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An old blog I didn't post but want to be able to link to (the repo is private)
title: "Science: the big shebang"
date: 2015-02-21 12:17 UTC
author: Josh Cheek
layout: post

tl; dr

You basically can't do anything you want to do with a shebang. Args work like this: Given some-file, with the shebang #/some/program arg1, When you run some-file arg2, it will invoke /some/program, with an argv of ["/some/program", "arg1", "some-file", "arg2"]

What is a shebang?

A shebang is how an executable Ruby program on *nix tells the operating system how to wire it up. It is the first line in an executable file, beginning with #!/path/to/program.

Why do we use shebangs?

Back in the day, all programs were machine code that was directly executed by the computer. "Ones and Zeros", which is why programs on *nix systems are usually called "binaries" instead of "executables", and is why executables in gems are stuck in the "bin" directory.

This blog was composed with She Bangs on repeat. I'm channeling the octopus man at 0:15, y'all.

In interpreted languages, like Ruby and JavaScript, we don't compile to machine code, instead there is a program, like ruby or "node" which reads our code and performs actions based on that.

For example, you must write ruby file.rb, you can't just say ./file.rb, because you computer's hardware does not know how to execute Ruby code. That's what Shebangs are for, they tell the operating system how to run the file.

A simple example

Lets say you have a ruby interpreter at /usr/bin/ruby (eg if you're on OSX). You could then write this program:

puts "hello, world!"

We can run it like this:

$ chmod +x program # make it executable
$ ./program
# >> hello, world!

Shebangs can take args

We can pass arguments to the program. For example, we could turn on simple flag parsing the -s

$ cat ./program
# >> #!/usr/bin/ruby -s
# >> puts "she: #{$she.inspect}"

$ ./program -she=bangs
# >> she: "bangs"

Whitespace before the program name does not matter

$ cat program1 program2
# >> #!/usr/bin/ruby -v
# >> #!    /usr/bin/ruby -v

$ ./program1 && ./program2
# >> ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]
# >> ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]

Shebangs cannot rely on the PATH

So here's a stupid thing. Your shebang cannot use the $PATH.

$ cat program
# >> #! ruby
# >> puts "from program"

$ ./program
# >> bash: ./program: ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

But that's actually a problem, because almost all of use use version managers. So our Ruby won't be located at /usr/bin/ruby. For example, mine right now:

$ which ruby
# >> /Users/josh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin/ruby

So how do we find our Ruby based on the PATH, given that we must hard-code it into the file and it changes all the time, and will be in different places on every person's computer?

To deal with this, we have to use a program that is in the same location on everyone's computers, and can then turn around and find our Ruby based on the $PATH. That program is env, which is why basically every ruby binary you see will begin with #!/usr/bin/env ruby

$ cat program
# >> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# >> puts "This program executed with: #{RbConfig.ruby}"

$ ./program
# >> This program executed with: /Users/josh/.rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin/ruby

What's especially frustrating is that whatever method they use to dispatch shebangs, there are C functions that do the same thing, but are PATH aware e.g. man execv | col -b | ruby -ne 'print if /SYN/.../DESC/'

Shebangs can be relative

While the above useful feature is missing, it is compensated by the existence of a useless feature!

$ ln -s /usr/bin/ruby "$PWD"/mah_ruby

$ ls -l | grep ruby
# >> lrwxr-xr-x   1 josh  staff    13 Feb 21 06:35 mah_ruby -> /usr/bin/ruby

$ cat program
# >> #!./mah_ruby
# >> puts "This program executed with: #{RbConfig.ruby}"

$ ./program
# >> This program executed with: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby

Interestingly, my /usr/bin/ruby appears to be a link to some other Ruby, provided by OSX.

argv[0] is the path to the binary

This isn't a shebang thing, but is necessary to understand, for what we get into next. We can't see this from Ruby, because Ruby processes the command-line arguments before it evaluates our code. So we're going to go down to C to see this one.

