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Last active April 30, 2017 08:45
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  • Save Lokathor/b2df34e820c6d298dd5f110f48ed42ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lokathor/b2df34e820c6d298dd5f110f48ed42ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A demo of a simple multi-threaded IRC bot in Haskell using stm and async.
{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- This demo program is placed into the Public Domain.
module Main where
-- imports are grouped by the package they come from
-- base
import Control.Monad (mapM_, forever)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- network-simple
import Network.Simple.TCP (withSocketsDo, connect, send, recv)
-- bytestring
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
-- stm
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue
-- async
import Control.Concurrent.Async
type IRCMessage = String
-- | For sake of simplicity, we will not use Text, which supports
-- utf8 and all that. Instead we'll assume that all bytes are 8-bit
-- characters and turn the bytes into a String that way. Don't do
-- this in production code, that would be unwise.
parseIRCMessage :: ByteString -> (ByteString,[IRCMessage])
parseIRCMessage bytes = let
-- try to break off just one message frame
(h,t) = B.breakSubstring "\r\n" bytes
-- recursively check for any more frames
(spare, rest) = parseIRCMessage (B.drop 2 t)
-- If 't' is null then we don't have even a single complete frame, so we
-- just hand back all the bytes as spare.
in if B.null t
then (bytes, [])
else (spare, C.unpack h:rest)
main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
inQ <- newTQueueIO
outQ <- newTQueueIO
let incoming socket spare = do
maybeBytes <- recv socket 512
case maybeBytes of
Nothing -> putStrLn "The Socket Closed!"
Just bytes -> do
let (newSpare, messages) = parseIRCMessage $ spare <> bytes
atomically $ mapM_ (writeTQueue inQ) messages
incoming socket newSpare
outgoing socket = forever $ do
ircMessage <- atomically $ readTQueue outQ
putStrLn $ "O " <> ircMessage
send socket (C.pack ircMessage)
send socket "\r\n"
worker = forever $ do
message <- atomically $ readTQueue inQ
putStrLn $ "I " <> message
let pingPrefix = "PING :"
pongPrefix = "PONG :"
prefixLength = length pingPrefix
-- you could do more complex work here of course, but for now
-- we'll just respond to any pings and that's it.
if pingPrefix `isPrefixOf` message
then atomically $ writeTQueue outQ $ pongPrefix <> drop prefixLength message
else return ()
connect "" "6667" $ \(socket, remoteAddr) -> do
withAsync (incoming socket "") $ \inAsync -> do
withAsync (outgoing socket) $ \outAsync -> do
withAsync worker $ \workAsync -> do
-- send the openers
atomically $ do
writeTQueue outQ "NICK farmbotirc"
writeTQueue outQ "USER farmbotirc 8 * :farmbotirc the bot"
writeTQueue outQ "JOIN #lokathor"
-- wait 20 seconds and then say something in the channel unprompted.
threadDelay (1000000*20)
atomically $ do
writeTQueue outQ "PRIVMSG #lokathor :Hello from Haskell."
-- this just blocks in the main thread while the program runs
wait inAsync
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