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Created February 19, 2019 20:40
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dota netvar dump
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***************** Start of Log *****************
CAdditionalWearable - NumOfVars: 74
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_iPhysicsMode -> int32 @ 0x818
(70)m_noGhostCollision -> bool @ 0x8a0
(71)m_flClothScale -> float32 @ 0x8a4
(72)m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox -> bool @ 0x947
(73)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(74)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_AI_BaseNPC - NumOfVars: 93
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(6)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(7)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(8)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(12)m_spawnflags -> uint32 @ 0x244
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(15)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(18)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(26)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(27)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(28)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(29)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(30)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(31)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(32)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(33)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(34)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(35)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(36)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(37)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(38)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(39)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(40)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(41)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(42)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(43)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(44)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(45)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(46)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(47)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(48)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(49)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(50)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(51)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(52)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(53)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(54)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(55)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(56)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(57)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(58)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(59)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(60)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(61)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(62)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(63)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(64)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(65)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(66)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(67)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(68)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(69)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(70)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(71)m_viewtarget -> Vector @ 0x780
(72)m_flexWeight -> CUtlVector< float32 > @ 0x798
(73)m_blinktoggle -> bool @ 0x7b0
(74)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(75)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(76)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(77)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(78)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(79)m_NPCState -> NPC_STATE @ 0xa78
(80)m_flTimePingEffect -> float32 @ 0xa7c
(81)m_iDeathPose -> HSequence @ 0xa80
(82)m_iDeathFrame -> int32 @ 0xa84
(83)m_iSpeedModRadius -> int32 @ 0xa88
(84)m_iSpeedModSpeed -> int32 @ 0xa8c
(85)m_bPerformAvoidance -> bool @ 0xa90
(86)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0xa91
(87)m_flStunUntilTime -> float32 @ 0xa94
(88)m_bFadeCorpse -> bool @ 0xa98
(89)m_bSpeedModActive -> bool @ 0xa99
(90)m_bImportantRagdoll -> bool @ 0xa9a
(91)m_hServerRagdoll -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xa9c
(92)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(93)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseAnimating - NumOfVars: 70
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(70)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseAnimatingOverlay - NumOfVars: 70
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(70)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseAttributableItem - NumOfVars: 85
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_flexWeight -> CUtlVector< float32 > @ 0x798
(70)m_viewtarget -> Vector @ 0x780
(71)m_blinktoggle -> bool @ 0x7b0
(72)m_iReapplyProvisionParity -> int32 @ 0x38
(73)m_hOuter -> CHandle< CBaseEntity > @ 0x3c
(74)m_ProviderType -> attributeprovidertypes_t @ 0x44
(75)m_iItemDefinitionIndex -> item_definition_index_t @ 0x8
(76)m_iEntityQuality -> int32 @ 0xc
(77)m_iEntityLevel -> uint32 @ 0x10
(78)m_iItemID -> itemid_t @ 0x18
(79)m_iAccountID -> uint32 @ 0x20
(80)m_iInventoryPosition -> uint32 @ 0x24
(81)m_bInitialized -> bool @ 0x30
(82)m_nOverrideStyle -> style_index_t @ 0x31
(83)m_Attributes -> CUtlVector< CEconItemAttribute > @ 0x8
(84)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(85)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseButton - NumOfVars: 67
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_glowEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > @ 0x5f8
(64)m_usable -> bool @ 0x5fc
(65)m_szDisplayText -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x600
(66)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(67)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseClientUIEntity - NumOfVars: 68
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_bEnabled -> bool @ 0x600
(64)m_DialogXMLName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x608
(65)m_PanelClassName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x610
(66)m_PanelID -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x618
(67)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(68)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseCombatCharacter - NumOfVars: 78
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_flexWeight -> CUtlVector< float32 > @ 0x798
(70)m_viewtarget -> Vector @ 0x780
(71)m_blinktoggle -> bool @ 0x7b0
(72)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(73)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(74)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(75)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(76)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(77)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(78)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseCombatWeapon - NumOfVars: 87
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_iClip1 -> int32 @ 0x7b4
(6)m_flTimeWeaponIdle -> float32 @ 0x7c0
(7)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(8)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(9)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(10)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(11)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(12)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(28)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(29)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(30)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(31)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(32)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(33)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(34)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(35)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(36)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(37)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(38)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(39)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(40)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(41)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(42)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(43)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(44)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(45)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(46)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(47)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(48)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(49)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(50)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(51)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(52)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(53)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(54)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(55)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(56)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(57)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(58)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(59)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(60)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(61)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(62)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(63)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(64)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(65)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(66)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(67)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(68)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(69)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(70)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(71)m_hOwner -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatCharacter > @ 0x780
(72)m_iViewModelIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > @ 0x798
(73)m_iWorldModelIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > @ 0x7a0
(74)m_iState -> WeaponState_t @ 0x7a8
(75)m_bInReload -> bool @ 0x7f9
(76)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(77)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
(78)m_nNextThinkTick -> int32 @ 0x248
(79)m_nViewModelIndex -> uint32 @ 0x784
(80)m_flNextPrimaryAttack -> float32 @ 0x788
(81)m_flNextSecondaryAttack -> float32 @ 0x78c
(82)m_nQueuedAttack -> int32 @ 0x790
(83)m_flTimeAttackQueued -> float32 @ 0x794
(84)m_iPrimaryAmmoType -> int32 @ 0x7ac
(85)m_iSecondaryAmmoType -> int32 @ 0x7b0
(86)m_iClip2 -> int32 @ 0x7b8
(87)m_bOnlyPump -> bool @ 0x7bc
C_BaseDoor - NumOfVars: 65
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_bIsUsable -> bool @ 0x5f5
(64)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(65)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseEntity - NumOfVars: 23
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_BaseFlex - NumOfVars: 73
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_flexWeight -> CUtlVector< float32 > @ 0x798
(70)m_viewtarget -> Vector @ 0x780
(71)m_blinktoggle -> bool @ 0x7b0
(72)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(73)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseModelEntity - NumOfVars: 64
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(64)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BasePlayer - NumOfVars: 133
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_nTickBase -> uint32 @ 0xe28
(4)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(5)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(6)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(7)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(8)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(9)m_hGroundEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2e4
