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Created April 6, 2017 23:47
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  • Save KSAMissionCtrl/2fd266b460390db11506013b0f644f52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KSAMissionCtrl/2fd266b460390db11506013b0f644f52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Set trim via joystick buttongs using Advanced Fly-By Wire mod
// unfortunately this doesn't work great. Trim setting is not shown by moving the flight tabs
// furthermore while AFBW obeys trim when set with keys, setting with kOS causes a re-center of control during input
set pitchTrim to 0.
set yawTrim to 0.
set ship:control:pitchtrim to pitchTrim.
set ship:control:yawtrim to yawTrim.
until false {
on AG3 {
set pitchTrim to pitchTrim + 0.01.
if pitchTrim > 1 { set pitchTrim to 1. }
set ship:control:pitchtrim to pitchTrim.
on AG4 {
set pitchTrim to pitchTrim - 0.01.
if pitchTrim < -1 { set pitchTrim to -1. }
set ship:control:pitchtrim to pitchTrim.
on AG5 {
set yawTrim to yawTrim + 0.01.
if yawTrim > 1 { set yawTrim to 1. }
set ship:control:yawtrim to yawTrim.
on AG6 {
set yawTrim to yawTrim - 0.01.
if yawTrim < -1 { set yawTrim to -1. }
set ship:control:yawtrim to yawTrim.
on AG7 {
set pitchTrim to 0.
set yawTrim to 0.
set ship:control:pitchtrim to pitchTrim.
set ship:control:yawtrim to yawTrim.
print "Pitch Trim: " + pitchTrim.
print "Yaw Trim: " + yawTrim.
wait 1.
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