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Last active April 26, 2024 09:22
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NetLimiter 3
Registration name: Peter Raheli
Registration code: C99A2-QSSUD-2CSBG-TSRPN-A2BEB
NetLimiter 4
Registration Name: Vladimir Putin #2
Registration Code: XLEVD-PNASB-6A3BD-Z72GJ-SPAH7
# Netlimiter Full Netlimiter Activated Netlimiter cracked Netlimiter Full Version Netlimiter Serial Netlimiter keygen Netlimiter crack Netlimiter 4 serial Netlimiter 4 Crack Netlimiter 4 register Netlimiter 4 patch Netlimiter full Full version Netlimiter 4 Activated Netlimiter 4 Cracked Netlimiter Pro
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susvevo commented Dec 2, 2023

got the key from keygen but still says subscription not found even after i clicked patch and selected Netlimiter.dll

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susvevo commented Dec 2, 2023

now it says an error occurred while sending the request, unable to connect to the remote server, no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

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z1nc0r3 commented Dec 2, 2023

antivirus software is saying keygen is a trojan.

Just allow the keygen from the antivirus software.

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z1nc0r3 commented Dec 2, 2023

got the key from keygen but still says subscription not found even after i clicked patch and selected Netlimiter.dll

You must kill the net limiter process before doing the above process.

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susvevo commented Dec 2, 2023

did that, but now it is saying my most recent above error.

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Guys i had downloaded this to prevent the windows updates when i had limited Internet access
Now that i have switched to Linux i have no such problems no applications running in the background that consume Internet without your permission probabaly not a answer to this forum question but give it a try sometime

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z1nc0r3 commented Dec 2, 2023

did that, but now it is saying my most recent above error.

Not sure whether this will work, but give it a try by adding this NetLimiter.dll file.

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Today the Vladimir Putin #2 got probably cancelled or something, because it says I will get restricted mode in 373 days.

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Vladimir Putin #2 got cancelled today, any fix?

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Vladimir Putin #2 got cancelled today, any fix?

Well, I am going to edit the NetLimiter.dll rn

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honzawashere commented Dec 3, 2023

Vladimir Putin #2 got cancelled today, any fix?

After rewriting the .dll file, I have successfully managed to get "99891 days left" and the software works well again. Follow instructions by "GuardConnect" which can be found when you scroll through comments in here.

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Pleiade5 commented Dec 4, 2023

Keygen by Jasi2169 still works, just make sure to disable netlimiter service when applying (nlsvc)

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Shqdowz commented Dec 4, 2023

Before starting, close the NetLimiter application process, and also stop its nlsvc service (for example, with the "net stop nlsvc" command)
In order to obtain a license by changing the code you need to:

  1. Install DnSpy
  2. Install the latest version of NetLimiter from the OFFICIAL website
  3. Find the NetLimiter.dll file in the folder and copy it to a directory where you can work without administrator rights

Open DnSpy as administrator. Next, we transfer the NetLimiter.dll library to DnSpy. Then we look for the NetLimiter.Service item. You need to find the NLLicense class in it.
Once you have found the NLLicense class, you need to change its contents to the code below:
After replacing, save the changes to the CrackedNetLimiter.dll file (you may need to add a link to the NLInterop.dll file, which is also located in the program directory).
Next, copy the CrackedNetLimiter.dll file to the main directory of the NetLimiter program. Then rename the NetLimiter.dll file to NetLimiter.dll.backup and the CrackedNetLimiter.dll file to NetLimiter.dll.
After the work done, start the nlsvc service (for example, with the command net start nlsvc) Voila! Now when you start the program you will receive a perpetual license =)
If you are just too lazy to do all this, here is the NetLimiter.dll file for version which you just need to move and replace to the main directory of the program

This way it does show the license is valid but when you try to use anything it shows "trial period has expired" - this way does not work. Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-13 141451

Действительно из-за наличия лицензии была проблема. На текущий момент изменил подход. Он актуален и работает корректно.

  1. Устанавливаем DnSpy

  2. Теперь завершим процесс "NLClientApp.exe" и остановим службу "nlsvc". Они не дадут нам сохранить файл.
    Сделать это можно в командной строке запущенной от имени администратора командами:

    1. taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe
    2. net stop nlsvc
  3. Открываем DnSpy от имени администратора

  4. Открываем ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ файл NetLimiter.dll (при стандартной установке он находится по пути "C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter\NetLimiter.dll"). Открывать нужно из данной директории так как есть прямые ссылки на другие библиотеки программы. Для этого нажмём "File" => Open.

