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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save KittyGiraudel/9327085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KittyGiraudel/9327085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.0.rc.5)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----
// Sass to CSV converter
// Just for the sake of it.
// --------------------------------------------
// @param [list|map] $value: value to convert
// @param [bool] $labels: enable first line as labels
// @param [bool] $quotes: enable quotes
// --------------------------------------------
// @return [string] CSV
@function to-csv($input, $labels: true, $quotes: true) {
$string: '';
$keys: ();
$break: '
'; // Smart line break is smart
// Looping through list entries
@for $i from 1 through length($input) {
$values: ();
$item: nth($input, $i);
$keys: if(length($keys) == 0, map-keys($item, $quotes), $keys);
// I am the key master.
@if $i == 1 and $labels {
$string: $string + $keys;
// Looping through the keys!
@each $key in $keys {
$value: map-get($item, $key);
$value: if($quotes, if(type-of($value) == 'string', quote($value), $value), unquote($value));
$values: append($values, $value, comma);
$string: $string + if($string != '', $break, '') + $values;
@return $string;
// Helper function to get map-keys
// Built in function is not enough
// --------------------------------------------
// @param [map] $map: map to get keys from
// @param [bool] $quotes: enable quotes
// --------------------------------------------
// @return [list] keys
@function map-keys($map, $quotes: true) {
$keys: ();
@each $key, $value in $map {
$key: if($quotes, quote($key), unquote($key));
$keys: append($keys, $key, comma);
@return $keys;
$list: (
('id': 1, 'first': "Stuart", 'last': "Robson", 'twitter': '@sturobson'),
('id': 2, 'first': "Maxime", 'last': Thirouin, 'twitter': '@moox'),
('id': 3, 'first': Fabrice, 'last': "Weinberg", 'twitter': '@fweinb'),
/*! Quick and dirty Sass to CSV converter
## Sass list (of maps)
## Generated CSV
## With $labels set to `false`
#{to-csv($list, false)}
## With $quotes set to `false`
#{to-csv($list, $quotes: false)}
/*! Quick and dirty Sass to CSV converter
## Sass list (of maps)
("id": 1, "first": "Stuart", "last": "Robson", "twitter": "@sturobson"), ("id": 2, "first": "Maxime", "last": Thirouin, "twitter": "@moox"), ("id": 3, "first": Fabrice, "last": "Weinberg", "twitter": "@fweinb")
## Generated CSV
"id", "first", "last", "twitter"
1, "Stuart", "Robson", "@sturobson"
2, "Maxime", "Thirouin", "@moox"
3, "Fabrice", "Weinberg", "@fweinb"
## With $labels set to `false`
1, "Stuart", "Robson", "@sturobson"
2, "Maxime", "Thirouin", "@moox"
3, "Fabrice", "Weinberg", "@fweinb"
## With $quotes set to `false`
id, first, last, twitter
1, Stuart, Robson, @sturobson
2, Maxime, Thirouin, @moox
3, Fabrice, Weinberg, @fweinb
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