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Forked from lfischer/
Last active August 2, 2022 07:52
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Save Koziolek/1fac43737ee314a4015ed851caa3f8b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My approximation of nvie's git flow when using maven-release-plugin to cut releases. -
# How to perform a release with git & maven following the git flow conventions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Finding the next version: you can see the next version by looking at the
# version element in "pom.xml" and lopping off "-SNAPSHOT". To illustrate,
# if the pom's version read "0.0.2-SNAPSHOT", the following instructions would
# perform the release for version "0.0.2" and increment the development version
# of each project to "0.0.3-SNAPSHOT".
# branch from develop to a new release branch
git checkout develop
git checkout -b release/v0.0.2
# perform a maven release, which will tag this branch and deploy artifacts to
# nexus. Work in batch mode to suppress interaction
mvn -U -B release:prepare release:perform -DreleaseVersion=0.0.2
# merge the version changes back into develop so that folks are working against
# the new release ("0.0.3-SNAPSHOT", in this case)
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff release/v0.0.2
# push changes to remote repository. May trigger CI build
git push -u origin develop
# housekeeping -- rewind the release branch by one commit to fix its version at "0.0.2"
# excuse the force push, it's because maven will have already pushed '0.0.3-SNAPSHOT'
# to origin with this branch, and I don't want that version (or a diverging revert commit)
# in the release or master branches.
git checkout release/v0.0.2
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git push --force origin release/v0.0.2
# finally, if & when the code gets deployed to production
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release/v0.0.2
git branch -d release/v0.0.2
# push version to master branch. CI can deploy it to production
git push -u origin master
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