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Lily Day Lily-La-Day

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After finishing bootcamp I made a conscious decision not to attempt to learn a whole new language or framework but to focus on practicing those with which I am already somewhat familiar. Well, it's been a few weeks and I have been diligently coding away in JS and using React and building a Python/Flask database but I was getting cravings for that feeling of learning something totally brand new. The progress made in the very first few days of really knuckling down and trying to get to grips with a new language is so quick that it is very edifying. Especially as nice and friendly a language as I have discovered Ruby to be.

I have a done little solo crash course over the last two days and am happy to have got very comfortably to the rock, paper, scissors (or cat, dog, human) level. I'm enjoying how explicit the OO-ness (object orientatedness in case that wasn't clear!) of Ruby is compared to JavaScript.

I will now be setting myself a slightly more tricky challenge so that I can get a proper ha

My First Webpage

Created in April/May 2019 (before I knew things!)

This was my very first attempt at coding a webpage. It is (the beginnings of at least) a personal website and was created before I was comfortable using GitHub and definitely before I was comfortable using JavaScript.

Having said that, looking back (as much as the JavaScript is hilarious) I am quite proud of what I managed to achieve here as I really was totally making it up as I went along and had no idea what I was doing. Which, let's face it - I still am and to a certain extent, and probably still will be in five years time when (touch wood, fingers crossed etc) I am a fully fledged professional web developer.

Bird Game

Pre-Bootcamp Challenge (April 2019)

(And my very first game!)


The aim of the game is to match the audio snippets of birdsong to the correct bird, the snippets play when the bird silhouettes are clicked and the egg fragments disappear if the correct bird is then selected.

Things I Should Know

Waffly introduction (feel free to skip if you [very fairly] don't care about the backstory to this app)

Having focussed primarily on re-aquainting myself with good old Vanilla JavaScript over the last few weeks (since finishing bootcamp where I had been using a lot of React) I had started to get a few back-end cravings. To a certain extent I satisfied these by creating this full-stack portfolio thing, upon which I am (totally pointlessly) storing all of my code projects as database entries. I had decided to use a MERN stack for this though as I had used Python/Flask more recently and felt that a reminder of good old Mongo/Mongoose was in order, I also didn't need to worry about complicated relationships at all so no-SQL made sense. Now however I am having those "want to use again" feelings about Python so I have decided to make another (totally unneccassary) database, this time focussing on the very specific genre of stuff: "Things I Should Know".

This is basically allowing me t

//simple example
function repeat(n, action) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
repeat(3, console.log);
//a compose function
const compose = function(f, g) {
return function(x) {
return g(f(x));
//or in ES6
function add (a) {
return function (b) {
return a + b
Lily-La-Day / pureFunction.js
Created August 29, 2019 08:26
Pure Function Example
const add = (x, y) => x + y
let x = 2
const add = (y) => { x += y }

Day "Two" (in which I admit defeat)

So this is the moment when I do the inevitable and admit that aiming to make these entries daily was wildly, wildly optimistic. It has been many more days than two days (I am purposefully not counting) but I will leave this title as a token of my ridiculous over-estimation of my own capabilities. I blame self-portraiture for that. I managed to bash out a self-portrait a day every day for a whole year. But I suppose the thing about portraits is that they don't actually break if they're a bit shit. You can just say "oh well, it's a bit shit but it's done', it's a bit harder to do that with code. Not that I'm not doing that exact thing right now - that is exactly what I am doing but just after a week rather than a day.

What I have actually tried to make is little quiz game based on common interview questions (and it's about as fun as it sounds). It consumes the words API for one of the questions and then uses a few code wars style string functions for the others. It is