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Last active April 14, 2021 01:46
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Writable views to make denormalization less annoying
require 'active_record'
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:'
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.execute_batch <<~SQL
create table makes(id integer not null primary key, make text);
create table models(id integer not null primary key, model model);
create table normalized_cars(id integer not null primary key, make_id int, model_id int);
create view cars as
select, makes.make, models.model
from normalized_cars c
left join makes on = c.make_id
left join models on = c.model_id;
create trigger change_car_make
instead of update of make on cars begin
update normalized_cars set make_id = (select id from makes where make = NEW.make)
where id =;
create trigger changed_car_model
instead of update of model on cars begin
update normalized_cars set model_id = (select id from models where model = NEW.model)
where id =;
create trigger insert_cars
instead of insert on cars begin
insert into normalized_cars (make_id, model_id) values (
(select id from makes where make = NEW.make),
(select id from models where model = NEW.model)
insert into makes (make) values ('toyota'), ('ford');
insert into models (model) values ('corolla'), ('prius'), ('fusion'), ('mustang');
insert into cars (make, model) values ('toyota', 'corolla'), ('ford', 'fusion');
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
self.primary_key = :id # b/c views don't have primary keys
# => [#<Car:0x00000001584840f0 id: 1, make: "toyota", model: "corolla">,
# #<Car:0x00000001584259d8 id: 2, make: "ford", model: "fusion">]
car = Car.first # => #<Car id: 1, make: "toyota", model: "corolla">
car.update! make: 'ford', model: 'mustang'
car # => #<Car id: 1, make: "ford", model: "mustang">
.reload # => #<Car id: 1, make: "ford", model: "mustang">
# => [#<Car:0x00000001583ce778 id: 1, make: "ford", model: "mustang">,
# #<Car:0x00000001583ce6b0 id: 2, make: "ford", model: "fusion">]
Car.create! make: 'toyota', model: 'prius'
# => [#<Car:0x0000000158394348 id: 1, make: "ford", model: "mustang">,
# #<Car:0x000000015838f708 id: 2, make: "ford", model: "fusion">,
# #<Car:0x000000015838f5c8 id: 3, make: "toyota", model: "prius">]
# Actual data in the table:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.execute 'select * from normalized_cars'
# => [{"id"=>1, "make_id"=>2, "model_id"=>4},
# {"id"=>2, "make_id"=>2, "model_id"=>3},
# {"id"=>3, "make_id"=>1, "model_id"=>2}]
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