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Kyle Wong KyleWong2510

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How to make Spaghetti Carbonara


* Egg
* Parmasean
* Bacon
* Onion
* Garlic
KyleWong2510 /
Last active January 9, 2020 02:36
Checklist and improvements

What is the value of a checklist?

The obvious value of a checklist is the ability to know what needs to be done, and actively removing items from said list. It is extremely helpful to make sure that nothing is forgotten. A checklist is also good for breaking up the monotony of large tasks by doing smaller tasks in between. Instead of completing three 30 minute tasks back-to-back, one could do a 30 minute task and then a 5 minute task and so on. We have barely started Mod 0 and I can already see the value in budgeting time and staying organized. Checklists help with that. Finally, checklists keep you on track. It's easy to get distracted without having a list.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

The easy answer would be: to code. But more importantly, I would like to improve upon my organizational skills. I have been known to procrastinate in the past and have delivered less than desireable results because of that. I want to get better at budgeting my time, and finishing th

KyleWong2510 /
Last active January 15, 2020 23:15
Career development assignment

Pairin Results


What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

I think my greatest strength is learning from failure. I have never been overly-competitive. I always want to do a good job and always try my hardest in just about all aspects of life, but I don't necessarily need to be the best at something. Being the best version of myself is all I can ask for. I love skateboarding and skateboarding has taught me a lot about persistence and learning from failure. No one gets a trick the first time they try it, but from studying your movements and making minor adjustments you can learn a trick. It literally takes blood, sweat, and tears but all of that is outweighed by the feeling of accomplishing a new trick. This is the same with any other skills. Instead of getting hung up on the losing, I try to focus on what I did right and how to improve the next time around.

How do you wo

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

I will admit that in the past I was not a very empathetic person. If there was a scenario that I had not personally experienced, I simply couldn't understand the emotional reactions another person was having. I've since grown and after realizing how I may have made others feel, I have conciously made efforts toward being a more empahtetic person. Since doing so, my relationships have matured and I feel like I truely know the people in my life. Empathy allows me to truly understand the people around me.

How does empathy help you build better software?

Software development is problem solving. Everyone has different problems and everyone has their own solutions. Being empathetic can allow you to see someone else's point of view and frame a problem in a way you didn't see before. Having a different perspective can really change the outcome of a project on many scales. If I am designing a website that caters to the elderly, I am

KyleWong2510 /
Last active February 3, 2020 21:00
Paired kickoff with Collie

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

KyleWong2510 /
Last active February 21, 2020 18:15
Reflection on solving a project with a partner


The purpose of this exercise was to solve a problem that we had never seen. We stumbled into this like a couple of Stevie Wonders at a flat earth convention: confident in our abilites, but unsure of the things to come. We sadly did not finish. The simple thought of Mr. Wonder's unfortunate hairline could not compare to the sorrow I endured by not completing the problem. The problem we chose was called Lowercase Words(ironic naming, no?). This was our prompt:

Write a function that takes an Array of Strings, but potentially other data types. This function should return an Array of the same length and they should remain in order. Any strings in the returned array should be all lowercase.

Our process involved pseudo-coding and research of Javascript methods that we may need.

First, we wrote down what we needed to do in plain English. Something so clear that even Stevie Himself could see our plan of attack. Not because he's blind, but because he doesn't know how to code.

Next, we

KyleWong2510 /
Created February 27, 2020 17:01
Reflection on Which Beyonce group project


This project goal was to create a card matching game. The game involved the use of Javascript classes and local storage implementtion. The game started with a board of 10 randomly arranged cards. The user could click on the cards to turn them over and find matches. A timer is included to keep track of best times. There is two player functionality as well.


Typically I see team/group work as a democratic process in which everyone's voice is heard. I rarely take on the role of leader because I believe that having that title can silence the ideas of less vocal group mates. I enjoy having an open discussion and am open to hearing all opinions.

Technical (Choose One)

One strategy we used when encountering a problem was to go through line by line to identify the problem. We would look at the first line of a function and explain out loud what each and every line was doing. If the function contained another function or variable declared elsewhere, we would then jump to that pa

KyleWong2510 /
Last active March 4, 2020 16:47
Check Yo Self Solo Project Reflection


This project was called Check Yo' Self and required us to create a checklist app. The learning goals for this project were to utilize JavaScript classes and local storage to create and save to do lists. The user is able to create a list of tasks which can be checked off, marked urgent, and deleted. In future iterations, they will also be able to edit these lists after creation and search and filter them.


Although this was not a team project, there was a lot of collaboration to help one another solve problems. I received a lot of help from other students. I also helped as much as I could to get my peers to the same point as me. Being able to have a problem explained to me from a different perspective helped me solve it and change the way I approach future problems.


There were many technical challenges in this project for me. I was very fortunate to have the help of my peers to get me through several problems. My project would be very different without the suppor

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

What is a "framework?" And how does it differ from a "library?"

A framework is the structure in which your code is organized. Frameworks provide specific places to insert specific code and differ from libraries in that they have more rules associated with them. A library is a set of code that can be used anywhere in the existing code and typically offers its own unique syntax, separate from that of the language in which the code is written. An example of a framework would be mocha. There is a certain structure that you must follow in order to properly execute tests in mocha. An example of a library would be chai, which can run on the mocha framework. Chai has a specific syntax that you must follow in order for your tests to run properly.

Why should we consider using a framework over vanilla JS like you have been doing in mods 1 and 2?

Frameworks offer structure and organization that you would otherwise have to create from scratch. When remodeling a kitchen, you wouldn't want to tear down the en