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Lucy Matchett LucyMatch

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LucyMatch / Dump
Created February 22, 2018 15:59
Socket dump
var fs = require('fs'); // To read assets from folder
var express = require('express');
var app = module.exports = express();
var server = require('http').Server(app); // Simple Serve
import wblut.math.*;
import wblut.processing.*;
import wblut.core.*;
import wblut.hemesh.*;
import wblut.geom.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import ddf.minim.*;
//***********************************ALL VIDEO / PIXEL STUFF
Capture video;
Minim minim;
AudioSample kick;
AudioSample snare;
Capture video;
int signal =0;
ArrayList frames = new ArrayList();
int NUM_POINTS = 10;
PVector[] points = new PVector[NUM_POINTS];
int[] random_nums = new int[NUM_POINTS];
int mouse_count = 0;
int NUM_POINTS = 50;
PVector[] points = new PVector[NUM_POINTS];
float[] random_nums = new float[NUM_POINTS];
int mouse_count = 0;
float size;
void setup(){
LucyMatch / Arduino_OpenFramework
Created September 2, 2014 02:22
Arduino / Bluefruit to OpenFrameworks
int lightPin = 0; //define a pin for Photo resistor
int light; // variable that holds input value from sensor.
//This will be mapped from 0 - 255 so it can be send as a Byte for OF to recieve
int bytesToSend[2]; //Array that hold the values you will be sending to OF
void setup()
LucyMatch / Bluefruit_Tester
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Arduino/Bluefruit tester code for photoresistor
// This code tests your photoresistor and prints the value to the serial port to make sure your arduino is hooked up correctly
// to test with BlueFruit Ez-Link run code onto ardunio with it plugged into computer with USB port first & check you are getting input from your sensor with it plugged in
// Then unplug the arduino from the computer and change the input for the sketch by going to
// Tools > Serial Port > /dev/cu/adafruit....nameOfBlueTooth
// then open the serial monitor and you will be able to see the input from your sensor wirelessly!!!
int lightPin = 0; //define a pin for Photo resistor change this if your photosensor is in another analogue Pin
void setup()
//import the Serial library so can read from arudino input via serial communication
import processing.serial.*;
import spacebrew.*;
int end = 10; // the number 10 is ASCII for linefeed (end of serial.println), later we will look for this to break up individual messages
String serial; // declare a new string called 'serial'
Serial port; // The serial port, this is a new instance of the Serial class (an Object)
String server="";
String name="highlands";
//import the Serial library so can read from arudino input via serial communication
import processing.serial.*;
// the number 10 is ASCII for linefeed (end of serial.println),
//later we will look for this to break up individual messages
int end = 10;
String serial; // declare a new string called 'serial'
Serial port; // The serial port, this is a new instance of the Serial class (an Object)