(10)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(11)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(12)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(13)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(14)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(15)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(16)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(17)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(18)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(19)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(20)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(21)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(22)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(23)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(24)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(25)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(26)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(27)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(28)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(29)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(30)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(31)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(32)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(33)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(34)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(35)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(36)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(37)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(38)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(39)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(40)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(41)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(42)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(43)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(44)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(45)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(46)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(47)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(48)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(49)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(50)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(51)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(52)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(53)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(54)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(55)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(56)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(57)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(58)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(59)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(60)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(61)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(62)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(63)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(64)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(65)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(66)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(67)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(68)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(69)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(70)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(71)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(72)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flexWeight -> CUtlVector< float32 > @ 0x798
(76)m_viewtarget -> Vector @ 0x780
(77)m_blinktoggle -> bool @ 0x7b0
(78)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(79)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(80)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(81)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(82)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(83)m_Local -> C_PlayerLocalData @ 0xb38
(84)m_hPostProcessCtrl -> CHandle< C_PostProcessController > @ 0x1238
(85)m_hColorCorrectionCtrl -> CHandle< C_ColorCorrection > @ 0x123c
(86)m_hHeldEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xe08
(87)m_iBonusProgress -> int32 @ 0xd68
(88)m_iBonusChallenge -> int32 @ 0xd6c
(89)m_iObserverMode -> uint8 @ 0xdd9
(90)m_iFOV -> uint32 @ 0xcf0
(91)m_iDefaultFOV -> uint32 @ 0xd98
(92)m_iFOVStart -> uint32 @ 0xcf4
(93)m_flFOVTime -> float32 @ 0xd24
(94)m_hObserverTarget -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xddc
(95)m_hZoomOwner -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xd74
(96)m_hViewModel -> CHandle< C_BaseViewModel >[2] @ 0x20d80
(97)m_hPropHMDAvatar -> CHandle< C_PropHMDAvatar > @ 0xd88
(98)m_hPointHMDAnchor -> CHandle< C_PointHMDAnchor > @ 0xd8c
(99)m_VRControllerType -> int32 @ 0xd90
(100)m_flMaxspeed -> float32 @ 0xd70
(101)m_ladderSurfaceProps -> CUtlStringToken @ 0xd1c
(102)m_vecLadderNormal -> Vector @ 0xd38
(103)m_szLastPlaceName -> char[18] @ 0x1211bc
(104)m_currentSCLPacked -> int32 @ 0xa78
(105)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(106)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
(107)m_nNextThinkTick -> int32 @ 0x248
(108)m_vecX -> CNetworkedQuantizedFloat @ 0x18
(109)m_vecY -> CNetworkedQuantizedFloat @ 0x30
(110)m_vecZ -> CNetworkedQuantizedFloat @ 0x48
(111)m_vecBaseVelocity -> Vector @ 0x2c8
(112)m_flFriction -> float32 @ 0x2e8
(113)m_iAmmo -> uint32[32] @ 0x2008ec
(114)m_fOnTarget -> bool @ 0xd94
(115)m_flDeathTime -> float32 @ 0xdfc
(116)m_hTonemapController -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xcd0
(117)m_hLastWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0xd7c
(118)m_hConstraintEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xdbc
(119)m_vecConstraintCenter -> Vector @ 0xdc0
(120)m_flConstraintRadius -> float32 @ 0xdcc
(121)m_flConstraintWidth -> float32 @ 0xdd0
(122)m_flConstraintSpeedFactor -> float32 @ 0xdd4
(123)m_bConstraintPastRadius -> bool @ 0xdd8
(124)m_flLaggedMovementValue -> float32 @ 0x119c
(125)m_nUnHoldableButtons -> uint64 @ 0x12b0
(126)m_nWaterLevel -> uint8 @ 0x2df
(127)m_vecX -> CNetworkedQuantizedFloat @ 0x18
(128)m_vecY -> CNetworkedQuantizedFloat @ 0x30
(129)m_vecZ -> CNetworkedQuantizedFloat @ 0x48
(130)m_hUseEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xe04
(131)m_hVehicle -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xd78
(132)m_hViewEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0xdb8
(133)m_hCtrl -> CHandle< C_FogController > @ 0x8
C_BasePropDoor - NumOfVars: 77
(1)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(2)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(3)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(4)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(5)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(6)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(7)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(8)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_spawnflags -> uint32 @ 0x244
(12)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(13)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(14)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(15)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(16)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(17)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(18)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(19)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(20)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(21)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(22)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(23)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(24)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(25)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(26)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(27)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(28)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(29)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(30)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(31)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(32)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(33)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(34)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(35)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(36)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(37)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(38)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(39)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(40)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(41)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(42)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(43)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(44)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(49)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(50)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(51)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(52)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(53)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(54)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(55)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(56)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(57)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(58)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(59)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(60)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(61)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(62)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(63)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(64)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(65)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(66)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(67)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(68)m_iPhysicsMode -> int32 @ 0x818
(69)m_noGhostCollision -> bool @ 0x8a0
(70)m_flClothScale -> float32 @ 0x8a4
(71)m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox -> bool @ 0x947
(72)m_eDoorState -> DoorState_t @ 0x978
(73)m_bLocked -> bool @ 0x97d
(74)m_isRescueDoor -> bool @ 0x97e
(75)m_hMaster -> CHandle< C_BasePropDoor > @ 0x980
(76)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(77)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseTeamObjectiveResource - NumOfVars: 27
(1)m_iTimerToShowInHUD -> int32 @ 0x3e8
(2)m_iStopWatchTimer -> int32 @ 0x3ec
(3)m_iNumControlPoints -> uint8 @ 0x3f0
(4)m_bPlayingMiniRounds -> bool @ 0x3f8
(5)m_bControlPointsReset -> bool @ 0x3f9
(6)m_iUpdateCapHudParity -> uint8 @ 0x3fb
(7)m_vCPPositions -> Vector[8] @ 0x80400
(8)m_bCPIsVisible -> bool[8] @ 0x80460
(9)m_flLazyCapPerc -> float32[8] @ 0x80468
(10)m_iTeamIcons -> uint8[64] @ 0x4004a8
(11)m_iTeamOverlays -> uint8[64] @ 0x4004e8
(12)m_iTeamReqCappers -> uint8[64] @ 0x400528
(13)m_flTeamCapTime -> float32[64] @ 0x400568
(14)m_iPreviousPoints -> int8[192] @ 0xc00668
(15)m_bTeamCanCap -> bool[64] @ 0x400728
(16)m_iTeamBaseIcons -> int32[32] @ 0x200768
(17)m_iBaseControlPoints -> int32[32] @ 0x2007e8
(18)m_bInMiniRound -> bool[8] @ 0x80868
(19)m_iWarnOnCap -> uint8[8] @ 0x80870
(20)m_iszWarnSound -> CUtlSymbolLarge[8] @ 0x80878
(21)m_flPathDistance -> float32[8] @ 0x808b8
(22)m_iNumTeamMembers -> uint8[64] @ 0x4008d8
(23)m_iCappingTeam -> uint8[8] @ 0x80918
(24)m_iTeamInZone -> uint8[8] @ 0x80920
(25)m_bBlocked -> bool[8] @ 0x80928
(26)m_iOwner -> uint8[8] @ 0x80930
(27)m_pszCapLayoutInHUD -> char[32] @ 0x200938
C_BaseToggle - NumOfVars: 64
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(64)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseTrigger - NumOfVars: 66
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_spawnflags -> uint32 @ 0x244