$ cat show_those_args.c
# >> #include <stdio.h>
# >>
# >> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
# >>   for(int i=0; i<argc; i++)
# >>     printf("ARGV[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
# >> }

$ gcc ./show_those_args.c -o show_those_args

$ ./show_those_args a b c
# >> ARGV[0] = ./show_those_args
# >> ARGV[1] = a
# >> ARGV[2] = b
# >> ARGV[3] = c

The shebanged program must be binary

Apparently the program you specify in the shebang must be binary. This caught me really off-guard. To the point that I didn't actually believe it, and wrote the C program in the preceeding section so I could try this experiment:

$ cat program1
# >> #!./show_those_args

$ ./program1
# >> ARGV[0] = ./show_those_args
# >> ARGV[1] = ./program1

$ cat program2
# >> #!./program1

$ ./program2
# >> Failed to execute process './program2'. Reason:
# >> exec: Exec format error
# >> The file './program2' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.

...unless you're in bash

So that error you saw above is what you see if you're in the shell I use, fish (I translate command-line examples to bash since that's what most people expect). If you're in bash, and this is brilliant, it doesn't tell you that it couldn't execute the program, it just executes it with bash instead. So, of course, if you wrote ruby in there, you would get bash errors, hope you had your coffee, b/c you're going to get errors like line 2: puts: command not found.

Which bash does it use? How about whatever you used to start bash, regardless of how absurd that would be.

$ cat program2
# >> #!./program1
# >> ps | grep $$ | grep -v grep # if there's a better way to do this, pls tell me

$ bash -c ./program2
# >> 43851 ttys009    0:00.00 bash -c ./program2

$ echo ./program2 | bash -l
# >> 43885 ttys009    0:00.00 bash -l

# At some point, skepticism dictates we verify it's not like sourcing it or something
$ bash -c 'echo parent pid: $$ && ./program2'
# >> parent pid: 43861
# >> 43862 ttys009    0:00.00 bash -c echo parent pid: $$ && ./program2

# Okay, but come on, that's **TOO** ridiculous
# It's got to be lying, it would wind up recursively invoking itself if that was true
# lets put it into a situation where it will blow up if it uses those args
# verify the -r (restricted) option will blow up if we change the PATH
$ bash -r -c 'PATH=zomg'
# >> bash: PATH: readonly variable

# Can program2 modify the path?
$ echo -n PATH=zomg\n'echo $PATH' >> program2

# Yes, it can! ...wait, what does that mean?!
$ PATH="$PWD:$PATH" bash -r -c program2 && echo $?
# >> 44782 ttys002    0:00.00 bash -r -c program2
# >> zomg
# >> 0

So.... idk wtf Bash is doing, but enough bash bashing, we were shebanging our heads against the wall.

The shebang program receives the filename after its args

So if we have a shebang that calls a program and passes some arg, does the filename come before or after the arg? After.

$ cat ./program
# >> #!./show_those_args SHEBANG-ARG

$ ./program
# >> ARGV[0] = ./show_those_args
# >> ARGV[2] = ./program

Command line args come last

And what if we then pass some commandline args? They come last.

$ cat ./program
# >> #!./show_those_args SHEBANG-ARG

# >> ARGV[0] = ./show_those_args
# >> ARGV[2] = ./program

Hmmmmm.... That means that the program we invoke (in this case, show_those_args) can't know the meaning of any of its args. Is that a problem?

You can't make a "forward" program

So lets say we have an alias be="bundle exec" and we want to make that into a program so we can run it from our editor and don't have to rewrite it for every shell. Currently, we'd have to do something like this

bundle exec "$@"

But that's dumb, we're just using sh to call bundle, why do we need this extra program sitting in the middle? What if we tried this:

#! bundle exec

Won't work, because, as shown above, we can't use relative paths. So we'd have to do.

#!/usr/bin/env bundle exec

But that won't work either, because it still goes through an intermediate program, and if we typed be rake, we would hit the problem of the filename being stuck in the middle.

