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Kishi Kishimoto96

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Discussion about Cron and Websockets:

  1. What is a cron job?
  2. Is it possible to specify a time zone when scheduling a task with cron?
  3. What happens if a cron job takes longer than expected to complete its execution? Will another instance start running while the first one is still executing?
  4. Can you explain how to set up a new cron job to run multiple times a day?
  5. Can you provide an example of scheduling a CRON job using Node.js?
  6. What is a websocket?
  7. What is the advantage of using WebSockets over traditional HTTP requests?
  8. What is Socket.IO?
  9. What do we mean by websocket handshake?

Typescript discussion

Write your answers in the comment section below:

  1. What are the primitive types in TypeScript?
  2. Explain how the arrays work in TypeScript.
  3. What is any type, and should we use it?
  4. How does enums work and how are they usefull?
  5. What is optional chaining and how does it work?
  6. "Javascript is dynamically typed" what does that mean? and how does Typescript affect that?

Product Selection:

Each student should select a product for testing. It can be any physical or digital product of their choice. Examples include mobile apps, websites, electronic gadgets, household appliances, or even a toy. Choose something that interests you and that you have access to for conducting tests effectively.

Test Objectives:

Define the objectives of your testing. Consider what aspects of the product you want to evaluate and what specific functionalities you want to test. Think about potential scenarios and edge cases that could arise during the product's usage.

Test Planning:

Before writing tests, create a test plan. Outline the different types of tests you will conduct, such as functional, usability, performance, security, or compatibility tests. Define the testing environment and tools you will need to execute your tests effectively.

Test Scenarios:

Identify a range of test scenarios to cover various aspects of the product. Consider both normal and abnormal situations that a user

Kishimoto96 /
Created May 11, 2023 12:54 — forked from halitbatur/
cookies vs jwt for auth

Using session Cookie VS. JWT for Authentications

write your answers in the comments below:

  • Can you explain the steps that take place when a user signs in to a website?

  • Where are each of session/cookie and JWT data stored?

  • Which technology is stateful and which is stateless and what is the different between both?

Discussion questions about middlewares

  1. what purposes do middlewares serve in software development?
  2. What role do middlewares play in implementing security measures in software systems?
  3. What is middleware in the context of Express.js, and how does it enable developers to add functionality to web applications?
  4. What are some popular middleware libraries we use one developing in Express.js?
  5. What are the different types of middlewares express.JS can use? check Express.Js documentation.

Discussion Questions about MVC architecture:

  1. What is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, and how does it work in software development?
  2. What is Model component in MVC?
  3. How does the View component work in MVC, and what are some common examples of Views in web development?
  4. What is the Controller component in MVC, and how does it interact with the Model and View components?
  5. What are some common challenges of using MVC in software development?
Kishimoto96 /
Created May 2, 2023 16:12 — forked from halitbatur/
Apps list for data modeling

List of Apps

  • Twitch
  • Instagram
  • Airbnb
  • Getir
  • Twitter
  • Any Banking app (Most of them have similar data models)
  • Netflix
  • Github
  • Splitwise

Discussion about SQL and NoSQL:

  1. What is NoSQL?
  2. What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases, and when should you use one over the other?
  3. How do the data structures of SQL and NoSQL databases differ?
  4. What is MongoDB? and why we call it a document-oriented database?
  5. What are the most important MongoDB commands? explain two of them.

Discussion about SQL:

  1. What is SQL, and what are some of its primary functions?
  2. SQL is a declarative query language, what does that mean?
  3. SQL is the industry standart for relational databases, what does a realtional database mean?
  4. What is a database management system? and which ones are the most popular?
  5. What are some of the most common SQL commands, and how are they used to manipulate data?

Documentation and Swagger

  1. What are the key elements of an effective software documentation?
  2. How can software documentation be integrated into the software development lifecycle to ensure that it remains up-to-date and useful over time?
  3. How can automated tools and technologies be used to streamline the process of creating and managing software documentation?
  4. What is Swagger, and how does it help developers design, document, and test APIs?
  5. What security features does Swagger provide to help developers design and document secure APIs?