(12)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(13)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(14)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(15)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(16)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(17)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(18)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(19)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(20)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(21)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(22)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(23)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(24)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(25)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(26)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(27)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(28)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(29)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(30)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(31)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(32)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(33)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(34)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(35)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(36)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(37)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(38)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(39)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(40)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(41)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(42)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(43)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(44)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(49)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(50)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(51)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(52)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(53)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(54)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(55)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(56)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(57)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(58)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(59)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(60)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(61)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(62)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(63)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(64)m_bClientSidePredicted -> bool @ 0x5f5
(65)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(66)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BaseViewModel - NumOfVars: 11
(1)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(2)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(3)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(4)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(5)m_nViewModelIndex -> uint32 @ 0x78c
(6)m_nAnimationParity -> uint32 @ 0x790
(7)m_hLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x794
(8)m_nLayer -> uint32 @ 0x798
(9)m_flAnimationStartTime -> float32 @ 0x79c
(10)m_hWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x7a0
(11)m_hOwner -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x7a4
C_BaseVRHandAttachment - NumOfVars: 72
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_hAttachedHand -> CHandle< C_PropVRHand > @ 0x7d8
(70)m_bIsAttached -> bool @ 0x7dc
(71)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(72)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_Beam - NumOfVars: 24
(1)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(2)m_flFrame -> float32 @ 0x698
(3)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(4)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(5)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(6)m_flFrameRate -> float32 @ 0x5f8
(7)m_flHDRColorScale -> float32 @ 0x5fc
(8)m_nNumBeamEnts -> uint8 @ 0x608
(9)m_hBaseMaterial -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > @ 0x630
(10)m_nHaloIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > @ 0x638
(11)m_nBeamType -> BeamType_t @ 0x640
(12)m_nBeamFlags -> uint32 @ 0x644
(13)m_hAttachEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[10] @ 0xa0648
(14)m_nAttachIndex -> uint8[10] @ 0xa0670
(15)m_fWidth -> float32 @ 0x67c
(16)m_fEndWidth -> float32 @ 0x680
(17)m_fFadeLength -> float32 @ 0x684
(18)m_fHaloScale -> float32 @ 0x688
(19)m_fAmplitude -> float32 @ 0x68c
(20)m_fStartFrame -> float32 @ 0x690
(21)m_fSpeed -> float32 @ 0x694
(22)m_nClipStyle -> BeamClipStyle_t @ 0x69c
(23)m_bTurnedOff -> bool @ 0x6a0
(24)m_vecEndPos -> Vector @ 0x6a4
C_BeamSpotLight - NumOfVars: 73
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(7)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(8)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(9)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(13)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(14)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(22)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_nHaloIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > @ 0x5f8
(64)m_bSpotlightOn -> bool @ 0x600
(65)m_bHasDynamicLight -> bool @ 0x601
(66)m_bNoFog -> bool @ 0x602
(67)m_flSpotlightMaxLength -> float32 @ 0x604
(68)m_flSpotlightGoalWidth -> float32 @ 0x608
(69)m_flHDRColorScale -> float32 @ 0x60c
(70)m_flRotationSpeed -> float32 @ 0x610
(71)m_nRotationAxis -> uint8 @ 0x614
(72)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(73)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_Breakable - NumOfVars: 64
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(64)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_BreakableProp - NumOfVars: 73
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_iPhysicsMode -> int32 @ 0x818
(70)m_noGhostCollision -> bool @ 0x8a0
(71)m_flClothScale -> float32 @ 0x8a4
(72)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(73)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_ButtonTimed - NumOfVars: 69
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(12)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(13)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(14)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(15)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(16)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(17)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(18)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(19)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(20)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(21)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(22)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(23)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(24)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(25)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(26)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(27)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(28)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(29)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(30)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(31)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(32)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(33)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(34)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(35)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(36)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(37)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(38)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(39)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(40)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(41)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(42)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(43)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(44)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(46)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(48)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(49)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(50)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(51)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(52)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(53)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(54)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(55)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(56)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(57)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(58)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(59)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(60)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(61)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(62)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(63)m_glowEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > @ 0x5f8
(64)m_usable -> bool @ 0x5fc
(65)m_szDisplayText -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x600
(66)m_sUseString -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x608
(67)m_sUseSubString -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0x610
(68)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(69)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_ColorCorrection - NumOfVars: 12
(1)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(2)m_flFadeInDuration -> float32 @ 0x3fc
(3)m_flFadeOutDuration -> float32 @ 0x400
(4)m_flMaxWeight -> float32 @ 0x404
(5)m_bEnabled -> bool @ 0x510
(6)m_bMaster -> bool @ 0x511
(7)m_bClientSide -> bool @ 0x512
(8)m_bExclusive -> bool @ 0x513
(9)m_MinFalloff -> float32 @ 0x3f4
(10)m_MaxFalloff -> float32 @ 0x3f8
(11)m_flCurWeight -> float32 @ 0x408
(12)m_netlookupFilename -> char[260] @ 0x104040c
C_ColorCorrectionVolume - NumOfVars: 71
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(5)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(6)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(7)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(8)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(9)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(10)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(11)m_spawnflags -> uint32 @ 0x244
(12)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(13)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(14)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(15)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(16)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(17)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(18)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(19)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(20)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(21)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(22)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(23)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(24)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(25)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(26)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(27)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(28)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(29)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(30)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(31)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(32)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(33)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(34)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(35)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(36)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(37)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(38)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(39)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(40)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(41)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(42)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(43)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(44)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(45)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(49)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(50)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(51)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(52)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(53)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(54)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(55)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(56)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(57)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(58)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(59)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(60)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(61)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(62)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(63)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(64)m_bClientSidePredicted -> bool @ 0x5f5
(65)m_bEnabled -> bool @ 0x608
(66)m_MaxWeight -> float32 @ 0x60c
(67)m_FadeDuration -> float32 @ 0x610
(68)m_Weight -> float32 @ 0x614
(69)m_lookupFilename -> char[260] @ 0x1040618
(70)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(71)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DevtestHierarchy - NumOfVars: 83
(1)m_flAnimTime -> float32 @ 0x210
(2)m_flSimulationTime -> float32 @ 0x214
