The STM32CubeMX tool is written in portable java, but unfortunately it is distributed as a Windows executable embedded in a Windows installer.
To install it on Linux:
sudo java -jar SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.11.0.exe
- install the tool somewhere in your home, eg:
sudo chown -R you:you /home/you/stm32/cubemx
To run it:
java -jar /home/you/stm32/cubemx/STM32CubeMX.exe
- or mark that file as executable, rename it to
, and double click it
Hello and thanks to all. I could follow simonsunnyboy & kingjulien advices and install on Ubuntu 19.10 latest version of CubeMX (5.6.1)
Everythings works ok (Design & code generation) , However update from the CubeMX make the tool freeze, I have to reboot the machine.
Since I run Linux from VirtualOrg, it could be virtual machine settings not cubeMX tool. Can anybody with a real linux machine has update working fine ? (Please note all my internet browser, mails are working fine in my Ubuntu virtual machine).
Thanks a lot !