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Created May 23, 2018 18:01
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// functions are in the order of flight operations
function terminalCount {
// until launch, ensure that EC levels are not falling faster than they should be
set currEC to EClvl.
if currEC - EClvl >= maxECdrain {
setAbort(true, "EC drain is excessive at " + round(currEC - EClvl, 3) + "ec/s").
// set up for ignition at T-6 seconds
when time:seconds >= launchTime - 6 then {
set operations["ignition"] to ignition@.
function ignition {
// ensure we have clearance to proceed with ignition
if not abort {
// ignite the engine at 10% thrust to ensure good chamber pressures
lock throttle to 0.1.
engine:doevent("activate engine").
// pause a sec to allow ignition
set waitTime to floor(time:seconds).
when time:seconds - waitTime >= 1 then {
// check chamber pressures over the next two seconds if ignition was successful
if engineStatus = "Nominal" set operations["throttleUp"] to throttleUp@.
else setAbort(true, "Engine ignition failure. Status: " + engineStatus).
function throttleUp {
// ensure all is still well before throttling up to launch power
if not abort and time:seconds >= launchTime - 3 {
// throttle up to and maintain a TWR of 1.2
output("Go for launch thrust").
lock throttle to 1.2 * ship:mass * (surfaceGravity/((((ship:orbit:body:radius + ship:altitude)/1000)/(ship:orbit:body:radius/1000))^2)) / getAvailableThrust().
// move on to launch
when time:seconds >= launchTime then set operations["launch"] to launch@.
function launch {
// last check for green light as this function was called after a 3s period
if not abort {
// ensure we are in fact at a 1.2 TWR - take into account the weight of the engine clamp
set weight to ((ship:mass - 0.1) * (surfaceGravity/((((ship:orbit:body:radius + ship:altitude)/1000)/(ship:orbit:body:radius/1000))^2))).
if engineThrust / weight >= 1.2 {
// disengage engine clamp
// setup some triggers, nested so only a few are running at any given time
when ship:orbit:periapsis > 0 then output("Perikee positive").
when ship:orbit:apoapsis > 70000 then {
output("We are going to space!").
when ship:altitude >= 70000 then {
output("Space reached!").
unlock steering.
// handle certain things regardless of what flight state we are in
set operations["ongoingOps"] to ongoingOps@.
// wait until we've cleared the service towers (which stand 8.1m tall)
// this is so the pad and engine clamp are not damaged by engine exhaust
set launchHeight to alt:radar.
when alt:radar >= launchHeight + 8.1 then {
// enable guidance
lock steering to heading(hdgHold,pitch).
set waitTime to floor(time:seconds).
// throttle up to full and head for max Q
lock throttle to currThrottle.
set operations["ascentToMaxQ"] to ascentToMaxQ@.
set phase to "Tower Cleared".
output("Tower cleared, flight guidance enabled & throttle to full").
// takeoff thrust failed to set
} else {
setAbort(true, "Engine TWR not set for launch commit. Only at " + (engineThrust / weight)).
engine:doevent("shutdown engine").
function ascentToMaxQ {
// keep track of the current dynamic pressure to know when it peaks
if ship:Q > maxQ set maxQ to ship:Q.
// do some events once per second instead of once per tick
if time:seconds - waitTime > 1 {
set waitTime to floor(time:seconds).
// do a slight pitch over to keep control surfaces within aerodynamic limits
// do not exceed 45 degrees of pitch and angle greater than 5 degrees off the velocity vector
if pitch > 45 and vang(ship:srfprograde:vector, ship:facing:forevector) < 5 {
set pitch to pitch - 0.25.
if pitch < 45 set pitch to 45.
// if we've passed through dangerous pressure levels, throttle back continuously
// do not throttle back past 10% cutoff
if ship:Q * constant:ATMtokPa > MaxQLimit and currThrottle > 0.1 {
output("High dynamic pressure detected - throttle back in progress").
set currThrottle to currThrottle - 0.05.
if currThrottle < 0.1 set currThrottle to 0.1.
// we've reached max Q
if maxQ > ship:Q {
output("MaxQ: " + round(ship:Q * constant:ATMtokPa, 3) + "kPa").
// reset the throttle to max in case we throttled back due to overpressure
set currThrottle to 1.
// if our TWR ever exceeds 2.5 during ascent, hold there
lock weight to (ship:mass * (surfaceGravity/((((ship:orbit:body:radius + ship:altitude)/1000)/(ship:orbit:body:radius/1000))^2))).
when engineThrust / weight >= 2.5 then {
output("Throttle locked to TWR of 2.5").
lock throttle to 2.5 * ship:mass * (surfaceGravity/((((ship:orbit:body:radius + ship:altitude)/1000)/(ship:orbit:body:radius/1000))^2)) / getAvailableThrust().
set phase to "Max Q".
set operations["ascentToMeco"] to ascentToMeco@.
function ascentToMeco {
// do some events once per second instead of once per tick
if time:seconds - waitTime > 1 {
set waitTime to floor(time:seconds).
// now that we are past max Q, do a more aggressive pitch change
// do not pitch over more than 0 degrees and angle greater than 10 degrees off the velocity vector
if pitch > 0 and vang(ship:srfprograde:vector, ship:facing:forevector) < 10 {
set pitch to pitch - 0.75.
if pitch < 0 set pitch to 0.
// let's not go much higher than 100km
if ship:orbit:apoapsis > 100000 {
output("Ap exceeds 100km, switching to hold").
// if we haven't flattened out yet, then do so and wait for it otherwise jump straight to Ap hold
if pitch < 1 {
set operations["ascentToMecoApHold"] to ascentToMecoApHold@.
} else {
set pitch to 0.
when pitch_for(ship) < 1 then {
set operations["ascentToMecoApHold"] to ascentToMecoApHold@.
// cut off the engine with Pe still in the atmosphere so the rocket eventually returns
// align to prograde vector to reduce whatever drag remains during climb out of atmosphere
if ship:orbit:periapsis > 50000 meco("ascentToMeco").
// did we run out of fuel before attaining orbit?
if engineStatus = "Flame-Out!" meco("ascentToMecoApHold", "Flameout").
function ascentToMecoApHold {
// keep adjusting the pitch as needed to stay close to 100km Ap
if vang(ship:srfprograde:vector, ship:facing:forevector) < 10 {
if ship:orbit:apoapsis > 100000 set pitch to pitch - 0.1.
if ship:orbit:apoapsis < 100000 set pitch to pitch + 0.1.
// cut off the engine with Pe still in the atmosphere so the rocket eventually returns
// align to prograde vector to reduce whatever drag remains during climb out of atmosphere
if ship:orbit:periapsis > 50000 meco("ascentToMecoApHold", "MECO").
// did we run out of fuel before attaining orbit?
if engineStatus = "Flame-Out!" meco("ascentToMecoApHold", "Flameout").
function meco {
parameter func, situation.
output(situation + " with periapsis of " + round(ship:orbit:periapsis/1000, 3) + "km").
lock steering to ship:srfprograde:vector.
set operations["toAp"] to toAp@.
set phase to "Orbit " + obtNum.
// terminal count begins 2min prior to launch
when time:seconds >= launchTime - 120 then {
output("Terminal count begun, monitoring EC levels").
set operations["terminalCount"] to terminalCount@.
// retract the service towers
for tower in serviceTower { tower:doevent("release clamp"). }
output("Launch/Ascent ops ready, awaiting terminal count").
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