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Created May 8, 2017 18:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import paramiko
import sys
# LSHW parsing
def ls_parse_branch(lines, depth=1):
data = {}
while len(lines):
line = lines.pop(0)
if line[depth:].startswith(' ') and ':' in line:
index = line.index(':')
key = line[depth+3:index]
value = line[index+2:]
data[key] = value
elif line[depth:].startswith(' *-'):
key = line[depth+3:]
# Check if key has a status
status = None
if ' ' in key:
key, status = key.split(' ')
# Check if key is a list member
index = None
if ':' in key:
key, index = key.split(':')
index = int(index)
lines, sub_branch = ls_parse_branch(lines, depth+3)
if status is not None:
sub_branch['status'] = status
if index is not None:
if key not in data:
data[key] = []
data[key].insert(index, sub_branch)
data[key] = sub_branch
return [line] + lines, data
return [], data
def lshw_parse(lines):
# If string given, split into list of lines
if isinstance(lines, str):
lines = lines.splitlines()
# First line is hostname
hostname = lines.pop(0).strip()
# Parse remaining lines
data = ls_parse_branch(lines)[1]
data['hostname'] = hostname
return data
# LSPCI parsing
def lspci_tree(lines):
data = {}
parameters = ['LnkCap', 'LnkSta', 'Kernel modules']
while len(lines):
line = lines.pop(0)
if not line.startswith('\t'):
return [line] + lines, data
for parameter in parameters:
if line.startswith('\t\t{}:'.format(parameter)):
data[parameter] = line[len(parameter)+3:]
elif line.startswith('\t{}:'.format(parameter)):
data[parameter] = line[len(parameter)+2:]
return lines, data
def lspci_device(lines):
line = lines.pop(0)
bus_separator = line.index(' ')
desc_seperator = bus_separator + line[bus_separator:].index(':')
bus = line[:bus_separator]
lines, data = lspci_tree(lines)
data['Type'] = line[bus_separator+1:desc_seperator]
data['Description'] = line[desc_seperator+2:]
return lines, bus, data
def lspci_parse(lines):
devices = {}
# Ensure lines is a list of non-empty strings
if isinstance(lines, str):
lines = [x for x in lines.splitlines() if x.strip()]
lines = [x for x in lines if x.strip()]
while len(lines):
lines, bus, data = lspci_device(lines)
if not data['Description'].startswith('IBM Device 0'):
devices[bus] = data
return devices
class G2_SSH(object):
''' SSH-based interface to OpenBMC system '''
def __init__(self, address, username='root', password='0penBmc',
self.address = address
self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
self.ssh.connect(address, timeout=sshtimeout)
def command(self, command):
''' Runs a shell command, returns (stdin, stdout, stderr) handles '''
return self.ssh.exec_command(command)
def call(self, command):
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.command(command)
def host_state(self):
''' Returns current state of host '''
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.command('/usr/sbin/obmcutil state')
return' = ')[-1]
def uptime(self):
''' Returns BMC uptime '''
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.command('uptime')
def meminfo(self):
''' Get BMC memoey information '''
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.command('cat /proc/meminfo')
info = {}
for line in stdout.readlines():
key, value = line.split(':')
info[key] = value.strip()
return info
def lshw(self):
stdout, stderr ='lshw')
return lshw_parse(stdout)
def lspci(self):
stdout, stderr ='lspci -vvv')
return lspci_parse(stdout)
target = sys.argv[1]
print 'Usage: {} <target host>'.format(sys.argv[0])
print "Connecting to {}...".format(target)
boxen = G2_SSH(target)
print 'Getting info from lshw...'
hw = boxen.lshw()
print 'Getting info from lspci...'
pci = boxen.lspci()
print '\nProc Info:'
core_counts = {}
cores_total = 0
for core in hw['core']['cpu']:
if 'slot' in core:
slot = core['slot'][-1]
if slot not in core_counts:
core_counts[slot] = 0
core_counts[slot] += 1
cores_total += 1
for socket in sorted(core_counts.keys()):
print ' Cores in socket {}: {}'.format(socket, core_counts[socket])
print ' {} Cores total'.format(cores_total)
print '\nMemory Info:'
if 'bank' in hw['core']['memory']:
print ' {} RAM from {} DIMMs'.format(hw['core']['memory']['size'],
print ' {} RAM total'.format(hw['core']['memory'])
print '\nPCI Devices:'
for bus in pci:
device = pci[bus]
print ' {} - {}'.format(device['Type'], device['Description'])
print ' PCI Bus: {}'.format(bus)
if 'LnkCap' in device:
cap = ', '.join([x.strip() for x in device['LnkCap'].split(',')[1:3]])
print ' Link Capability: {}'.format(cap)
if 'LnkSta' in device:
sta = ', '.join([x.strip() for x in device['LnkSta'].split(',')[0:2]])
print ' Link Status: {}'.format(sta)
if 'Kernel modules' in device:
print ' Kernel Modules: {}'.format(device['Kernel modules'])
print ''
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