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Created September 27, 2017 12:46
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Task 1
1. Create the classes defined by the diagram. For the sake of simplicity, on this step, bank has one ten-client-array where one client can have one account.
2. The Account class has the constructor that accepts the id and the starting balance value, and also has deposit(x) method adding the x value to the balance and withdraw(x), that decreases the balance by x, in case balance >= x. Implement the getBalance() method that returns the current account balance value.
3. Create the BankApplication class. BankApplication creates a Bank class object and adds several new clients to the bank. Each new client must have one account with some starting value.
4. Implement the BankApplication.modifyBank() method that changes balance values (using the deposit() and withdraw() methods) for some bank clients’ accounts.
5. Implement the BankApplication.printBalance() method that iterates through the bank clients and prints the balance value of their accounts.
Task 2
1. Add the feature of specifying client’s gender and name. Define corre-sponding fields of the Client class and constructor.
2. The field value shall be specified with the help of the enum Gender. Create a corresponding enum with instances MALE, FEMALE.
3. Create the getClientGreeting() method of the Client class that displays hello message in a way: Mr. NAME or Ms. NAME depending on client’s gender.
4. If the previous step has been performed with the help of conditional operator (for example if (gender == Gender.MALE) {}), change the conditional statement. To do this, create a constructor and access methods for accessing gender string representation (“Mr.” and “Ms.”) in Gender enumeration.
Task 3 (improving the application, “layering”, refactoring)
1. Create the BankService class that will add clients to the bank and will perform other services. The BankService.addClient(bank, client) static method adds a client to a bank. The BankService class methods are invoked from BankApplication.
2. Execute code refactoring. Place the Bank, Client, Account, Gender classes into the com.luxoft.bankapp.domain package. Place the BankService class to com.luxoft.bankapp.service.
3. Review domain objects, limit visibility scope of methods that are not part of client’s API (i.e. inner and utility methods).
Task 4 (polymorphism)
1. New business logic requirement: there are two kinds of accounts. One kind is a SavingAccount. Second kind is a CheckingAccount. The diagram of this operation is different in a way that when creating this account the positive overdraft value is indicated, i.e. a loan that a Bank issues to a Client. In case if the x value of the withdraw(x) method is larger than the current balance value, an additional amount of money is allowed to be withdrawn within the limit of the overdraft value.
2. Implement the Account interface (that defines the methods depos-it(double x) and withdraw(double x)) and the abstract class AbstractAccount that implements the Account interface and has two subclasses: SavingAccount and CheckingAccount.
3. Change the code that used the Account class to use the Account interface.
4. Define into the Account interface the maximumAmountToWithdraw() method that returns the amount of money that can be paid to a client (taking into account the overdraft for CheckingAccount), and implement it in SavingAccount and CheckingAccount.
5. BankApplication must create accounts of both types. Implement the BankService.printMaximumAmountToWithdraw(bank) method that prints corresponding value for each account. Learn the work of virtual methods and polymorphism principles.
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