  5. После успешного открытия в разделе "Обозреватель сборок" открываем NetLimiter (version) => NetLimiter.dll => {} NetLimiter.Service => NLLicense

  6. После успешного нахождения класса NLLicense находим в нем первый конструктор NLLicense()

public NLLicense()
	this.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue;
	this.EditionId = "pro";
	this.Quantity = 1;
	this.IsRegistered = false;
	this.IsRecurring = false;
	this.SupporetedFeatures = new SupportedFeatures(this.EditionId);
  1. В нем меняем значение переменной this.IsRegistered с false на true. Для этого нажмем правой кнопкой мыши рядом со значением и выберем пункт "Edit this method C#". После изменения нужно нажать кнопку "Compile"
public NLLicense()
	this.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue;
	this.EditionId = "pro";
	this.Quantity = 1;
	this.IsRegistered = true;
	this.IsRecurring = false;
	this.SupporetedFeatures = new SupportedFeatures(this.EditionId);
  1. После изменения NLLicense() снова смотрим в раздел "Обозреватель сборок" и открываем NetLimiter (version) => NetLimiter.dll => {} NetLimiter.Service => NLServiceTemp
  2. В классе NLServiceTemp ищем функцию InitLicense()
private void InitLicense()
	string licensePath = this.GetLicensePath();
	NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("RegData path: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	RegData regData = null;
	if (File.Exists(licensePath))
		string text = File.ReadAllText(licensePath);
			regData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RegData>(text);
			if (!this.VerifyRegData(regData))
				regData = null;
		catch (Exception ex)
			NLServiceTemp._logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to init existing license: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	if (regData != null)
		this.License = new NLLicense(regData);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License found: expiration={expiration}", new object[] { this.License.Expiration });
		DateTime installTime = this.GetInstallTime();
		DateTime dateTime = installTime.AddDays(28.0);
		this.License = new NLLicense(dateTime);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License not found: expiration={expiration}, installTime={installTime}", new object[]
  1. Ищем сроку "DateTime dateTime = installTime.AddDays(28.0);" и меняем значение "28.0" на "99999.0". Это нужно для увеличения срока триала продукта. Так же нужно явно указать то что будет использоваться System.Exception в обработке исключений "catch (Exception ex)" иначе возникнет ошибка при компиляции изменений.
private void InitLicense()
	string licensePath = this.GetLicensePath();
	NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("RegData path: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	RegData regData = null;
	if (File.Exists(licensePath))
		string text = File.ReadAllText(licensePath);
			regData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RegData>(text);
			if (!this.VerifyRegData(regData))
				regData = null;
		catch (System.Exception ex)
			NLServiceTemp._logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to init existing license: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	if (regData != null)
		this.License = new NLLicense(regData);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License found: expiration={expiration}", new object[] { this.License.Expiration });
		DateTime installTime = this.GetInstallTime();
		DateTime dateTime = installTime.AddDays(99999.0);
		this.License = new NLLicense(dateTime);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License not found: expiration={expiration}, installTime={installTime}", new object[]
  1. Сохраним изменения файла. В DnSpy слева сверху нажмите "File" => "Save all". В путь при сохранении должен быть указан как "C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter\NetLimiter.dll"
  2. После успешного сохранения изменённого файла "NetLimiter.dll" запустим службу "nlsvc". Сделать это можно в командной строке запущенной от имени администратора командой "net start nlsvc"
  3. Вуаля! Радуемся программе с бесконечный триалом =)


I'm still getting the error regardless ("Trial period has expired")

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Manolo5678 commented Dec 6, 2023

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

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Shqdowz commented Dec 7, 2023

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

works, thanks so much! i have a feeling it didnt work for me because i didnt have any registration name set up before.

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Kab00mm222 commented Dec 7, 2023

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

1. Download it from [here](

2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste `taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe` and `net stop nlsvc`

3. Move the .dll to `C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter` and rename it to `NetLimiter.dll`

4. paste on the CMD `net start nlsvc`

5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

This works fine for me... for now. If anyone is still having issues, try using Revo Uninstaller to completely remove the program and any of its leftovers and run the NL exe with admin perm. It's either that or me using Revo uninstaller that fixed the gray screen problem.

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1x12HD commented Dec 8, 2023

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

Damn it acutally works, thanks a lot bud!

