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Created November 4, 2009 20:55
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; Translated from the ruby original by Heinz N. Gies, original by:
; The Computer Language Shootout Benchmarks
; contributed by Jesse Millikan
(:use clojure.contrib.trace))
(defstruct btree :item :left :right)
(defn bottom-up-tree
[item depth]
(lazy-seq (if (> depth 0)
[depth (dec depth)
next_item (* 2 item)]
:item item
:left (bottom-up-tree (dec next_item) depth)
:right (bottom-up-tree next_item depth)))
:item item
:left "end"
:right "end"))))
(defn check-tree
(if-not (or (= (:left tree) "end") (=(:right tree) "end"))
(:item tree)
(+ (:item tree) (- (check-tree (:left tree)) (check-tree (:right tree))))))
(defn bm
(trace ;do
(println "so_binary_trees: ")
(time (let
[max-depth 12
min-depth 4
stretch-depth (+ max-depth 1)
stretch-check (check-tree (bottom-up-tree 0 stretch-depth))
long-lived-tree (bottom-up-tree 0 max-depth)
check-list (map (fn [depth]
[iterations (+ 1 (int (Math/pow 2 (- max-depth (+ depth min-depth)))))]
(reduce (fn [r i]
(+ r
(check-tree (bottom-up-tree i depth))
0)) (range 0 (+ iterations 1)))))
;(check-tree (bottom-up-tree (* i -1) depth)))) (range 0 (+ iterations 1)))))
(range min-depth (+ max-depth 2) 2))
;check-count (reduce + check-list)
long-lived-check (check-tree long-lived-tree)]
(println check-list)))))
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