(3)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(4)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(5)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(6)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(7)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(8)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(9)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(10)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(11)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(12)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(13)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(14)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(15)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(16)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(17)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(18)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(19)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(20)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(21)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(22)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(23)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(24)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(25)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(26)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(27)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(28)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(29)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(30)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(31)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(32)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(33)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(34)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(35)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(36)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(37)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(38)m_vecMins -> Vector @ 0x38
(39)m_vecMaxs -> Vector @ 0x44
(40)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(41)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(42)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(43)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(44)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(45)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(46)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins -> Vector @ 0x5c
(47)m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs -> Vector @ 0x68
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(49)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(50)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(51)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(52)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(53)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(54)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(55)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(56)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(57)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(58)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(59)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(60)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(61)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(62)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(63)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(64)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(65)m_vecForce -> Vector @ 0x610
(66)m_nForceBone -> int32 @ 0x61c
(67)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(68)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(69)m_iPhysicsMode -> int32 @ 0x818
(70)m_noGhostCollision -> bool @ 0x8a0
(71)m_flClothScale -> float32 @ 0x8a4
(72)m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox -> bool @ 0x947
(73)m_nTestMode -> int32 @ 0x988
(74)m_attachName -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x990
(75)m_vDynamicAttachOffset -> Vector @ 0x994
(76)m_nDynamicResetCount -> int32 @ 0x9a0
(77)m_bChildIsDynamic -> bool @ 0x9a8
(78)m_bCreateChildSideChild -> bool @ 0x9a9
(79)m_alternateAttachName -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x9ac
(80)m_hClientSideChildModel -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > @ 0x9c8
(81)m_flEntityStartTime -> float32 @ 0x9d0
(82)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(83)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_Ability_Abaddon_DeathCoil - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_DarkRift - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_Firestorm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_PitOfMalice - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_AcidSpray - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Alchemist_UnstableConcoction - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_UnstableConcoctionThrow - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ChillingTouch - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ColdFeet - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceBlast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceVortex - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_Blink - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_Counterspell - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_ManaVoid - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_AntiMage_SpellShield - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_Flux - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_MagneticField - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_SparkWraith - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_TempestDouble - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hDoubles -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_AttributeBonus - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Axe_BerserkersCall - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Axe_CounterHelix - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Axe_CullingBlade - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Bane_BrainSap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Bane_FiendsGrip - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hGripTarget -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Batrider_Flamebreak - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Batrider_StickyNapalm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Beastmaster_CallOfTheWild_Hawk - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Beastmaster_PrimalRoar - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_BlackDragon_Fireball - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Bloodseeker_Bloodbath - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_BountyHunter_Jinada - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_BountyHunter_ShurikenToss - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_CinderBrew - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DispelMagic - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenBrawler - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_iBrawlActive -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenHaze - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PermanentImmolation - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PrimalSplit - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hPrimary -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_hSecondary -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x450
(43)m_hTertiary -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_ThunderClap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Bristleback_QuillSpray - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Bristleback_ViscousNasalGoo - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Broodmother_SpinWeb - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Centaur_HoofStomp - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Centaur_Stampede - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Chaos_Strike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Phantasm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Reality_Rift - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_DivineFavor - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_HandOfGod - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_HolyPersuasion - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_TestOfFaith - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Chen_TestOfFaithTeleport - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Clinkz_Burning_Army - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TakeStashAndTransferItems - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TakeStashItems - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TransferItems - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Courier_TransferItems_ToOtherPlayer - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_CrystalMaiden_CrystalNova - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_CrystalMaiden_FreezingField - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkSeer_Surge - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkSeer_Vacuum - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkSeer_WallOfReplica - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_Bedlam - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_BrambleMaze - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_ShadowRealm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DarkWillow_Terrorize - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DataDriven - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Poison_Touch - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_ShadowWave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Shallow_Grave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Weave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_CarrionSwarm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_Exorcism - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_Silence - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Disruptor_Glimpse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Disruptor_KineticField - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Disruptor_StaticStorm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DoomBringer_Devour - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DoomBringer_InfernalBlade - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DragonKnight_BreatheFire - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DrowRanger_Silence - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_DrowRanger_WaveOfSilence - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_Aftershock - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_EnchantTotem - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_Fissure - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_BoulderSmash - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_GeomagneticGrip - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_Petrify - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_RollingBoulder - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_StoneCaller - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_EarthSplitter - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_NaturalOrder - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_NaturalOrder_Spirit - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_Activate_FireRemnant - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_FireRemnant - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_SearingChains - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_SleightOfFist - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Enchant - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Impetus - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_NaturesAttendants - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Untouchable - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enigma_BlackHole - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enigma_DemonicConversion - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Enigma_MidnightPulse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_Chronosphere - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_TimeDilation - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_TimeWalk - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Centaur_Stampede - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Clinkz_Burning_Army - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_DarkWillow_Bedlam - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_DarkWillow_BrambleMaze - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_DarkWillow_ShadowRealm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Decorate_Tree - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_FacelessVoid_TimeWalk - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Festive_Firework - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Huskar_Burning_Spear - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Huskar_Inner_Fire - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Huskar_Life_Break - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Luna_Eclipse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Luna_LucentBeam - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Magnataur_Skewer - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Omniknight_Purification - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Omniknight_Repel - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Pangolier_ShieldCrash - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Puck_DreamCoil - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Rubick_GhostShip - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Spectre_ActiveDispersion - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Summon_Snowman - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Throw_Snowball - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_TrollWarlord_BattleTrance - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Frostivus2018_Tusk_WalrusKick - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Furion_ForceOfNature - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Furion_Sprout - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Furion_Teleportation - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Black_BrainSap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Black_Nightmare - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Blue_ColdFeet - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Blue_IceVortex - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Green_LivingArmor - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Green_Overgrowth - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Orange_DragonSlave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Orange_LightStrikeArray - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Purple_PlagueWard - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Purple_VenomousGale - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Red_Earthshock - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Red_Overpower - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Sight - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_White_Degen_Aura - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_White_Purification - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Yellow_IonShell - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Yellow_Surge - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Grimstroke_DarkArtistry - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Grimstroke_InkCreature - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Grimstroke_SoulChain - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Grimstroke_SpiritWalk - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Call_Down - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Flak_Cannon - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Homing_Missile - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Rocket_Barrage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Healing_Campfire - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_CullingBlade - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_GladiatorsUnite - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_Multishot - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Holdout_Omnislash - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Huskar_Burning_Spear - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Huskar_Inner_Fire - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Huskar_Inner_Vitality - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Huskar_Life_Break - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_Alacrity - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_AttributeBonus - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_ColdSnap - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_DeafeningBlast - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_EMP - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_GhostWalk - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_Invoke - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_InvokedBase - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_SunStrike - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Invoker_Tornado - NumOfVars: 44
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nQuasLevel -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nWexLevel -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_nExortLevel -> int32 @ 0x454
(44)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Jakiro_DualBreath - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Jakiro_IcePath - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Jakiro_Macropyre - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_BladeFury - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_HealingWard - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_Omnislash - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_BlindingLight - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Illuminate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Recall - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Will_O_Wisp - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Kunkka_GhostShip - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Kunkka_Tidebringer - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Kunkka_Torrent - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_MomentOfCourage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_OverwhelmingOdds - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_PressTheAttack - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Diabolic_Edict - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Pulse_Nova - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Split_Earth - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lich_ChainFrost - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lich_DarkSorcery - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lich_FrostNova - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lich_Sinister_Gaze - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hShackleTarget -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Life_Stealer_Infest - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Life_Stealer_Open_Wounds - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lina_DragonSlave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lina_LagunaBlade - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lina_LightStrikeArray - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_FingerOfDeath - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_Impale - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_ManaDrain - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lion_Voodoo - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_Rabid - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SavageRoar - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SavageRoar_Bear - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hBear -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x450
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear_Defender - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear_Entangle - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear_Return - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritLink - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_TrueForm_BattleCry - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_TrueForm_Druid - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lua - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Luna_Eclipse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Luna_LucentBeam - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Luna_LunarBlessing - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lycan_FeralImpulse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lycan_Howl - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Lycan_SummonWolves - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Magnataur_ReversePolarity - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Magnataur_Shockwave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Magnataur_Skewer - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Medusa_MysticSnake - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Medusa_SplitShot - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand - NumOfVars: 45
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nWhichDividedWeStand -> int32 @ 0x44c
(42)m_nNumDividedWeStand -> int32 @ 0x450
(43)m_entPrimeDividedWeStand -> CHandle< C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand > @ 0x454
(44)m_entNextDividedWeStand -> CHandle< C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand > @ 0x458
(45)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_Earthbind - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_Poof - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Meepo_Ransack - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_Arrow - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_Leap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_MoonlightShadow - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Mirana_Starfall - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_MonkeyKing_FurArmy - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_MonkeyKing_Spring - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_MonkeyKing_TreeDance - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_AdaptiveStrike_Agi - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_AdaptiveStrike_Str - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Morphling_Hybrid - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_Replicate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Morphling_Waveform - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_Ensnare - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_MirrorImage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_RipTide - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_Death_Pulse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_ReapersScythe - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_Sadist - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nevermore_Requiem - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nevermore_Shadowraze - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Apocalypse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Eruption - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Frenzy - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Hurricane - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Roar - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Sigils - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Tail_Swipe - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Waterball - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nian_Whirlpool - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_NightStalker_CripplingFear - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_NightStalker_Darkness - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_NightStalker_HunterInTheNight - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_Burrow - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_Impale - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_ManaBurn - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_ArcaneOrb - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_AstralImprisonment - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_Equilibrium - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_SanityEclipse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Bloodlust - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Fireblast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Ignite - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Multicast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Unrefined_Fireblast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Omniknight_GuardianAngel - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Omniknight_Pacify - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Omniknight_Purification - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Omniknight_Repel - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Oracle_FatesEdict - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Oracle_FortunesEnd - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Oracle_PurifyingFlames - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_Gyroshell - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_GyroshellStop - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_ShieldCrash - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pangolier_Swashbuckle - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomAssassin_Blur - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomAssassin_PhantomStrike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomLancer_Doppelwalk - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_PhantomLancer_SpiritLance - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Phoenix_LaunchFireSpirit - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Phoenix_Supernova - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Puck_DreamCoil - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Puck_IllusoryOrb - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Puck_WaningRift - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_Dismember - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hVictim -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pudge_FleshHeap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_MeatHook - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_nConsecutiveHits -> int32 @ 0x45c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pudge_Rot - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_Decrepify - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_LifeDrain - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hTarget -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_NetherBlast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Pugna_NetherWard - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_Blink - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_ScreamOfPain - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_ShadowStrike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_SonicWave - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_BatteryAssault - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_Hookshot - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_PowerCogs - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_RocketFlare - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Razor_EyeOfTheStorm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Razor_PlasmaField - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Razor_UnstableCurrent - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Riki_BlinkStrike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Riki_SmokeScreen - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Riki_TricksOfTheTrade - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_Arcane_Supremacy - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_FadeBolt - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_NullField - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_SpellSteal - NumOfVars: 43
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_ActivityModifier -> char[256] @ 0x100044c
(42)m_fStolenCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x54c
(43)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_Telekinesis - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Rubick_TelekinesisLand - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SandKing_BurrowStrike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SandKing_Epicenter - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SandKing_SandStorm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SatyrTrickster_Purge - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Decorate_Tree - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Festive_Firework - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Firecrackers - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Summon_CNY_Balloon - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Summon_CNY_Tree - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Summon_Dragon - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Summon_Snowman - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Seasonal_Throw_Snowball - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Disruption - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Shadow_Poison - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Soul_Catcher - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ShadowShaman_MassSerpentWard - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ShadowShaman_Shackles - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hShackleTarget -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_ShadowShamanVoodoo - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Shredder_Chakram - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Shredder_TimberChain - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Silencer_CurseOfTheSilent - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Silencer_GlaivesOfWisdom - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Silencer_GlobalSilence - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SkeletonKing_Reincarnation - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SkeletonKing_VampiricAura - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Skywrath_Mage_Ancient_Seal - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Skywrath_Mage_Mystic_Flare - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Slardar_Amplify_Damage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Slardar_Slithereen_Crush - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Slark_EssenceShift - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Slark_Pounce - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Slark_ShadowDance - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Sniper_Assassinate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Sniper_Shrapnel - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Spawnlord_Master_Freeze - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Spectre_Desolate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Spectre_Dispersion - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Spectre_SpectralDagger - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_Bulldoze - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_EmpoweringHaste - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_NetherStrike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_BallLightning - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_ElectricVortex - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_StaticRemnant - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Sven_StormBolt - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Sven_Warcry - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Techies_FocusedDetonate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Techies_LandMines - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Techies_Minefield_Sign - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Techies_RemoteMines - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Techies_RemoteMines_SelfDetonate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Techies_StasisTrap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Techies_Suicide - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_ConjureImage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_Reflection - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_Sunder - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Throw_Coal - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Throw_Snowball - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_AnchorSmash - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_Gush - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_Ravage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tiny_Avalanche - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tiny_CraggyExterior - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tiny_Toss - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Treant_EyesInTheForest - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Treant_LivingArmor - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Treant_Overgrowth - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_BattleTrance - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_BerserkersRage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_Whirling_Axes_Melee - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_WhirlingAxes_Ranged - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tusk_FrozenSigil - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Tusk_Tag_Team - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Tusk_WalrusKick - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Tusk_WalrusPunch - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Undying_Decay - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Undying_FleshGolem - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Undying_SoulRip - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ursa_Earthshock - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Ursa_Enrage - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_Command_Aura - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hScepterIllusion -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x44c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_Magic_Missile - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_Nether_Swap - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_WaveOfTerror - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Venomancer_PlagueWard - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Venomancer_PoisonNova - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Venomancer_VenomousGale - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Viper_CorrosiveSkin - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Viper_Nethertoxin - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Viper_PoisonAttack - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Viper_ViperStrike - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Visage_Stone_Form_Self_Cast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Visage_SummonFamiliars - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Visage_SummonFamiliars_StoneForm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Warlock_RainOfChaos - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Warlock_Shadow_Word - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Warlock_Upheaval - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Weaver_Shukuchi - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Weaver_TheSwarm - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Weaver_TimeLapse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Windrunner_FocusFire - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Windrunner_Powershot - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Windrunner_Windrun - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Arctic_Burn - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Cold_Embrace - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Splinter_Blast - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Winters_Curse - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Overcharge - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Relocate - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Spirits - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Wisp_Tether - NumOfVars: 42
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_hTarget -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x45c
(42)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_Maledict - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_ParalyzingCask - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_VoodooRestoration - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Zuus_Cloud - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_Ability_Zuus_LightningBolt - NumOfVars: 41
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iLevel -> int32 @ 0x414
(3)m_bInAbilityPhase -> bool @ 0x41a
(4)m_fCooldown -> float32 @ 0x41c
(5)m_iCastRange -> int32 @ 0x420
(6)m_iManaCost -> int32 @ 0x428
(7)m_bAutoCastState -> bool @ 0x42c
