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Kevin Marquette KevinMarquette

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Credit: Mark Kraus

Collection Type Guidence

When to use what

  • Use Arrays if you know the element types and have a fixed length and/or known-up-front collection size that will not change.
  • Use ArrayList if you have an unkown collection size with either unknown or mixed type elements.
  • Use a Generic List when know the type of the elements but not the size of the collection.
  • Use a HashTable if you are going to do key based lookups on a collection and don't know the object type of the elements.
  • Use a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> you are going to do key based lookups on a collection and you know the type of the elements.
  • Use a HashSet when you know the type of elements and just want unique values and quick lookups and assignmnets.
Tiberriver256 / PowerShellNTFSStaticFileServer.ps1
Last active July 29, 2024 12:16
This script starts a small web server listening on localhost:8080 that will impersonate the authenticated user and serve static content. This means if they do not have NTFS permissions to the file they will get an access denied or a 404 file not found if they do not have NTFS access to list contents of the directory.
function Get-DirectoryContent {
Function to get directory content
Get-DirectoryContent -Path "C:\" -HeaderName "" -RequestURL "" -SubfolderName "/"
sayedihashimi / transform-xml.ps1
Last active January 17, 2024 20:02
Script which can be used to transform an XML file using XDT. All you need to do is download the script and call it. The script will download the files it needs to run.
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
You can use this script to easly transform any XML file using XDT.
To use this script you can just save it locally and execute it. The script
will download its dependencies automatically.
Created by sayediHashimi
Modified by obscurerichard
Thanks Stack Overflow:
fogleman /
Last active October 28, 2024 17:47
Mnemonic Encoding Word List

Mnemonic Encoding Word List

  • The wordlist contains 1626 words.
  • All words are between 4 and 7 letters long.
  • No word in the list is a prefix of another word (e.g. visit, visitor).
  • Five letter prefixes of words are sufficient to be unique.
  • The words should be usable by people all over the world. The list is far from perfect in that respect. It is heavily biased towards western culture and English in particular. The international vocabulary is simply not big enough. One can argue that even words like "hotel" or "radio" are not truly international. You will find many English words in the list but I have tried to limit them to words that are part of a beginner's vocabulary or words that have close relatives in other european languages. In some cases a word has a different meaning in another language or is pronounced very differently but for the purpose of the encoding it is still ok - I assume that when the encoding is
altrive /
Last active August 3, 2023 02:28
Test code of PowerShell v4 Dynamic Keyword

Define DynamicKeyword

Define DynamicKeyword 'ExecTest'

Note: Don't copy&paste from following code. PowerShell SyntaxHighlighter remove some lines. Instead, use RAW view.

#Requires -Version 4.0
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest