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Last active February 3, 2025 09:49
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Recommended OptiFine alternatives on Fabric

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OptiFine was originally a great mod offering many quality of life improvements for player in the beginning. However, over the years, its benefits have dwindled and has caused many issues for modders. This is due to Minecraft's codebase improving over the years and OptiFine's aggressiveness towards replacing entire swaths of code while being closed source making it very difficult to figure out why OptiFine has broken another modder's mod. Also worth noting that OptiFine natively doesn't support Fabric and it's hard to maintain OptiFabric.

In the modern Minecraft era, with Fabric's community effort, modders have begun to create alternatives for most of OptiFine's features to allow players to maintain better performance, better mod compatibility, and better support.

OptiFabric: A note about the 1.16 crashes

This list

This list will list recommended OptiFine alternatives by me (LambdAurora), so it has some requirements for mods to be listed here:

  • They must be publicly available, if it's only accessible through Discord they are not eligible.
  • Mods must respect the Minecraft's EULA.
  • Mods must not refer to a cheat client.
  • Mods that change gameplay in a way (e.g. zoom) that have a way for servers to disable them will be favored.

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[Read More at]

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AulysV commented Nov 2, 2023

Invalid SSL certificate ?
The link isn't working

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It seems that there is an issue with thr web page at the moment. You can read the list here as well:

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ehx-v1 commented Nov 3, 2023

Wanted to give you a heads-up that (according to CloudFlare) your SSL certificate expired and needs to be renewed, but looks like others already pointed it out.

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I am aware of the issue, for some unknown reason GitHub is failing to renew the certificate, seems like my attempts at mitigating yesterday did not work.

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Update: had to unpublish entirely my website from GitHub and redeploy everything for it to finally issue valid SSL certificates, it should be good now.

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You're doing god's work mate

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