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gmiwoj commented Dec 9, 2023


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Before starting, close the NetLimiter application process, and also stop its nlsvc service (for example, with the "net stop nlsvc" command)
In order to obtain a license by changing the code you need to:

  1. Install DnSpy
  2. Install the latest version of NetLimiter from the OFFICIAL website
  3. Find the NetLimiter.dll file in the folder and copy it to a directory where you can work without administrator rights

Open DnSpy as administrator. Next, we transfer the NetLimiter.dll library to DnSpy. Then we look for the NetLimiter.Service item. You need to find the NLLicense class in it.
Once you have found the NLLicense class, you need to change its contents to the code below:
After replacing, save the changes to the CrackedNetLimiter.dll file (you may need to add a link to the NLInterop.dll file, which is also located in the program directory).
Next, copy the CrackedNetLimiter.dll file to the main directory of the NetLimiter program. Then rename the NetLimiter.dll file to NetLimiter.dll.backup and the CrackedNetLimiter.dll file to NetLimiter.dll.
After the work done, start the nlsvc service (for example, with the command net start nlsvc) Voila! Now when you start the program you will receive a perpetual license =)
If you are just too lazy to do all this, here is the NetLimiter.dll file for version which you just need to move and replace to the main directory of the program

This way it does show the license is valid but when you try to use anything it shows "trial period has expired" - this way does not work. Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-13 141451

Действительно из-за наличия лицензии была проблема. На текущий момент изменил подход. Он актуален и работает корректно.

  1. Устанавливаем DnSpy

  2. Теперь завершим процесс "NLClientApp.exe" и остановим службу "nlsvc". Они не дадут нам сохранить файл.
    Сделать это можно в командной строке запущенной от имени администратора командами:

    1. taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe
    2. net stop nlsvc
  3. Открываем DnSpy от имени администратора

  4. Открываем ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ файл NetLimiter.dll (при стандартной установке он находится по пути "C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter\NetLimiter.dll"). Открывать нужно из данной директории так как есть прямые ссылки на другие библиотеки программы. Для этого нажмём "File" => Open.

  5. После успешного открытия в разделе "Обозреватель сборок" открываем NetLimiter (version) => NetLimiter.dll => {} NetLimiter.Service => NLLicense

  6. После успешного нахождения класса NLLicense находим в нем первый конструктор NLLicense()

public NLLicense()
	this.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue;
	this.EditionId = "pro";
	this.Quantity = 1;
	this.IsRegistered = false;
	this.IsRecurring = false;
	this.SupporetedFeatures = new SupportedFeatures(this.EditionId);
  1. В нем меняем значение переменной this.IsRegistered с false на true. Для этого нажмем правой кнопкой мыши рядом со значением и выберем пункт "Edit this method C#". После изменения нужно нажать кнопку "Compile"
public NLLicense()
	this.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue;
	this.EditionId = "pro";
	this.Quantity = 1;
	this.IsRegistered = true;
	this.IsRecurring = false;
	this.SupporetedFeatures = new SupportedFeatures(this.EditionId);
  1. После изменения NLLicense() снова смотрим в раздел "Обозреватель сборок" и открываем NetLimiter (version) => NetLimiter.dll => {} NetLimiter.Service => NLServiceTemp
  2. В классе NLServiceTemp ищем функцию InitLicense()
private void InitLicense()
	string licensePath = this.GetLicensePath();
	NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("RegData path: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	RegData regData = null;
	if (File.Exists(licensePath))
		string text = File.ReadAllText(licensePath);
			regData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RegData>(text);
			if (!this.VerifyRegData(regData))
				regData = null;
		catch (Exception ex)
			NLServiceTemp._logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to init existing license: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	if (regData != null)
		this.License = new NLLicense(regData);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License found: expiration={expiration}", new object[] { this.License.Expiration });
		DateTime installTime = this.GetInstallTime();
		DateTime dateTime = installTime.AddDays(28.0);
		this.License = new NLLicense(dateTime);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License not found: expiration={expiration}, installTime={installTime}", new object[]
  1. Ищем сроку "DateTime dateTime = installTime.AddDays(28.0);" и меняем значение "28.0" на "99999.0". Это нужно для увеличения срока триала продукта. Так же нужно явно указать то что будет использоваться System.Exception в обработке исключений "catch (Exception ex)" иначе возникнет ошибка при компиляции изменений.
private void InitLicense()
	string licensePath = this.GetLicensePath();
	NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("RegData path: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	RegData regData = null;
	if (File.Exists(licensePath))
		string text = File.ReadAllText(licensePath);
			regData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RegData>(text);
			if (!this.VerifyRegData(regData))
				regData = null;
		catch (System.Exception ex)
			NLServiceTemp._logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to init existing license: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });
	if (regData != null)
		this.License = new NLLicense(regData);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License found: expiration={expiration}", new object[] { this.License.Expiration });
		DateTime installTime = this.GetInstallTime();
		DateTime dateTime = installTime.AddDays(99999.0);
		this.License = new NLLicense(dateTime);
		NLServiceTemp._logger.LogInformation("License not found: expiration={expiration}, installTime={installTime}", new object[]
  1. Сохраним изменения файла. В DnSpy слева сверху нажмите "File" => "Save all". В путь при сохранении должен быть указан как "C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter\NetLimiter.dll"
  2. После успешного сохранения изменённого файла "NetLimiter.dll" запустим службу "nlsvc". Сделать это можно в командной строке запущенной от имени администратора командой "net start nlsvc"
  3. Вуаля! Радуемся программе с бесконечный триалом =)


@GuardConnect Hello, I receive this error when trying to compile "NLServiceTemp->InitLicense()" do you know what could be the reason?


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GuardConnect commented Dec 11, 2023

Vladimir Putin #2 got cancelled today, any fix?

After rewriting the .dll file, I have successfully managed to get "99891 days left" and the software works well again. Follow instructions by "GuardConnect" which can be found when you scroll through comments in here. image

@honzawashere Hello, Do you know what I'm doing wrong? or any ideas on how to get through that?


You are opening Netlimiter.dll in a location other than your main folder. You will simply lose the path to other dlls in the assembly

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Stofa14 commented Dec 11, 2023

When I change the number (28) to (99999), an error occurs when I compile it.

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Thank you !

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GuardConnect commented Dec 11, 2023

When I change the number (28) to (99999), an error occurs when I compile it. Capture

Why can't you just read the instructions? I clearly indicated in paragraph 10 what to do in this case.

Use "System.Exception ex"

The compiler does not understand which method you want to use because there are several functions of the same name

catch (System.Exception ex)
			NLServiceTemp._logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to init existing license: {path}", new object[] { licensePath });

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iberosmen commented Dec 11, 2023

it was the route that was wrong
Thanks you!

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Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

thanks it actually works

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Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

thanks @Manolo5678 . If we update, the dll file will be corrupted, right?

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Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

thanks @Manolo5678 . If we update, the dll file will be corrupted, right?

I think it will be replaced so you will get activation error again..

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you can always patch it again like @GuardConnect explained

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thanks @Manolo5678 . If we update, the dll file will be corrupted, right?

I think it will be replaced so you will get activation error again..

Yes, If I see a good update, I will try to modify the file again and upload it

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berrenk commented Dec 17, 2023

im new to this type of thing but i followed all of the above steps and when i try to compile i get these errors

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adamsh231 commented Dec 27, 2023

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

Ma man @Manolo5678, you save ma time brader, thank you so much appreciate it!

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InternalxHD commented Dec 29, 2023

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

_Please be safe out there! _

Ma man @Manolo5678, you save ma time brader, thank you so much appreciate it!

thank you so much, it worked

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underworldgamer commented Dec 30, 2023


i tried to use the change file from @Manolo5678 and want to recompile it.



And i get these errors without changing anything.

What i need to change that i am only using 4.0.0,0 or ?


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The code provided for NLLicence class causes the compile error (unknown type or namespace)

The code provided: image

So, we are not lazy, but rather the provided code is broken.

good work. Do you know whats here wrong ?


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I made my own cracked version for nl5, but now i'm using nl4 i see that vlad putin 2 still works. Any way to change the reg name?

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Veng3l commented Jan 15, 2024

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

Thanks a lot dude, it works perfectly 🥇 :)

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Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

_Please be safe out there!

It works for me(18/01/2024), thank you so much.

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Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

Works like a charm! (22/01/2024) thanks a lot.

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Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

My thanks. It works

Copy link

Hey guys, I made a really safe script that installs and patches NetLimiter automatically.

If you already have it installed, please uninstall it (you can keep settings and temp files, better if you don't)

Download the file from here.

It does everything automatically.

