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Created January 9, 2014 13:57
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// ----
// Sass (v3.3.0.rc.5)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----
/*! In information theory and computer science,
the Levenshtein distance is a string metric
for measuring the difference between two sequences.
Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words
is the minimum number of single-character edits
(i.e. insertions, deletions or substitutions)
required to change one word into the other. */
// You can add tests here
$levenshtein-tests: (
'sass' 'craziness',
'hugo' 'giraudel',
'levenshtein' 'distance',
// Helper to target an element in a matrix
// @param $m: matrix
// @param $x: x coord
// @param $y: y coord
// @return literal
@function e($m, $coords) {
$x: nth($coords, 1);
$y: nth($coords, 2);
@return nth(nth($m, $x), $y);
// Helper instanciation a matrix of $x by $y
// @param $x: number of cols
// @param $y: number of lines
// @return list
@function matrix($x, $y) {
$matrix: ();
@for $i from 1 through $x {
$tmp: ();
@for $y from 1 through $y {
$tmp: append($tmp, 0)
$matrix: append($matrix, $tmp);
@return $matrix;
// Helper assigning $value at $matrix[$x, $y]
// @param $matrix: matrix to update
// @param $x: x coord
// @param $y: y coord
// @param $value: value to assign at $matrix[$x, $y]
@function set-matrix($matrix, $coords, $value) {
$x: nth($coords, 1);
$y: nth($coords, 2);
@return set-nth($matrix, $x, set-nth(nth($matrix, $x), $y, $value));
// Calculating Levenshtein distance between two strings
// @param $a: first string
// @param $b: second string
// @return number
@function levenshtein($a, $b) {
// Making sure we are dealing with same case
$a: to-lower-case($a);
$b: to-lower-case($b);
// Storing string lengths
$n: str-length($a);
$m: str-length($b);
// Initializing matrices
$matrix: matrix($n + 1, $m + 1);
$cost : matrix($n, $m);
// Just in case
@if $a == $b { @return 0; }
@if $n == 0 { @return $m; }
@if $m == 0 { @return $n; }
// Setting up matrices
@for $i from 0 through $n {
@for $j from 0 through $m {
$v: if($i == 0, $j, if($j == 0, $i, 0));
$w: if(str-slice($a, $i, $i) == str-slice($b, $j, $j), 0, 1);
@if $v != 0 {
$matrix: set-matrix($matrix, ($i + 1, $j + 1), $v);
@if $i != 0 and $j != 0 and $w != 0 {
$cost: set-matrix($cost, $i $j, $w);
// Updating $matrix
@for $i from 2 through length($matrix) {
@for $j from 2 through length(nth($matrix, $i)) {
$matrix: set-matrix($matrix, $i $j, min(e($matrix, ($i - 1, $j)) + 1, e($matrix, ($i, $j - 1)) + 1, e($matrix, ($i - 1, $j - 1)) + e($cost, ($i - 1, $j - 1))));
@return e($matrix, length($matrix) length(nth($matrix, 1)));
// Examples
#{"Levenshtein distance between"} {
@each $test in $levenshtein-tests {
$first : nth($test, 1);
$second : nth($test, 2);
#{'`#{$first}` and `#{$second}`'}: levenshtein($first, $second);
/*! In information theory and computer science,
the Levenshtein distance is a string metric
for measuring the difference between two sequences.
Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words
is the minimum number of single-character edits
(i.e. insertions, deletions or substitutions)
required to change one word into the other. */
Levenshtein distance between {
`sass` and `craziness`: 6;
`hugo` and `giraudel`: 7;
`levenshtein` and `distance`: 10;
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