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Last active August 1, 2021 10:22
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Expand the World of Warcraft window over multiple monitors
; Resize World of Warcraft window over multiple monitors
; ======================================================
; 1. Install AutoHotkey:
; 2. Set World of Warcraft to run in Windowed mode (Main menu > System > Graphics > Display > Display mode > Windowed then OK)
; 3. Set the Windows task bar to hide automatically (right click on the task bar > ⚙️ Task bar settings > Toggle Automatically hide the task bar in desktop mode to on)
; 4. Edit the values below accordingly to your monitor setup
; 5. Save the script
; Run the script to resize the WoW window
; Macro to keep the UI on the center screen :
; /run local MONITORS = 3; w = WorldFrame:GetWidth() / MONITORS + 2 * MONITORS; UIParent:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", w, 0); UIParent:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -w, 0);
; Application name
appName = World of Warcraft
; Size of one monitor
monitorWidth = 1920
monitorHeight = 1080
; Number of monitors horizontally
horizontalMonitors = 3
; Number of monitors vertically
verticalMonitors = 1
; Position of the top left corner of the first monitor
monitorY = 0
monitorX = 0
; These are the values for Windows 10 default theme
; Set those values to 0 if you play in windowed borderless mode (recommended)
borderTop = 31
borderBottom = 8
borderLeft = 8
borderRight = 8
; =============
; Resize window
; =============
windowX := monitorX - borderLeft
windowY := monitorY - borderTop
windowWidth := horizontalMonitors * monitorWidth + borderLeft + borderRight
windowHeight := verticalMonitors * monitorHeight + borderTop + borderBottom
WinMove, %appName%,, %windowX%, %windowY%, %windowWidth%, %windowHeight%
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