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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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About Sass and Gzip

I am a little familiar with the idea behind Gzip, thanks to this great video from Frédéric Kayser (in French), however there is a something I am still not sure about.

Basically, a string gets more and more compressed every time it is being repeated. And unless I'm wrong, the longer the string, the better.

Let's talk about Sass for a second. Please consider this mixin:

@mixin center($max-width) {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: $max-width;
    margin: 0 auto;

The first line is static. The second line is dynamic since it depends on the $max-width variable. The third line is static. Let's say we used it a couple of times, getting this CSS:

.abc {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 1170px;
  margin: 0 auto;

.def {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

Now, as far as I know, Gzip will be able to find those repeated patterns:

  width: 100%;


  margin: 0 auto;

Getting back to my question: would it be better to move the dynamic lines on top (or bottom, whatever) of the mixin to group static lines together and benefit from longer strings?

For instance something like:

@mixin center($max-width) {
  width: 100%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  max-width: $max-width;

Let's be clear: I am perfectly aware this will make absolutely no difference whatsoever on the file weight. It's just out of curiosity. ;)

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Tried with some added noise too.

Both 600 bytes compressed and both 252 bytes gzipped, no difference at all.

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Also, these algorithms have a block size. Staying within that for repetitions is useful.

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Also, these algorithms have a block size. Staying within that for repetitions is useful.

What do you mean @aredridel?

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frkay commented Nov 21, 2014

Beware of microbenchmarks, measuring the compressed size of a full-blown CSS file will probably give different results. Anyhow, I took CrocoDillon noisy sample and made two versions out of it (one with max-width near the center and in the other one pushed near the bottom but still over the noise inducing part) the non minified version takes 813 bytes, minified it goes down to 601 bytes.
Compressed with gzip -n 6 (roughly what Apache would do to compress it on the fly) the first version is reduced to 266 bytes, the second to 265 bytes (246 and 244 bytes respectively for the minified ones).
More advanced compressor like zopfli can further reduce the compressed file, here 260, 258, 241 and 239 bytes, defdb can even report the compressed stream length in bits when bytes are not precise enough.
The z option of gzthermal distinguish LZ matches from literals, a blue background shows symbols that have been copied from a previous location, the orange background shows stand-alone symbols.
I have rearranged gzthermal output layout to look a bit more text friendly (notice that the LineFeed point code is materialized by a square), and here is a side by side comparison of the two versions.
gzthermal -z output
The first thing to notice is that "px" is in fact part of the second match.

In the first case we have two medium sized matches  {□  width: 100%;□  max-width:  is 32 symbols long and px;□  margin: 0 auto;□   is 24 symbols long. A closer look with defdb -t even gives us the cost in bits of these two matches:

 [7] 2E .
 [6] 62 b
[13] (31,80)
 [5] 33 3
 [6] 34 4
 [7] 31 1
[13] (24,80)
 [6] 63 c
 [4] 6F o

13 bits in both cases, thats 26 bits overall.

In the second case the size of the matches is less balanced  {□  width: 100%;□  margin: 0 auto;□  max-width:  is 49 symbols long whereas px;□   is only 6 symbols long, again defdb gives us the cost in bits of these two matches:

 [7] 2E .
 [6] 62 b
[14] (49,80)
 [5] 33 3
 [6] 34 4
 [7] 31 1
[10] (6,80)
 [6] 63 c
 [4] 6F o
14 and 10 bits, thats 24 bits overall (2 bits less than previously) here we see effectively some savings.

Overall practically everything is linked together in a Deflate stream, a lot of variable length coding is performed —Huffman coding— and a slight change in the underlying statistics of the alphabet —not only made of literals but also match lengths— can lead to some unexpected results, therefore saving a bit or two in a specific place may be less interesting than expected (local savings could turn in global loses).
But hey! It seems to be a good idea to bring together as much static data as possible to foster longer LZ matches, perhaps should you now try on real world CSS files and not just code snippets.

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