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Last active May 16, 2024 13:07
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  • Save LFSaw/e68eb3ada8543ada1df5c81f9de6d2aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LFSaw/e68eb3ada8543ada1df5c81f9de6d2aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
maxDelay = 100;
f1 = hslider("f1", 100.0, 0, 1000, 0.1) : si.smoo;
f2 = hslider("f2", 100, 0, 1000, 0.1) : si.smoo;
d1 = hslider("d1", 0, 0, maxDelay, 0.01) : si.smoo;
d2 = hslider("d2", 0, 0, maxDelay, 0.01) : si.smoo;
a1 = hslider("a1", 0.1, -1, 1, 0.001) : si.smoo;
a2 = hslider("a2", 0.1, -1, 1, 0.001) : si.smoo;
vol = hslider("vol", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.001) : si.smoo;
process = cross(f1, f2) ~ si.bus(2) with {
cross(f1, f2, p1, p2) =
os.oscp(f1, a1 * phase(p2, d1)),
os.oscp(f2, a2 * phase(p1, d2));
phase(p, dt) = p * ma.PI : de.fdelay(maxDelay, dt);
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s.options.blockSize = 1;
\freq0, \freq,
\freq1, \freq,
\freq2, \freq,
\fb0, [-1, 1, \lin],
\fb1, [-1, 1, \lin],
\fb2, [-1, 1, \lin],
\dt0, [0, 1000, \lin, 1, 1],
\dt1, [0, 1000, \lin, 1, 1],
\dt2, [0, 1000, \lin, 1, 1],
Ndef(\cross, {
var numOscs = 2;
var ins =;
var freqs = numOscs.collect{|i|
var dts = numOscs.collect{|i|
var fbs = numOscs.collect{|i|
var phases = * fbs, 1, dts / s.sampleRate);
var snds =, phases * pi);;;
Ndef(\cross).set(\freq0, 2196, \fb0, -0.79, \dt0, 112);
Ndef(\cross).set(\freq1, 2210, \fb1, 0.233, \dt1, 148);
Ndef(\cross).set(\freq0, 186, \fb0, 0.9, \dt0, 7);
Ndef(\cross).set(\freq1, 62.29, \fb1, -0.405, \dt1, 0);
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"code" : "Delay delay1(samplerate);\nDelay delay2(samplerate);\nHistory hist2(0);\nHistory hist1(0);\n\r\nf1 = in1;\nf2 = in2;\na1 = in3;\na2 = in4;\nd1 = in5;\nd2 = in6;\n\n\n\nphasor1 = phasor(f1, 0);\nphasor2 = phasor(f2, 0);\n\nsin1_phase = (phasor1 + ( * a2)) % 1.;\nsnd1, snd_idx1 = cycle(sin1_phase, index=\"phase\");\nout1 = snd1;\nphase1 = snd1 * 0.5 + 0.5;\n\nsin2_phase = (phasor2 + ( * a1)) % 1.;\nsnd2, snd_idx2 = cycle(sin2_phase, index=\"phase\");\nout2 = snd2;\nphase2 = snd2 * 0.5 + 0.5;\n\n\nhist2_next = fixdenorm(phase2);\nhist1_next = fixdenorm(phase1);\ndelay1.write(hist1);\nhist1 = hist1_next;\nhist2 = hist2_next;\ndelay2.write(hist2);",
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"text" : "gen~ cross_codebox"
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"patchline" : {
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"dependency_cache" : [ ],
"autosave" : 0
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LFSaw commented May 16, 2024

implementing cross-synthesis in a variety of audio-related programming languages.

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