrnl47 _Intrnl48 _Intrnl49 _Intrnl50
_Intrnl51 _Intrnl52 _Intrnl53 _Intrnl54 _Intrnl55
_Intrnl56 _Intrnl57 _Intrnl58 _Intrnl59 _Intrnl60
_Intrnl61 _Intrnl62 _Intrnl63 _Intrnl64 _Intrnl65
_Intrnl66 _Intrnl67 _Intrnl68 _Intrnl69 _Intrnl70
_Intrnl71 _Intrnl72 _Intrnl73 _Intrnl74 _Intrnl75
_Intrnl76 _Intrnl77 _Intrnl78 _Intrnl79 _Intrnl80
_Intrnl81 _Intrnl82 _Intrnl83 _Intrnl84 _Intrnl85
_Intrnl86 _Intrnl87 _Intrnl88 _Intrnl89 _Intrnl90
_Intrnl91 _Intrnl92 _Intrnl93 _Intrnl94 _Intrnl95
_Intrnl96 _Intrnl97 _Intrnl98 _Intrnl99 _Intrnl100
%let somethingtodo=Y;
%* Get macro array name(s) from either keyword or positional parameter;
%if %str(&arraypos) ne %then %let prefixes=&arraypos;
%else %if %str(&array) ne %then %let prefixes=&array;
%else %if %quote(&values) ne %then %let prefixes=_Intrnl;
%else %let Somethingtodo=N;
%if &somethingtodo=Y %then
%* Parse the macro array names;
%let PREFIXN=0;
%do MAnum = 1 %to 999;
%let prefix&MANUM=%scan(&prefixes,&MAnum,' ');
%if &&prefix&MAnum ne %then %let PREFIXN=&MAnum;
%else %goto out1;
%* Parse the keywords;
%let _KEYWRDN=0;
%do _KWRDI = 1 %to 999;
%let _KEYWRD&_KWRDI=%scan(&KEYWORD,&_KWRDI,' ');
%if &&_KEYWRD&_KWRDI ne %then %let _KEYWRDN=&_KWRDI;
%else %goto out2;
%* Load the VALUES into macro array 1 (only one is permitted);
%if %length(%str(&VALUES)) >0 %then %let VALUESGIVEN=1;
%else %let VALUESGIVEN=0;
%* Check for numbered list of form xxx-xxx and expand it
using NUMLIST macro.;
%IF (%INDEX(%STR(&VALUES),-) GT 0) and
(%SCAN(%str(&VALUES),2,-) NE ) and
(%SCAN(%str(&VALUES),3,-) EQ )
%do iter=1 %TO 9999;
%let val=%scan(%str(&VALUES),&iter,%str(&DELIM));
%if %quote(&VAL) ne %then
%let &PREFIX1.N=&ITER;
%else %goto out3;
%let ArrayNotFound=0;
%do j=1 %to &PREFIXN;
%*put prefix &j is &&prefix&j;
%LET did=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vmacro
(where=(name eq "%upcase(&&PREFIX&J..N)")) ));
%LET frc=%sysfunc(fetchobs(&did,1));
%LET crc=%sysfunc(close(&did));
%IF &FRC ne 0 %then
%PUT Macro Array with Prefix &&PREFIX&J does not exist;
%let ArrayNotFound=1;
%if &ArrayNotFound=0 %then %do;
%if %quote(%upcase(&BETWEEN))=COMMA %then %let BETWEEN=%str(,);
%if %length(%str(&MACRO)) ne 0 %then
%let TP = %nrstr(%&MACRO)(;
%do J=1 %to &PREFIXN;
%let currprefix=&&prefix&J;
%IF &J>1 %then %let TP=&TP%str(,);
%* Write out macro keywords followed by equals.
