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A re-skinning of Earthdawn 4e

The Legend of Zeldawn

The Legend of Zeldawn is a "reskinning" of Earthdawn 4e. The editions of Earthdawn are sufficiently close to one another, so this would probably work with any other edition too, but 4e is the primary target.


The Kingdom of Hyrule is home to the following Namegiver races.

  • Bokoblin: A race with a hunched posture, big ears, and a flat pig nose. Bokoblins are one of the most common races, and they excel at working underground.
  • Gerudo: A race of tall and powerful ladies. Because of the fact that they grow up in their own enclaves they often have a little difficulty interacting with the outside world.
  • Goron: Large and tough rock brothers. They usually fit the "gentle giant" stereotype. They can survive on plant material, but they prefer to eat the choicest of rocks. What makes a rock good to eat? The goron aren't always the best at explaining that part to non-goron.
  • Human: Just your normal humans. They're often a minority group that adopts the ways of others. When a place becomes majority human they are unfortunately prone to developing quite a bit of greed and paranoia.
  • Korok: Tiny tree pals, about the size and weight of a fat cat or small dog. Their body is made of wood, and they live on berries and mushrooms.
  • Lizal: Human sized lizardfolk with long powerful tails. Large Lizal groups mostly live all through the waterways of Hyrule, but they can also be spotted traveling elsewhere on a regular basis.
  • Moblin: A very tall race (3m) with a nose like a tapir. Most moblins live peacefully with all the smaller races, but there are also majority moblin societies that live high in the mountains, raiding others from flying ships like some sort of viking deal.
  • Sheikah: A long lived race that's slightly taller than a human on average. They were the ones who help Hyrule build their defenses against the Calamity, and their book of instructions on how to rebuild civilization after the Calamity had passed caused all of the races to adopt Sheikah language as the common tongue for communication.
Race Dex Str Tou Per Wil Cha Mov Kar Special
Bokoblin 10 11 12 11 11 10 10 4 Thermographic
Gerudo 10 13 11 10 10 9 12 5 Low-light
Goron 8 18 13 9 10 9 10 3 Stoneskin
Human 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 5 Versatility
Korok 11 4 8 11 10 12 6 6 Astral Sight, Flight, Tiny Size
Lizal 11 10 11 10 10 11 12 4 Tail Combat, Waterbreathing
Moblin 10 14 12 9 11 10 14 3 Thermographic
Sheikah 12 10 8 11 11 11 14 4 Low-light
  • Astral Sight: Koroks get Astral Sight at Rank 0 as a bonus talent they can improve regardless of Discipline. If the Korok can't actually use this ability until they improve it to at least Rank 1 via Legend Points.
  • Flight: Koroks can fly with a speed of 16 by flapping cute little leaves that they always seem to have on hand. Koroks cannot fly in the rain or if they are otherwise extremely wet. Every 20 minutes of flight forces a Toughness (5) test or they take 1 Strain. Every additional 20 minutes forces a new test at +2 difficulty. The flight timer is reset on a one-for-one basis, so 20 minutes of flight is reset after 20 minutes of walking. For long-term travel purposes, this allows them to have an effective move speed of 11.
  • Low-light: You have Low-light vision. It works exactly like Low-light vision does in Tome, because that's easiest to remember.
  • Stoneskin: Your skin is partly rock, giving you +3 to your Wound Threshold, and also 3 Physical Armor. Your natural Physical Armor only stacks with worn armor if the armor you're wearing is tagged as "Living Armor".
  • Tail Combat: A Lizal can make a bonus Unarmed Attack using their tail in addition to their normal actions, but doing so gives all of their test for the round a -2 penalty (including the tail attack).
  • Thermographic: Your eyes can see the heat coming off of creatures and objects. It doesn't affect your normal sight in normal light level, but in dim light or total darkness the (slightly fuzzy) is enough to fight with and kinda get by. It doesn't let you read paper and books in the dark, which is part of why Bokoblins and Moblins use carved runes for their signs.
  • Tiny Size: Koroks are so much smaller than the other races they actually get +2 Physical Defense from it.
  • Versatility: Humans can access the Versatility Talent, which has its own whole entry in the Talents chapter and all that.
  • Waterbreathing: A Lizal can breathe underwater.

Character Creation

  • Attributes: Use the normal 25 Point Buy system for Earthdawn 4e.
  • Discipline and Talents: All characters start at 2nd Circle, with all of their 1st Circle Discipline Talents at exactly Rank 2. They also get 700 legend points to spend as they like.
  • Skills: Characters get the usual 2 Ranks in Speak Language and 1 Rank in Read Language. Most characters simply speak their own race's language and also the Sheikah language. Sheikah characters speak their language and get to pick a secondary language. Humans do not have a racial language, so they also speak Sheikah as well as a secondary language of their choice. Characters also get 2 ranks in a skill based on their race (below), and 2 Ranks in any four other skills of their choice.
    • Bokoblin: Wilderness Survival
    • Gerudo: Danger Sense
    • Goron: Wound Balance
    • Human: First Impression
    • Korok: Stealthy Stride
    • Lizal: Swimming
    • Moblin: Climbing
    • Sheikah: Conceal Object
  • Equipment: You get the Standard Adventuring Gear that's listed on page 72 of the ED4 Player's Guide, as well as 1,000 silver pieces for any additional equipment that you'd like.
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