Hybrid Analysis

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Whoami42 commented Feb 8, 2024

Don't download any .exe [MALWARE]

I've done a .dll for the last version of NetLimiter (

  1. Download it from here
  2. Open a CMD as Admin and paste taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  3. Move the .dll to C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter and rename it to NetLimiter.dll
  4. paste on the CMD net start nlsvc
  5. Enjoy!

Antivirus Tests:


Hybrid Analysis

Please be safe out there!

Careful Now! He is a hero 🕸️🔴🕷️

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Since someone reported my script as a "clever way to snuggle a virus", here are the virustotal and hybrid analysis of the DLL that it downloads. The netlimiter files are downloaded from original servers, the patch is the netlimiter dll modified to last until 2050. It basically does what @Manolo5678 suggests, but automatically.

VirusTotal for
Hybrid Analysis for

Virus Total for NetLimiter.dll
Hybrid Analysis for NetLimiter.dll

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Rings4 commented Feb 8, 2024

Hey guys, I made a really safe script that installs and patches NetLimiter automatically.

If you already have it installed, please uninstall it (you can keep settings and temp files, better if you don't)

Download the file from here.

It does everything automatically.

VirusTotal Hybrid Analysis

This unfortunately did not work for me. I uninstalled NetLimiter and deleted all temporary files before running the batch script as admin.

The .dll you posted earlier, however, works like a charm! Thank you!

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This unfortunately did not work for me. I uninstalled NetLimiter and deleted all temporary files before running the batch script as admin.

I'm sorry, what is the issue? I tried on multiple devices and it works fine.

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Thanks Very Much. Its Works Great.

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Since someone reported my script as a "clever way to snuggle a virus", here are the virustotal and hybrid analysis of the DLL that it downloads. The netlimiter files are downloaded from original servers, the patch is the netlimiter dll modified to last until 2050. It basically does what @Manolo5678 suggests, but automatically.

VirusTotal for Hybrid Analysis for

Virus Total for NetLimiter.dll Hybrid Analysis for NetLimiter.dll

I uninstalled NetLimiter and ran it as admin didn't work it just installed it again but the trail expire message is gone but just have another 28 days

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I uninstalled NetLimiter and ran it as admin didn't work it just installed it again but the trail expire message is gone but just have another 28 days

I checked the script again and found out it doesn’t work due to the impossibility of downloading the patch. I’m updating it to avoid installing netlimiter if it’s already installed. Maybe tomorrow I’ll upload the new file

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@ItsBluey @Rings4

Here is the updated script, which checks if you already have NetLimiter installed and it ONLY patches it, or if you don't have it installed it installs it and patches it. The script can be downloaded here.

Hybrid Analysis

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Sorry but I would not trust any automatic stuff, less coming from a new account.

It's not necessary either, the .dll that I created about 3 months ago is still for the latest version and assuming that every 6 months you have to repeat the process (it's also not always necessary to update)... it's not a big deal, the manual way is simple enough

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it's not a big deal, the manual way is simple enough

It’s true, it is fairly easy to do, I did the script to make it even easier and automated for less experienced users who might come over. If someone does not trust it I might upload the source code right away here on GitHub.

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diegoweb commented Feb 25, 2024

it's not a big deal, the manual way is simple enough

It’s true, it is fairly easy to do, I did the script to make it even easier and automated for less experienced users who might come over. If someone does not trust it I might upload the source code right away here on GitHub.

Your script download the DLL from external source.
It's not about releasing the code.... Your script is just a BAT file, anyone can see the code.
The risk is you or somebody else editing this external source and upload a malware in there.

If your script did the manual patch by its own and you had it with open code, the community would be happy with that.
The current state of having a open code but downloading something from elsewhere is totally unsafe.

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Baseult commented Feb 25, 2024

I just cracked it myself, took me 2 minutes with DnSpy.
Here is the latest dll ( (updated link)


  1. Open up CMD as Admin and enter taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  2. Paste the dll into your C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter
  3. Then paste net start nlsvc into CMD and and start the NetLimiter app.
  4. Thats it!

If you want to crack it yourself, open the NetLimiter.dll file inside your NetLimiter folder with DnSpy.

  1. Navigate to NetLimiter (version) -> NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLLicense -> NLLicense().
  2. Right click the this.IsRegistered = false; and edit with C# and change it from false; to true;
  3. After that go to NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLServiceTemp -> InitLicense().
  4. Right click at the DateTime expiration = installTime.AddDays(28.0); and "edit IL instruction".
  5. Change the 'ldc.r8 28' to 'ldc.r8 99999' and press OK.
  6. Go to File -> Save all.
  7. That's it!

