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Created June 17, 2017 05:55
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function [output]=simple_nlm(input,t,f,h1,h2,selfsim)
% input : image to be filtered
% t : radius of search window
% f : radius of similarity window
% h1,h2 : w(i,j) = exp(-||GaussFilter(h1) .* (p(i) - p(j))||_2^2/h2^2)
% selfsim : w(i,i) = selfsim, for all i
% Note:
% if selfsim = 0, then w(i,i) = max_{j neq i} w(i,j), for all i
% Author: Christian Desrosiers
% Date: 07-07-2015
% Reimplementation of the Non-Local Means Filter by Jose Vicente Manjon-Herrera
% For details see:
% A. Buades, B. Coll and J.M. Morel, "A non-local algorithm for image denoising"
[m n]=size(input);
pixels = input(:);
s = m*n;
psize = 2*f+1;
nsize = 2*t+1;
% Compute patches
padInput = padarray(input,[f f],'symmetric');
filter = fspecial('gaussian',psize,h1);
patches = repmat(sqrt(filter(:))',[s 1]) .* im2col(padInput, [psize psize], 'sliding')';
% Compute list of edges (pixel pairs within the same search window)
indexes = reshape(1:s, m, n);
padIndexes = padarray(indexes, [t t]);
neighbors = im2col(padIndexes, [nsize, nsize], 'sliding');
TT = repmat(1:s, [nsize^2 1]);
edges = [TT(:) neighbors(:)];
RR = find(TT(:) >= neighbors(:));
edges(RR, :) = [];
% Compute weight matrix (using weighted Euclidean distance)
diff = patches(edges(:,1), :) - patches(edges(:,2), :);
V = exp(-sum(diff.*diff,2)/h2^2);
W = sparse(edges(:,1), edges(:,2), V, s, s);
% Make matrix symetric and set diagonal elements
if selfsim > 0
W = W + W' + selfsim*speye(s);
maxv = max(W,[],2);
W = W + W' + spdiags(maxv, 0, s, s);
% Normalize weights
W = spdiags(1./sum(W,2), 0, s, s)*W;
% Compute denoised image
output = W*pixels;
output = reshape(output, m , n);
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