# `be rake` would go to `env` as
["/usr/bin/env", "bundle", "exec", "path/to/be", "rake"]

# but it should be
["/usr/bin/env", "bundle", "exec", "rake"]

We might then try to write our own program whose job is to do forwarding of this nature, but we would be stuck! We need to remove path/to/be from argv, but

  1. We don't know which arg needs to be removed, because they're not separated
  2. We still have to go through an intermediate program
  3. We would have to know where the forwarding program is on the filesystem, or fallback to env again

We can't analyze the args to find out which one to remove, because the target program might also be a forwarding program, thus it may or may not be the first filename whose first line is the shebang to argv[0]. And we might pass another file with this property from the invocation, so it may or may not be the last arg. Thus we can only know what is correct by knowing how the arg is processed by the program.

So to make it work, we would have to pass an extra arg to tell it where the filename is (an index) At which point, even the convenience of such a program would be diminished, removing all the reasons we want to do this.

Quoting is not a thing

So spaces delimit tokens in most languages, and especially text oriented languages like shells. The way we get around this is with "quoting", which just says "hey, that space isn't a delimiter, it actually is a space".

$ ruby -e 'ARGV.each { |a| p a }'  a b  'c d'  "e f"  g\ h
# >> "a"
# >> "b"
# >> "c d"
# >> "e f"
# >> "g h"

$ cat program
#!/usr/bin/ruby -e ARGV.each{|a|p(a)}  a b  'c d'  "e f"  g\ h

$ ./program

Notice the arg to -e has to omit all spaces, and is atypically not wrapped in quotes, beacuse they would be seen as literal quotes.

Environment variables are not a thing

Shells will allow you to access environment variables with $var syntax. But yeah, shebangs don't know nothin about that.

$ ruby -e 'p(ARGV)' $HOME
# >> ["/Users/josh"]

$ cat program
# >> #!/usr/bin/ruby -e p(ARGV) $HOME

$ ./program
# >> ["$HOME", "./program"]

There is no way to specify the home directory

Say I had a ruby at "/Users/josh/bin/home_ruby". But I'm on several different systems, and my username isn't always josh, and home directories aren't always stored in "/Users". So even if you set up your environment the same within your home dir, you can't put that into a shebang.

$ ln -s /usr/bin/ruby "$HOME/bin/home_ruby"
$ ~/bin/home_ruby -v
# >> ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]

$ cat program
# >> #! ~/bin/home_ruby -v

$ ./program
# >> Failed to execute process './program'. Reason:
# >> The file './program' does not exist or could not be executed.

And, since env vars and quotes don't work, we can't do this one for multiple reasons:

#! "$HOME"/bin/ruby

Demand the impossible

Here is what I want to be different about shebangs:

  • They should understand the PATH.
  • They should understand quoting
  • They should understand environment variables.
  • It would be better to put the filename first so it was in a known location.
  • But really, I should be able to specify where it goes, or even omit it if appropriate for my use case.

Waxing quixotic

With infrastructural things like this, I should be able to hook in and modify them. e.g. this would all be fine if I had the ability to register a function to do the shebang processing. Then I could register it in my shell's configuration file, or add it to each executable's metadata, and address all the issues we discovered in this exploration.

This is sort of a general truth that I wish were more widely considered. I should be able to make shebangs work this way. I should be able to write my own JavaScript function for Slack which receives the channel and mention and returns whether or not to notify me. I should be able to write some JavaScript or C or Java to decide how my browser's URL bar deals with autosuggestions and tab completion. I should be able to theme my terminal with a stylesheet based on the semantics of the output.

If developers spent less effort on making a thing better, and more effort on making it so its users could make it better, then they wouldn't be the bottleneck. We would be more inspired by the possibilities and less acclimated to changing our behaviour around the quirks and failures of our tools to address our helplessness.

This is why emacs is great, it's why people are interested in Breach, it's the power of lisps and Ruby.

Unshroud your data structures, provide me hooks into your processes and state transitions. I want a better world.

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