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I just cracked it myself, took me 2 minutes with DnSpy. Here is the latest dll ( image

  1. Open up CMD as Admin and enter taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  2. Paste the dll into your C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter
  3. Then paste net start nlsvc into CMD and and start the NetLimiter app.
  4. Thats it!

If you want to crack it yourself, open the NetLimiter.dll file inside your NetLimiter folder with DnSpy.

  1. Navigate to NetLimiter (version) -> NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLLicense -> NLLicense().
  2. Right click the this.IsRegistered = false; and edit with C# and change it from false; to true;
  3. After that go to NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLServiceTemp -> InitLicense().
  4. Right click at the DateTime expiration = installTime.AddDays(28.0); and "edit IL instruction".
  5. Change the 'ldc.r8 28' to 'ldc.r8 99999' and press OK.
  6. Go to File -> Save all.
  7. That's it!

File deleted.

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I just cracked it myself, took me 2 minutes with DnSpy. Here is the latest dll ( image

  1. Open up CMD as Admin and enter taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  2. Paste the dll into your C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter
  3. Then paste net start nlsvc into CMD and and start the NetLimiter app.
  4. Thats it!

If you want to crack it yourself, open the NetLimiter.dll file inside your NetLimiter folder with DnSpy.

  1. Navigate to NetLimiter (version) -> NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLLicense -> NLLicense().
  2. Right click the this.IsRegistered = false; and edit with C# and change it from false; to true;
  3. After that go to NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLServiceTemp -> InitLicense().
  4. Right click at the DateTime expiration = installTime.AddDays(28.0); and "edit IL instruction".
  5. Change the 'ldc.r8 28' to 'ldc.r8 99999' and press OK.
  6. Go to File -> Save all.
  7. That's it!

File deleted. :(

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meidoqt commented Feb 25, 2024

patched dll reupload for version
instructions same as above
password: k5F83$$$&6

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I just cracked it myself, took me 2 minutes with DnSpy. Here is the latest dll ( image

  1. Open up CMD as Admin and enter taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  2. Paste the dll into your C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter
  3. Then paste net start nlsvc into CMD and and start the NetLimiter app.
  4. Thats it!

If you want to crack it yourself, open the NetLimiter.dll file inside your NetLimiter folder with DnSpy.

  1. Navigate to NetLimiter (version) -> NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLLicense -> NLLicense().
  2. Right click the this.IsRegistered = false; and edit with C# and change it from false; to true;
  3. After that go to NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLServiceTemp -> InitLicense().
  4. Right click at the DateTime expiration = installTime.AddDays(28.0); and "edit IL instruction".
  5. Change the 'ldc.r8 28' to 'ldc.r8 99999' and press OK.
  6. Go to File -> Save all.
  7. That's it!

Thanks, the manual method worked. Now I'm just going to make it automatic so it detects updates and edits the dll file itself

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Baseult commented Feb 26, 2024

I just cracked it myself, took me 2 minutes with DnSpy. Here is the latest dll ( (updated link)

  1. Open up CMD as Admin and enter taskkill /f /im NLClientApp.exe and net stop nlsvc
  2. Paste the dll into your C:\Program Files\Locktime Software\NetLimiter
  3. Then paste net start nlsvc into CMD and and start the NetLimiter app.
  4. Thats it!

If you want to crack it yourself, open the NetLimiter.dll file inside your NetLimiter folder with DnSpy.

  1. Navigate to NetLimiter (version) -> NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLLicense -> NLLicense().
  2. Right click the this.IsRegistered = false; and edit with C# and change it from false; to true;
  3. After that go to NetLimiter.dll -> NetLimiter.Service -> NLServiceTemp -> InitLicense().
  4. Right click at the DateTime expiration = installTime.AddDays(28.0); and "edit IL instruction".
  5. Change the 'ldc.r8 28' to 'ldc.r8 99999' and press OK.
  6. Go to File -> Save all.
  7. That's it!

Updated my link:

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naber31 commented Feb 27, 2024

@Baseult thanks a lot bro tweak does work, god bless 💕

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Baseult commented Feb 27, 2024

I also coded a c# program that automatically patches the dll for you.
In case you want it here it is:



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I created a repo here on github with the latest version of the script I made and all the already patched DLLs for everyone to download

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EmmettOwens commented Mar 8, 2024

Thank you for the link. I am a student, and if you are also a student, then you know how much the paperwork is important for students. If you also feel like that, then you can visit this website called Oxessays. They are a writing service provider, where you can go and select your work, and you will get it in your selected time period. Thank me later.