If fewer keywords than macro arrays, assume parameter
is positional and do not write keyword=;
%let kwrdindex=%eval(&_KEYWRDN-&PREFIXN+&J);
%LET TP=&TP%nrstr(&&)&currprefix%nrstr(&I);
%let TP=&TP); %* close parenthesis on external macro call;
%let TP=&PHRASE;
%let TP = %qsysfunc(tranwrd(&TP,&ESCAPE._I_,%nrstr(&I.)));
%let TP = %qsysfunc(tranwrd(&TP,&ESCAPE._i_,%nrstr(&I.)));
%do J=1 %to &PREFIXN;
%let currprefix=&&prefix&J;
%LET TP = %qsysfunc(tranwrd(&TP,&ESCAPE&currprefix,
%if &PREFIXN=1 %then %let TP = %qsysfunc(tranwrd(&TP,&ESCAPE,
%* resolve TP (the translated phrase) and perform the looping;
%do I=1 %to &&&prefix1.n;
%if &I>1 and %length(%str(&between))>0 %then &BETWEEN;
%MACRO NUMLIST(listwithdash);
72nd col -->|
Function: Generate the elements of a numbered list.
For example, AA1-AA3 generates AA1 AA2 AA3
No prefix is necessary -- 1-3 generates 1 2 3.
Author: Ted Clay, M.S.
Clay Software & Statistics (541) 482-6435
"Please keep, use and share this macro with this authorship note."
ListWithDash -- text string containing a dash.
The text before the dash, and the text after the dash,
usually begin with a the same character string, called the
stem. (The stem could be blank or null, as is the case of
number-dash-number.) After the common stem must be two
numbers. The first number must be less than the second
number. Leading zeroes on the numbers are preserved.
How it works: The listwithdash is parsed into _before and _after.
_before and _after are compared equal up to the length of the
"stem". What is after the "stem" is assigned to _From and _to,
which must convert to numerics. Finally, the macro generates
stem followed by all the numbers from _from through _to
%numlist(3-6) generates 3 4 5 6.
%numlist(1993-2004) generates 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004.
%numlist(var8-var12) generates var8 var9 var10 var11 var12.
%numlist(var08-var12) generates var08 var09 var10 var11 var12.
%local _before _after _length1 _length2 minlength samepos _pos
_from _to i;
%let _before = %scan(%quote(&listwithdash),1,-);
%let _after = %scan(%quote(&listwithdash),2,-);
%let _length1 = %length(%quote(&_before));
%let _length2 = %length(%quote(&_after));
%let minlength=&_length1;
%if &_length2 < &minlength %then %let minlength=&_length2;
%*put before is &_before;
%*put after is &_after;
%*put minlength is &minlength;
%* Stemlength should be just before the first number or the first
unequal character;
%let stemlength=0;
%let foundit=0;
%do _pos = 1 %to &minlength;
%LET CHAR1=%upcase(%substr(%quote(&_before),&_pos,1));
%LET CHAR2=%upcase(%substr(%quote(&_after ),&_pos,1));
%if %index(1234567890,%QUOTE(&CHAR1)) GE 1 %then %let ISANUMBER=Y;
%else %let isanumber=N;
%if &foundit=0 and
( &isanumber=Y OR %quote(&CHAR1) NE %QUOTE(&CHAR2) )
%then %do;
%let stemlength=%EVAL(&_pos-1);
%*put after assignment stemlength is &stemlength;
%let foundit=1;
%if &stemlength=0 %then %let stem=;
%else %let stem = %substr(&_before,1,&stemlength);
%let _from=%substr(&_before,%eval(&stemlength+1));
%let _to =%substr(&_after, %eval(&stemlength+1));
%IF %verify(&_FROM,1234567890)>0 or
%verify(&_TO ,1234567890)>0 %then
%PUT ERROR in NUMLIST macro: Alphabetic prefixes are different;
%else %if &_from <= &_to %then
%do _III_=&_from %to &_to;
%LET _XXX_=&_iii_;
%do _JJJ_=%length(&_iii_) %to %eval(%length(&_from)-1);
%let _XXX_=0&_XXX_;
%else %PUT ERROR in NUMLIST macro: From "&_from" not <= To "&_to";
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