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Luis Domiciano LuisDomiciano

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DanielHe4rt /
Last active July 21, 2024 00:11
Teste Técnico: Crie seu Discord!

Teste Tecnico: Desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação de Chat em Tempo Real com PHP e Laravel (ou qualquer outra lang)


Neste desafio, você será responsável por desenvolver uma aplicação de chat em tempo real utilizando PHP e o framework Laravel. A aplicação deve oferecer funcionalidades básicas similares às encontradas em plataformas de chat como o Discord. O foco principal é a criação de um backend robusto e escalável, utilizando as abstrações e boas práticas do Laravel.

Requisitos do Projeto

Funcionalidades Principais

Roadmap de estudos de SQL

Aviso: Muitas vezes detalhes de várias operações podem variar de banco para banco. Em questões onde fiquei em dúvida, este documento segue o funcionamento do PostgreSQL, pois é o banco que conheço melhor.

Pré-requisito: Álgebra Relacional básica

Antes de começar a escrever SQL, você precisa entender o modelo de como um banco de dados relacional funciona. Não precisa se aprofundar muito, mas você precisa entender como que dados e relacionamentos entre eles são representados. (Nota importante: Relacionamento e relação não são a

  • Java Core: data structures, loops and conditions
  • Make a CRUD with Java
  • Build a Java CLI
  • Build a Java package
  • How to consume Java package
  • How to set up and update packages
  • How to deploy Java
  • How to consume requests using Java
  • How to use databases in Java
  • How to deal with files in Java
biantris /
Last active September 7, 2022 17:00


  • Basic knowledge of MongoDB
  • Basic knowledge to use Robo 3t
  • Basic knowledge of Mongoose
  • Basic knowledge of GraphQL(Query, Mutation, Subscription)
  • Some concepts react
  • Javascript (es6)
  • Basic knowledge of TypeScript

sibelius /
Created May 24, 2021 01:28
React Learning Path
  • What is React props?
  • What is React state?
  • unidirectional data flow
  • how to create a React component
  • React hooks (useState, useEffect, and other basics ones)
  • Effects
  • How to handle event handlers (onClick)
  • React Context - share state for a subtree
  • Recoiljs
  • How to refactor a class component to hooks
sibelius /
Last active July 3, 2023 08:48
Looking for the First Job state

Looking for the First Job

Versão em Português

This is a very common state for people in college, people before/after a bootcamp, or people from another area.

The first job will be the hardest one to get, but it will get easier over time.

The interview will be harder than the job itself

sibelius /
Created January 15, 2021 14:59
Backend Learning Path - Basics that you should learn
  • learn about basic database modelling, use excalidraw
  • learn how to connect to a database and performe queries
  • learn how to expose a CRUD API REST and/or GraphQL
  • learn how to document the API using Swagger, swagger-jsdoc is the best for it
  • learn how to test your API using Postman, and also automated using jest and supertest
  • learn how to consume other APIs using fetch

Also check Docker Learning Path and Lambda Learning Path

rubencaro /
Last active April 18, 2024 11:47
Python installation guide

Python installation guide

These are my notes, not a generic solution. They are not meant to work anywhere outside my machines. Update version numbers to whatever are the current ones while you do this.

Install asdf and its python plugin, then install Python

asdf lives in

Follow its installation instructions, which at the moment of writing were:

PurpleBooth /
Last active July 22, 2024 02:29
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
