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Last active April 6, 2018 17:28
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Memory allocation, NULL, dereferencing.
// After you think you understand this program, try writing it yourself until
// you can get it to work, the first time, without error ^_^
// ALSO: remember:
// $ gcc program.c # compile
// $ ./a.out # run
// We'll get `printf` from standard input/output's header file
#include <stdio.h>
// We'll get `malloc` and `free` from the standard library's header file.
#include <stdlib.h>
// We're telling C that we're going to use memory that has a certain structure,
// which we'll call "struct s". The "struct s" has an integer named "var1",
// and after that, it has a pointer to another "struct s", named var2. Remember
// that a "pointer" is simply a number whose value is an address in memory.
struct s {
int var1;
struct s* var2;
// Because it's annoying to say "struct s" everywhere, we're going to tell the
// C compiler to define a new type, which is an alias for "struct s", and is
// named "S". Whitespace added to make it easier for humans to read.
typedef struct s S;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Here, we will use `malloc`, short for "memory allocate". This will set aside
// some heap memory for us to use. In this case, we could have used memory on
// the stack, and it would have been just as good, but when we want to have
// more than one function, we'll need memory that lasts beyond the stack.
// The C compiler knows how big S is, because it knows how big an int and a pointer are.
// As such, we can say `sizeof(S)`, which the compiler will see, and replace with
// the actual size of S. Thus, we will allocate enough memory to hold three S's,
// named `first`, `second`, and `third`.
// `malloc` returns the address of the first byte of memory that it set aside
// for us. But what kind of memory is that? C isn't smart enough to realize
// that our `sizeof(S)` means that the memory we allocated is an `S`. So, the
// address that it returns to us could really be anything. But *we* know that
// it's the first address of a chunk of memory that will hold an S. So, after
// allocating our memory, we then "typecast" it with `(S*)`. This tells C that
// the address returned from `malloc` should be treated as a pointer to an S.
// There are two values to this book keeping:
// 1. It needs to know the memory layout of everything we do, this allows it
// to do things like refer to specific offsets of memory by name, rather
// than requiring us to calculate the offset ourselves.
// 2. It will catch certain errors that we might make ("type errors", we have
// these in Ruby, too)
S* first = (S*) malloc(sizeof(S));
S* second = (S*) malloc(sizeof(S));
S* third = (S*) malloc(sizeof(S));
// Now, lets set our integers. We have a pointer to an S, which means that
// we need to go to the location that was allocated, and set the memory there
// to equal our number. To go to the location that a pointer is storing, we
// use the asterisk, similarly to how we defined them. This is called
// "dereferencing" (take a moment to think about why). To refer to one of the
// things in S (sry, not sure the right noun here, maybe "attributes"?), we
// can use a dot (period), and then refer to it by name. This works because
// C knows that `first` is an `S*`, so if we dereference an `S*`, then we get
// an `S`, and an `S` is a `struct s`, which has an `int` named `var1` at
// offset 0 (the same location the pointer is pointing at), and a `struct s`
// pointer named `var2`, at one integer's memory further in.
(*first).var1 = 111;
(*second).var1 = 222;
(*third).var1 = 333;
// Now, lets link our structs together. Because `var2` is a `struct s*`, we
// can assign it an `S*`. However, we only have three, so for the third one,
// we have nothing to link it to. For that situation, we will set its pointer
// to "NULL". You can think about `NULL` like you think about `nil` in Ruby,
// However, in C, `NULL` is really just the number zero, but with the type
// information that it's a pointer. C wouldn't like it if we assigned an int
// to a `struct s*`, so even though `NULL` and `0` have the same values,
// this allows us to do it in a way that the compiler can understand.
(*first).var2 = second;
(*second).var2 = third;
(*third).var2 = NULL;
// Now, lets iterate over our three S's and print out their integers!
// We'll make a new `S*` to hold the one we're iterating over. We can pass
// it as the condition to a while loop, because we will finish when we hit
// third's var2, which is NULL. Remember that `NULL` is zero, so when cursor
// hits it, its value will be zero (64 bits worth of zeros, on my 64 bit machine).
// C is so low-level that it doesn't even have proper booleans! It just
// considers "false" to be zero, and anything which isn't zero to be true.
// As a consequence, `NULL` will behave like `false` in a conditional.
S* cursor = first;
while(cursor) {
printf("number: %d\n", (*cursor).var1);
cursor = (*cursor).var2;
// Our program is about to end, so there's technically no harm in omitting this,
// but lets not be sloppy! We set aside some memory for our `S` pointers, and
// now we want to say we're done with it. This will make that memory available
// again, for future calls to `malloc`. If we don't do this, then that memory
// is still set aside for us, even though we're done using it. If we weren't
// exiting our program immediately after, this would result in a situation known
// as a "memory leak". Basiclly, the program will get bigger and bigger, because
// unused memory is not being made available again, so `malloc` will have to
// keep asking the operating system to set aside more memory for it to use.
// In languages like Ruby, you don't have to do this, because there is a bit
// of code called a "garbage collector", which keeps track of all the pointers,
// and periodically inspects them to see which memory is no longer being pointed
// at. Then it frees that memory on its own, without you needing to worry about it.
return 0;
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