(8)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(9)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(10)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(11)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(12)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(13)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(14)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(15)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(16)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(17)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(18)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(19)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(20)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(21)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(22)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(23)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(24)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(25)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(26)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(27)m_bRefCountsModifiers -> bool @ 0x404
(28)m_bHidden -> bool @ 0x405
(29)m_bActivated -> bool @ 0x407
(30)m_iDirtyButtons -> int32 @ 0x40c
(31)m_bToggleState -> bool @ 0x419
(32)m_flCooldownLength -> float32 @ 0x424
(33)m_flChannelStartTime -> float32 @ 0x430
(34)m_flCastStartTime -> float32 @ 0x434
(35)m_bInIndefiniteCooldown -> bool @ 0x438
(36)m_bFrozenCooldown -> bool @ 0x439
(37)m_flOverrideCastPoint -> float32 @ 0x43c
(38)m_bStolen -> bool @ 0x440
(39)m_bReplicated -> bool @ 0x441
(40)m_nAbilityCurrentCharges -> int32 @ 0x444
(41)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
C_DOTA_BaseNPC - NumOfVars: 130
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(130)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Additive - NumOfVars: 130
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(130)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Barracks - NumOfVars: 142
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_nFXIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1538
(130)m_nFXIndexDestruction -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1540
(131)m_angInitialAngles -> QAngle @ 0x1548
(132)m_hHeroStatueSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1554
(133)m_hConstantLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1558
(134)m_fHeroStatueCycle -> float32 @ 0x155c
(135)m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex -> int32 @ 0x1560
(136)m_bHeroStatue -> bool @ 0x1564
(137)m_bBattleCup -> bool @ 0x1565
(138)m_HeroStatueInscription -> char[32] @ 0x201566
(139)m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID -> int32 @ 0x1588
(140)m_ParticleTintColor -> Color @ 0x158c
(141)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(142)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Building - NumOfVars: 142
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_nFXIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1538
(130)m_nFXIndexDestruction -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1540
(131)m_angInitialAngles -> QAngle @ 0x1548
(132)m_hHeroStatueSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1554
(133)m_hConstantLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1558
(134)m_fHeroStatueCycle -> float32 @ 0x155c
(135)m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex -> int32 @ 0x1560
(136)m_bHeroStatue -> bool @ 0x1564
(137)m_bBattleCup -> bool @ 0x1565
(138)m_HeroStatueInscription -> char[32] @ 0x201566
(139)m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID -> int32 @ 0x1588
(140)m_ParticleTintColor -> Color @ 0x158c
(141)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(142)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Clinkz_Skeleton_Army - NumOfVars: 130
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(130)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creature - NumOfVars: 133
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_flAim -> float32 @ 0x1528
(130)m_bIsCurrentlyChanneling -> bool @ 0x152c
(131)m_flChannelCycle -> float32 @ 0x1530
(132)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(133)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep - NumOfVars: 131
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_flAim -> float32 @ 0x1528
(130)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(131)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane - NumOfVars: 104
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(3)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(4)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(5)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(6)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(7)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(8)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(9)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(10)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(11)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(12)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(13)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(14)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(15)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(16)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(17)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(18)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(19)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(20)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(21)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(22)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(23)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(24)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(25)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(26)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(27)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(28)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(29)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(30)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(31)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(32)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(33)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(34)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(35)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(36)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(37)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(38)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(39)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(40)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(41)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(42)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(43)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(44)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(45)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(46)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(49)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(50)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(51)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(52)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(53)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(54)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(55)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(56)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(57)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(58)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(59)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(60)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(61)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(62)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(63)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(64)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(65)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(66)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(67)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(68)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(69)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(70)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(71)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(72)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(73)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(74)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(75)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(76)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(77)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(78)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(79)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(80)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(81)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(82)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(83)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(84)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(85)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(86)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(87)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(88)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(89)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(90)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(91)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(92)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(93)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(94)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(95)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(96)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(97)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(98)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(99)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(100)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(101)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(102)m_flAim -> float32 @ 0x1528
(103)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(104)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral - NumOfVars: 131
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_flAim -> float32 @ 0x1528
(130)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(131)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege - NumOfVars: 104
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(3)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(4)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(5)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(6)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(7)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(8)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(9)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(10)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(11)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(12)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(13)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(14)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(15)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(16)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(17)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(18)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(19)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(20)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(21)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(22)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(23)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(24)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(25)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(26)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(27)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(28)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(29)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(30)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(31)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(32)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(33)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(34)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(35)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(36)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(37)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(38)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(39)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(40)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(41)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(42)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(43)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(44)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(45)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(46)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(47)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(48)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(49)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(50)