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Konfekt / popup-arrow-scroll.vim
Created April 20, 2024 06:56
use arrow keys or Ctrl-J/K to scroll in Vim's popup window
" Use arrow keys or Ctrl-J/K to scroll in popup window.
" Also useful for terminals that maps the mouse wheel scrolls to arrow keys
" For example Urxvt with its Vtwheel extension
" From
function! s:IsScrollPopup()
let winids = popup_list()
if empty(winids) | return {} | endif
let winid = winids[0]
Konfekt / EvaluateAsComment.vim
Last active April 16, 2024 05:19
Add evaluation of selected code as comment
" From
" Add the following lines to `ftplugin/{python,sh,zsh,lua,perl, ...}.vim
" and call :EvaluateAsComment to add the evaluation of the selected lines as a comment:
" print(1+2)
" becomes
" # 3
Konfekt / mapping-with-count-to-list-files-altered-in-count-last-commits.vim
Last active May 27, 2024 13:02
A mapping that uses FZF to list all files in a Git repo and takes a count to restrict to those altered in last <count> commits
" A mapping that uses FZF to list all files in a Git repo and takes a count to restrict to
" those altered in last <count> commits.
nnoremap <silent><expr> g. v:count ? ':<c-u>' . v:count . 'GFilesAltered<cr>' : ':<c-u>GFiles<cr>'
command! -count=1 GFilesAltered call fzf#vim#files('', fzf#vim#with_preview( {
\ 'source': 'git log HEAD --max-count=<count> --diff-filter=MA --name-only --pretty=format: | ' . s:filter,
\ 'options': '--multi --prompt "Files altered in last <count> commits: "',
\ } ))
" If Fugitive is installed, there's a fallback, here's a possible fallback
Konfekt / RunOrRaise.ahk
Last active April 9, 2024 12:26
Autohotkey v2 Script to Run or Raise application using Shortcut
; Run or Raise Application using Shortcut
; From adapted to ah2
RunOrRaise(exePath, winID:="") {
if (winID == "") {
exeName := SubStr(exePath, InStr(exePath, "\", , -1)+1)
winID := "ahk_exe " . exeName
If not WinExist(winID) {
UserProfile := EnvGet("USERPROFILE")
Konfekt / set.vim
Last active April 28, 2024 05:50
Use :Set! (instead of :set) to make setting persist in a modeline
function! Set(args, isPersistent) abort
" remove whitespaces surrounding =
let cmd = 'set ' . substitute(a:args, '\s*=\s*', '=', 'g')
execute cmd
if !a:isPersistent | return | endif
" append modeline
let commentstring = empty(&l:commentstring) ?
\ (empty(&g:commentstring) ? '# %s' : &g:commentstring) : &l:commentstring
Konfekt / start-open.vim
Last active September 11, 2024 05:20
Open Interactive Terminal Command or Application cleanly in Neovim / Vim
" Use :Silent cmd to open a command cmd inside Vim with terminal output.
" For example, :Silent lazygit
" To surpress its output add a bang; useful for GUI applications.
" For example, open Firefox by :Silent! firefox, or
" look up a keyword by :set keywordprg=:Silent!\ zeal
" To open a file, use :Open file
" Useful, say, to view a compiled HTML of a markdown file, by :Open %:r.html
" or open an URL such as :set keywordprg=:Open\
Konfekt / make_completion.vim
Last active March 19, 2024 07:20
:Make target completion in Vim
" From
" Command-line completion for ":Make"
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,MakeComplete Make silent make<bang> <args> | silent redraw!
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,MakeComplete LMake silent lmake<bang> <args> | silent redraw!
if executable('awk')
Konfekt /
Last active May 4, 2024 00:02
let ChatGPT write a sensible commit message using an adaptable Python script
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Adaption of
# Mark this file as executable and add it into the global hooks folder
# whose path is given by the core.hooksPath configuration variable
# skip during rebase
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
Konfekt / aichat.vim
Last active June 18, 2024 05:55
Vim commands to pipe text to aichat and open a chat window
command! -range -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,s:AIChatRoleCompletion AIRole <line1>,<line2>call s:AIRole(<q-args>)
function! s:AIRole(instruction) range
let instruction = trim(a:instruction)
let i = match(instruction . ' ', '\s')
let role = instruction[0:i-1]
let instruction = trim(instruction[i:-1])
let prompt = !empty(instruction) ? shellescape('Please consider: ' . instruction . '.') : ''
" term ++hidden ++open
exe a:firstline.','.a:lastline . 'term aichat --role ' . role . ' -- ' . prompt
Konfekt /
Last active December 11, 2023 10:01
use global git hooks as fallback to local hooks
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Adaption of
# with
# This script is meant to be put into a directory pointed to by core.hooksPath
# in Git 2.9.
# Then for each hook you want to support, create a symlink "hookname -> multihook"
# and optionally a directory "hookname.d" where you can put all scripts for
# that hook