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Last active December 28, 2015 04:59
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## bitcask data root
bitcask.data_root = /var/db/sniffle
## Configure how Bitcask writes data to disk.
## erlang: Erlang's built-in file API
## nif: Direct calls to the POSIX C API
## The NIF mode provides higher throughput for certain
## workloads, but has the potential to negatively impact
## the Erlang VM, leading to higher worst-case latencies
## and possible throughput collapse.
bitcask.io_mode = erlang
## Default database destination
db.dir = /var/db/sniffle
## Default database destination
db.backend = hanoidb
## where do you want the console.log output:
## off : nowhere
## file: the file specified by log.console.file
## console : standard out
## both : log.console.file and standard out.
log.console = file
## the log level of the console log
log.console.level = info
## location of the console log
log.console.file = /var/log/sniffle/console.log
## location of the error log
log.error.file = /var/log/sniffle/error.log
## turn on syslog
log.syslog = off
## Whether to write a crash log, and where.
## Commented/omitted/undefined means no crash logger.
log.crash.file = /var/log/sniffle/crash.log
## Maximum size in bytes of events in the crash log - defaults to 65536
log.crash.msg_size = 64KB
## Maximum size of the crash log in bytes, before its rotated, set
## to 0 to disable rotation - default is 0
log.crash.size = 10MB
## What time to rotate the crash log - default is no time
## rotation. See the lager README for a description of this format:
## = $D0
## Number of rotated crash logs to keep, 0 means keep only the
## current one - default is 0
log.crash.count = 5
## Whether to redirect error_logger messages into lager - defaults to true
log.error.redirect = on
## maximum number of error_logger messages to handle in a second
## lager 2.0.0 shipped with a limit of 50, which is a little low for riak's startup
log.error.messages_per_second = 100
## Domain this listener is listening to.
mdns.client.domain = .local
## The IP of the interface mdns traffic is received.
## a ip of means the first found interface. The default is 5453
mdns.client.ip =
mdns.client.port = 5353
## The multicast group the MDNS service is running on.
mdns.client.multicast_group =
## The service to listen to, it will be prepended to the domain.
mdns.client.service = generic
## the time that the mdns client iwll wait for a reply from a counterpart
## before it claims a timeout.
mdns.client.timeout = 1s500ms
## Number of tiems a given request will try to find a responding host
## before it gives up.
mdns.client.retries = 4
## Deley between retries to ensure minimal hickups don't blow up the
## system.
mdns.client.retrie_delay = 150ms
## Number of downvotes a endpoint needs to be taken offline for this round.
## before it gives up.
mdns.client.max_downvotes = 5
## Initial/idle size of a connection pool.
mdns.client.pool.initial = 5
## Maximum size of the connector pools, ther is one pool per endpoint per
## service.
mdns.client.pool.max = 5
## Default ring creation size. Make sure it is a power of 2,
## e.g. 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 etc
## ring_size = 64
## listener.http.<name> is an IP address and TCP port that the Riak
## HTTP interface will bind.
listener.http.internal =
## Default location of ringstate
ring.state_dir = /var/db/sniffle/ring
## listener.https.<name> is an IP address and TCP port that the Riak
## HTTPS interface will bind.
## listener.https.internal =
## Default cert location for https can be overridden
## with the ssl config variable, for example:
## ssl.certfile = ./etc/cert.pem
## Default key location for https can be overridden
## with the ssl config variable, for example:
## ssl.keyfile = ./etc/key.pem
## handoff.port is the TCP port that Riak uses for
## intra-cluster data handoff.
handoff.port = 8099
## To encrypt riak_core intra-cluster data handoff traffic,
## uncomment the following line and edit its path to an
## appropriate certfile and keyfile. (This example uses a
## single file with both items concatenated together.)
## handoff.ssl.certfile = /tmp/erlserver.pem
## DTrace support
## Do not enable 'dtrace' unless your Erlang/OTP
## runtime is compiled to support DTrace. DTrace is
## available in R15B01 (supported by the Erlang/OTP
## official source package) and in R14B04 via a custom
## source repository & branch.
dtrace = off
platform_bin_dir = ./bin
platform_data_dir = ./data
platform_etc_dir = ./etc
platform_lib_dir = ./lib
platform_log_dir = ./log
## The place the SNMP agent looks for it's configuration.
snmp.config_dir = snmp/conf/
## This is where the SNMP related databases and data gets
## stored, it must be writable for the process.
snmp.data_dir = /var/db/sniffle
## Name of the riak node
nodename = sniffle@
## Cookie for distributed node communication. All nodes in the same cluster
## should use the same cookie or they will not be able to communicate.
distributed_cookie = sniffle
erlang.asyc_threads = 64
## Increase number of concurrent ports/sockets
erlang.max_ports = 64000
## Set the location of crash dumps
erlang.crash_dump = /var/log/sniffle/erl_crash.dump
## Raise the ETS table limit
erlang.max_ets_tables = 256000
## Raise the default erlang process limit
process_limit = 256000
## For nodes with many busy_dist_port events, Basho recommends
## raising the sender-side network distribution buffer size.
## 32mb may not be sufficient for some workloads and is a suggested
## starting point.
## The Erlang/OTP default is 1024 (1 megabyte).
## See:
## erlang.zdouble = 32MB
## Erlang VM scheduler tuning.
## Prerequisite: a patched VM from Basho, or a VM compiled separately
## with this patch applied:
## erlang.swiffy = 500
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