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(51)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(52)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(53)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(54)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(55)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(56)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(57)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(58)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(59)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(60)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(61)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(62)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(63)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(64)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(65)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(66)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(67)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(68)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(69)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(70)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(71)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(72)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(73)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(74)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(75)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(76)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(77)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(78)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(79)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(80)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(81)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(82)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(83)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(84)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(85)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(86)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(87)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(88)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(89)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(90)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(91)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(92)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(93)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(94)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(95)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(96)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(97)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(98)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(99)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(100)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(101)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(102)m_flAim -> float32 @ 0x1528
(103)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(104)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Talking - NumOfVars: 131
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_flAim -> float32 @ 0x1528
(130)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(131)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Effigy_BattleCup - NumOfVars: 142
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_nFXIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1538
(130)m_nFXIndexDestruction -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1540
(131)m_angInitialAngles -> QAngle @ 0x1548
(132)m_hHeroStatueSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1554
(133)m_hConstantLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1558
(134)m_fHeroStatueCycle -> float32 @ 0x155c
(135)m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex -> int32 @ 0x1560
(136)m_bHeroStatue -> bool @ 0x1564
(137)m_bBattleCup -> bool @ 0x1565
(138)m_HeroStatueInscription -> char[32] @ 0x201566
(139)m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID -> int32 @ 0x1588
(140)m_ParticleTintColor -> Color @ 0x158c
(141)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(142)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Effigy_Statue - NumOfVars: 142
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_nFXIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1538
(130)m_nFXIndexDestruction -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1540
(131)m_angInitialAngles -> QAngle @ 0x1548
(132)m_hHeroStatueSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1554
(133)m_hConstantLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1558
(134)m_fHeroStatueCycle -> float32 @ 0x155c
(135)m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex -> int32 @ 0x1560
(136)m_bHeroStatue -> bool @ 0x1564
(137)m_bBattleCup -> bool @ 0x1565
(138)m_HeroStatueInscription -> char[32] @ 0x201566
(139)m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID -> int32 @ 0x1588
(140)m_ParticleTintColor -> Color @ 0x158c
(141)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(142)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Filler - NumOfVars: 142
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_nFXIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1538
(130)m_nFXIndexDestruction -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1540
(131)m_angInitialAngles -> QAngle @ 0x1548
(132)m_hHeroStatueSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1554
(133)m_hConstantLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1558
(134)m_fHeroStatueCycle -> float32 @ 0x155c
(135)m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex -> int32 @ 0x1560
(136)m_bHeroStatue -> bool @ 0x1564
(137)m_bBattleCup -> bool @ 0x1565
(138)m_HeroStatueInscription -> char[32] @ 0x201566
(139)m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID -> int32 @ 0x1588
(140)m_ParticleTintColor -> Color @ 0x158c
(141)m_pDummyPhysicsComponent -> CPhysicsComponent* @ 0xa0
(142)m_CRenderComponent -> CRenderComponent* @ 0x3e8
C_DOTA_BaseNPC_Fort - NumOfVars: 142
(1)m_hOwnerEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d8
(2)m_nMuzzleFlashParity -> uint8 @ 0x623
(3)m_iCurrentLevel -> int32 @ 0xad4
(4)m_nTotalDamageTaken -> int64 @ 0x1210
(5)m_iAttackCapabilities -> int32 @ 0xf34
(6)m_iSpecialAbility -> int32 @ 0xf38
(7)m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam -> int32 @ 0xc5c
(8)m_anglediff -> int32 @ 0xf70
(9)m_NetworkActivity -> int32 @ 0x1390
(10)m_NetworkSequenceIndex -> int32 @ 0x1398
(11)m_hAbilities -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[30] @ 0x1e0b3c
(12)m_iHealth -> int32 @ 0x1bc
(13)m_lifeState -> uint8 @ 0x1c0
(14)m_fFlags -> uint32 @ 0x24c
(15)m_CBodyComponent -> CBodyComponent* @ 0x48
(16)m_pEntity -> CEntityIdentity* @ 0x10
(17)m_iMaxHealth -> int32 @ 0x1b8
(18)m_takedamage -> DamageOptions_t @ 0x1c1
(19)m_MoveCollide -> MoveCollide_t @ 0x2dc
(20)m_MoveType -> MoveType_t @ 0x2dd
(21)m_flCreateTime -> float32 @ 0x238
(22)m_bClientSideRagdoll -> bool @ 0x242
(23)m_ubInterpolationFrame -> uint8 @ 0x1c2
(24)m_iTeamNum -> uint8 @ 0x243
(25)m_hEffectEntity -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x2d4
(26)m_fEffects -> uint32 @ 0x2e0
(27)m_flElasticity -> float32 @ 0x2ec
(28)m_Gender -> gender_t @ 0x2de
(29)m_bSimulatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f0
(30)m_bAnimatedEveryTick -> bool @ 0x2f1
(31)m_nMinCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f2
(32)m_nMaxCPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f3
(33)m_nMinGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f4
(34)m_nMaxGPULevel -> uint8 @ 0x2f5
(35)m_iTextureFrameIndex -> uint8 @ 0x2fc
(36)m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime -> float32 @ 0x2f8
(37)m_nRenderMode -> RenderMode_t @ 0x3fc
(38)m_nRenderFX -> RenderFx_t @ 0x3fe
(39)m_clrRender -> Color @ 0x400
(40)m_RenderAttributeIDs -> CUtlStringToken[4] @ 0x40404
(41)m_RenderAttributeValues -> Vector4D[4] @ 0x40414
(42)m_LightGroup -> CUtlStringToken @ 0x454
(43)m_nInteractsAs -> uint64 @ 0x8
(44)m_nInteractsWith -> uint64 @ 0x10
(45)m_nInteractsExclude -> uint64 @ 0x18
(46)m_nEntityId -> uint32 @ 0x20
(47)m_nHierarchyId -> uint16 @ 0x24
(48)m_nCollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x26
(49)m_nCollisionFunctionMask -> uint8 @ 0x27
(50)m_usSolidFlags -> uint8 @ 0x52
(51)m_nSolidType -> SolidType_t @ 0x53
(52)m_triggerBloat -> uint8 @ 0x54
(53)m_nSurroundType -> SurroundingBoundsType_t @ 0x55
(54)m_CollisionGroup -> uint8 @ 0x56
(55)m_bHitboxEnabled -> bool @ 0x57
(56)m_vCapsuleCenter1 -> Vector @ 0x8c
(57)m_vCapsuleCenter2 -> Vector @ 0x98
(58)m_flCapsuleRadius -> float32 @ 0xa4
(59)m_iGlowType -> int32 @ 0x30
(60)m_nGlowRange -> int32 @ 0x34
(61)m_nGlowRangeMin -> int32 @ 0x38
(62)m_glowColorOverride -> Color @ 0x3c
(63)m_bFlashing -> bool @ 0x40
(64)m_flGlowBackfaceMult -> float32 @ 0x548
(65)m_fadeMinDist -> float32 @ 0x54c
(66)m_fadeMaxDist -> float32 @ 0x550
(67)m_flFadeScale -> float32 @ 0x554
(68)m_flShadowStrength -> float32 @ 0x558
(69)m_nAddDecal -> int32 @ 0x560
(70)m_vDecalPosition -> Vector @ 0x564
(71)m_vDecalForwardAxis -> Vector @ 0x570
(72)m_flDecalRadius -> float32 @ 0x57c
(73)m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause -> bool @ 0x621
(74)m_bDontSimulateClientAnimGraph -> bool @ 0x622
(75)m_flNextAttack -> float32 @ 0x8e8
(76)m_flFieldOfView -> float32 @ 0x9c0
(77)m_hMyWeapons -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > > @ 0x970
(78)m_hActiveWeapon -> CHandle< C_BaseCombatWeapon > @ 0x988
(79)m_hMyWearables -> CUtlVector< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > @ 0x990
(80)m_nLod -> uint8 @ 0xa6c
(81)m_bSelectionRingVisible -> bool @ 0xad0
(82)m_flMana -> float32 @ 0xb24
(83)m_flMaxMana -> float32 @ 0xb28
(84)m_flManaThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xb2c
(85)m_flHealthThinkRegen -> float32 @ 0xae4
(86)m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride -> int32 @ 0xaf0
(87)m_bIsPhantom -> bool @ 0xa98
(88)m_bIsAncient -> bool @ 0xad8
(89)m_bIsNeutralUnitType -> bool @ 0xada
(90)m_bIsSummoned -> bool @ 0xae1
(91)m_bCanBeDominated -> bool @ 0xae2
(92)m_bCanRespawn -> bool @ 0xaf4
(93)m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities -> bool @ 0xae3
(94)m_iBKBChargesUsed -> int32 @ 0xb30
(95)m_iBotDebugData -> int32 @ 0xb34
(96)m_bIsMoving -> bool @ 0x1220
(97)m_flManaRegen -> float32 @ 0x1218
(98)m_flHealthRegen -> float32 @ 0x121c
(99)m_iMoveSpeed -> int32 @ 0xb10
(100)m_flTauntCooldown -> float32 @ 0xc38
(101)m_fRevealRadius -> float32 @ 0x1224
(102)m_iDayTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc48
(103)m_iNightTimeVisionRange -> int32 @ 0xc4c
(104)m_flPhysicalArmorValue -> float32 @ 0x1120
(105)m_flMagicalResistanceValue -> float32 @ 0x1124
(106)m_nPlayerOwnerID -> int32 @ 0xf40
(107)m_nUnitState64 -> uint64 @ 0xe38
(108)m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 -> uint64 @ 0xae8
(109)m_hModifierParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x8
(110)m_iUnitNameIndex -> int32 @ 0xb18
(111)m_iDamageMin -> int32 @ 0xc50
(112)m_iDamageMax -> int32 @ 0xc54
(113)m_iDamageBonus -> int32 @ 0xc58
(114)m_bIsWaitingToSpawn -> bool @ 0x1208
(115)m_nUnitLabelIndex -> uint8 @ 0xc10
(116)m_szUnitLabel -> CUtlString @ 0xc08
(117)m_hItems -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[18] @ 0x120020
(118)m_iParity -> int32 @ 0x7c
(119)m_hInventoryParent -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x80
(120)m_bStashEnabled -> bool @ 0x85
(121)m_hTransientCastItem -> CHandle< C_BaseEntity > @ 0x88
(122)m_iCurShop -> DOTA_SHOP_TYPE @ 0xc3c
(123)m_szCurShopEntName -> CUtlSymbolLarge @ 0xc40
(124)m_bStolenScepter -> bool @ 0xad9
(125)m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual -> bool @ 0x139c
(126)m_flStartSequenceCycle -> float32 @ 0x13a0
(127)m_CustomHealthLabel -> char[256] @ 0x1001408
(128)m_CustomHealthLabelColor -> Color @ 0x1508
(129)m_nFXIndex -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1538
(130)m_nFXIndexDestruction -> CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > @ 0x1540
(131)m_angInitialAngles -> QAngle @ 0x1548
(132)m_hHeroStatueSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1554
(133)m_hConstantLayerSequence -> HSequence @ 0x1558
(134)m_fHeroStatueCycle -> float32 @ 0x155c
(135)m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex -> int32 @ 0x1560
(136)m_bHeroStatue -> bool @ 0x1564
(137)m_bBattleCup -> bool @ 0x1565
(138)m_HeroStatueInscription -> char[32] @ 0x201566
(139)m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID -> int32 @ 0x1588
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