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Last active December 11, 2019 22:42
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  • Save Lokathor/b20ecd4657dea29209b002e13d11f491 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lokathor/b20ecd4657dea29209b002e13d11f491 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Cargo Crev Quickstart

You should consider using cargo-crev more often.

  • Installation: You need to obtain OpenSLL, and then cargo install cargo-crev
  • (All commands from here are for cargo-crev 0.13.0; command usage may change in the future)
  • Make Your ID: cargo crev id new --url [repo_url]
    • This prompts for a password that will protect the ID.
    • This is the cryptographic style "you can't ever recover this" type of password.
    • Keep it secret and keep it safe.
    • You will need this password any time you trust another ID or write a review.
    • It doesn't clone the existing repo, just makes a new .git setup that points at that URL, so you may need to configure it. Use cargo crev git to run git commands as if you were in the crev reivews repo folder.
  • Get all IDs from a repo: cargo crev repo fetch url [repo]
  • Trust a particular ID: cargo crev id trust [id]
  • Fetch the latest reviews: cargo crev repo fetch trusted
  • Check the current crate's status: cargo crev crate verify
  • Reviewing Code: Read The Guide
    • Reviews are saved into your local git clone of your reviews repo.
  • Publish Your Reviews: cargo crev repo publish

Known Crev IDs

Here's the names, repos, and IDs of some folks I know.

Once you have at least one person on your trusted list, run cargo crev id query all. This will list not only the people that you directly trust, but the transitive trust that you have in people they trust. This lets you easily discover more people you might want to trust directly.

Username Repo ID
dpc FYlr8YoYGVvDwHQxqEIs89reKKDy-oWisoO0qXXEfHE
Lokathor ZCBwWlOeJyU79adJqX9-irGH5wrmuYxUPXeSrFKuayg
Icefox lr2ldir9XdBsKQkW3YGpRIO2pxhtSucdzf3M5ivfv4A
MaulingMonkey 6OZqHXqyUAF57grEY7IVMjRljdd9dgDxiNtr1NF1BdY
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