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SkoDave commented Mar 10, 2024

I created a repo here on github with the latest version of the script I made and all the already patched DLLs for everyone to download

Unfortunately program crashes after patched for me.

I also coded a c# program that automatically patches the dll for you.

Thank you! This works

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boromyr commented Mar 10, 2024

Ho anche codificato un programma c# che patch automaticamente la dll per te. Nel caso lo desideri eccolo qui:

Is the source code available? The patcher has a 5/71 detection rate on VirusTotal.

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I created a repo here on github with the latest version of the script I made and all the already patched DLLs for everyone to download

Unfortunately program crashes after patched for me.

New release, fixed the issue and also added possibility to restore to original DLL if something breaks

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Baseult commented Mar 11, 2024

Ho anche codificato un programma c# che patch automaticamente la dll per te. Nel caso lo desideri eccolo qui:

Is the source code available? The patcher has a 5/71 detection rate on VirusTotal.

Yes you can find the source for my crack here:

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susvevo commented Mar 20, 2024

i put the key in and this shows up. am i just fucked because i've tried a lot and nothing has worked to fix it

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iput the key in and this shows up. am i just fucked because i've tried a lot and nothing has worked to fix it

Try my script, reinstall original DLL and then try to patch only. It’s on my GitHub profile

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susvevo commented Mar 21, 2024

iput the key in and this shows up. am i just fucked because i've tried a lot and nothing has worked to fix it

Try my script, reinstall original DLL and then try to patch only. It’s on my GitHub profile

i'm on 5.1.7 because its the only version i can use for what i want to do, it still gives me the error after reinstalling the dll and patching it

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naber31 commented Mar 21, 2024

Ho anche codificato un programma c# che patch automaticamente la dll per te. Nel caso lo desideri eccolo qui:

Is the source code available? The patcher has a 5/71 detection rate on VirusTotal.

You can do it manually as he stated in his original post

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I also coded a c# program that automatically patches the dll for you. In case you want it here it is:


this works thank you very much :)

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image Is there a manual crack for the new version friends?

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Is there a manual crack for the new version friends?

Working on it, old patching method no longer works unfortunately.

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keyable commented Apr 16, 2024

Thank you all for the contribution, waiting for new medicine for thanks!

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naber31 commented Apr 16, 2024

@Baseult it'd be much appreciated bro 🙏

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EsteveLuis commented Apr 16, 2024

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keyable commented Apr 16, 2024

image Hello, good afternoon community, the method editing the .dll still works, I did it and it worked

Linck :

Virustotal :

Thanks! will try it

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image Hello, good afternoon community, the method editing the .dll still works, I did it and it worked

Linck :

Virustotal :

link is not working unfortunately can you fix it please. :)

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iberosmen commented Apr 16, 2024

Thank you @EsteveLuis its works 100%

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Thank you @EsteveLuis its works 100%

You're welcome, a pleasure to have helped, post an image to confirm that it works

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iberosmen commented Apr 16, 2024

I confirm that the @GuardConnect method is still working. I edited the .dll myself


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Baseult commented Apr 17, 2024

I also coded a c# program that automatically patches the dll for you. In case you want it here it is:


This still works fine :)

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naber31 commented Apr 17, 2024


God bless bro 🙏

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@Baseult Could you share the code for educational purposes?

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Baseult commented Apr 19, 2024

@Baseult Could you share the code for educational purposes?

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Thank you, worked for me

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image Hello, good afternoon community, the method editing the .dll still works, I did it and it worked

Linck :

Virustotal :

copy and paste it into your browser

Thank you so much

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keyable commented Apr 24, 2024

Could anybody post DLL for 5.3.10 thnx!

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keyable commented Apr 24, 2024

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Hello good morning community, new version .dll
VirusTotal :
download :

it doesnt work image

Hello, good afternoon, check carefully how you are doing it because as you can see in the image I uploaded, it is the new version.


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@Baseult thanks you bro

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keyable commented Apr 24, 2024

Hello good morning community, new version .dll
VirusTotal :
download :

it doesnt work image

It works perfectly fine

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Baseult commented Apr 26, 2024

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