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Created June 11, 2015 21:14
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Save JoshCheek/6a452bc4e39a9aea2088 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Snippet from lesson, where we came up with the migrations and models.
require 'active_record'
require 'logger'
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:'
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = $stdout
ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging = false
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
self.verbose = false
create_table :playlists do |t|
t.string :name
t.integer :currently_playing_id
create_table :playlist_song do |t|
t.integer :playlist_id
t.integer :song_id
create_table :songs do |t|
t.string :title
t.string :artist
t.string :soundcloud_url
class PlaylistSong < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = :playlist_song
belongs_to :song
belongs_to :playlist
class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :playlist_songs
has_many :songs, through: :playlist_songs
belongs_to :currently_playing, class_name: 'Song'
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :playlist_songs
has_many :playlists, through: :playlist_songs
our_love = autumn_leaves = nil
playlists = [
Playlist.create! do |pl| = 'Jazz'
our_love = title: "Our Love Is Here To Stay",
artist: "Ella Fitzgerald",
soundcloud_url: "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!"
autumn_leaves = title: "Autumn Leaves",
artist: "Chet Baker",
soundcloud_url: "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!"
pl.currently_playing = our_love
Playlist.create!(name: 'Rock'),
Playlist.create!(name: 'Nu Metal'),
# => [#<Playlist:0x007ffaf1a1cd88
# id: 1,
# name: "Jazz",
# currently_playing_id: 1>,
# #<Playlist:0x007ffaf3218900
# id: 2,
# name: "Rock",
# currently_playing_id: nil>,
# #<Playlist:0x007ffaf3222310
# id: 3,
# name: "Nu Metal",
# currently_playing_id: nil>]
# => [#<Song:0x007ffaf1d3b1e0
# id: 1,
# title: "Our Love Is Here To Stay",
# artist: "Ella Fitzgerald",
# soundcloud_url: "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!">,
# #<Song:0x007ffaf1d3b078
# id: 2,
# title: "Autumn Leaves",
# artist: "Chet Baker",
# soundcloud_url: "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!">]
# => [#<Playlist:0x007ffaf1d6b5c0
# id: 1,
# name: "Jazz",
# currently_playing_id: 1>]
# => [#<Playlist:0x007ffaf1d72758
# id: 1,
# name: "Jazz",
# currently_playing_id: 1>]
# => [[#<Song:0x007ffaf1d03ee8
# id: 1,
# title: "Our Love Is Here To Stay",
# artist: "Ella Fitzgerald",
# soundcloud_url: "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!">,
# #<Song:0x007ffaf3198110
# id: 2,
# title: "Autumn Leaves",
# artist: "Chet Baker",
# soundcloud_url: "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!">],
# [],
# []]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.576653 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "playlists" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "currently_playing_id" integer)
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.577017 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "playlist_song" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "playlist_id" integer, "song_id" integer)
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.577303 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.1ms) CREATE TABLE "songs" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar, "artist" varchar, "soundcloud_url" varchar)
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.646873 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.1ms) begin transaction
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.653816 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "songs" ("title", "artist", "soundcloud_url") VALUES (?, ?, ?) [["title", "Our Love Is Here To Stay"], ["artist", "Ella Fitzgerald"], ["soundcloud_url", "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!"]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.654926 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "playlists" ("name", "currently_playing_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["name", "Jazz"], ["currently_playing_id", 1]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.659181 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "playlist_song" ("playlist_id", "song_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["playlist_id", 1], ["song_id", 1]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.659886 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.0ms) INSERT INTO "songs" ("title", "artist", "soundcloud_url") VALUES (?, ?, ?) [["title", "Autumn Leaves"], ["artist", "Chet Baker"], ["soundcloud_url", "FILL ME IN WHEN WE GET HERE!"]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.661082 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.0ms) INSERT INTO "playlist_song" ("playlist_id", "song_id") VALUES (?, ?) [["playlist_id", 1], ["song_id", 2]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.661449 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.1ms) commit transaction
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.661836 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.1ms) begin transaction
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.662303 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "playlists" ("name") VALUES (?) [["name", "Rock"]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.662564 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.0ms) commit transaction
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.662768 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.0ms) begin transaction
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.663268 #73764] DEBUG -- : SQL (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "playlists" ("name") VALUES (?) [["name", "Nu Metal"]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.663537 #73764] DEBUG -- : (0.0ms) commit transaction
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.664806 #73764] DEBUG -- : Song Load (0.1ms) SELECT "songs".* FROM "songs"
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.674902 #73764] DEBUG -- : Playlist Load (0.2ms) SELECT "playlists".* FROM "playlists" INNER JOIN "playlist_song" ON "playlists"."id" = "playlist_song"."playlist_id" WHERE "playlist_song"."song_id" = ? [["song_id", 1]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.676128 #73764] DEBUG -- : Playlist Load (0.0ms) SELECT "playlists".* FROM "playlists" INNER JOIN "playlist_song" ON "playlists"."id" = "playlist_song"."playlist_id" WHERE "playlist_song"."song_id" = ? [["song_id", 2]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.677823 #73764] DEBUG -- : Song Load (0.1ms) SELECT "songs".* FROM "songs" INNER JOIN "playlist_song" ON "songs"."id" = "playlist_song"."song_id" WHERE "playlist_song"."playlist_id" = ? [["playlist_id", 1]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.679345 #73764] DEBUG -- : Song Load (0.0ms) SELECT "songs".* FROM "songs" INNER JOIN "playlist_song" ON "songs"."id" = "playlist_song"."song_id" WHERE "playlist_song"."playlist_id" = ? [["playlist_id", 2]]
# >> D, [2015-06-11T14:38:08.679979 #73764] DEBUG -- : Song Load (0.1ms) SELECT "songs".* FROM "songs" INNER JOIN "playlist_song" ON "songs"."id" = "playlist_song"."song_id" WHERE "playlist_song"."playlist_id" = ? [["playlist_id", 3]]
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