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Last active October 1, 2022 00:06
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  • Save Lusamine/2aa650e02b52b3b203bec23097412b5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lusamine/2aa650e02b52b3b203bec23097412b5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
unsigned __int8 __fastcall select_judgment_type(
__int64 a1,
unsigned __int8 attacker_index,
unsigned __int8 defender_index)
Pml_PokePara_CoreParam_o *arceus; // x20
Pml_PokePara_CoreParam_o *opponent; // x23
unsigned __int8 opp_type_1; // w22
unsigned __int8 opp_type_2; // w21
unsigned __int16 v9; // w0
__int64 v10; // x8
unsigned __int16 op_def_types; // w23
__int32 highest_effectiveness; // w25
int atk_type; // w24
__int32 effectiveness_total; // w0
__int64 v15; // x8
__int64 v16; // x9
const char **copy_table_start; // x23
__int64 copy_table_end; // x24
int best_def_effectiveness; // w25
int effectiveness_vs_type1; // w0
const char **v22; // x24
const char **v23; // x22
unsigned __int64 StatusReg; // x25
const char **copy_table_start1; // x22
__int64 copy_table_end1; // x23
int best_def_effectiveness1; // w24
int effectiveness_vs_type2; // w0
const char **v30; // x23
const char **v31; // x21
unsigned __int64 v32; // x24
unsigned __int8 arceus_type; // w0
const char **v34; // x20
unsigned __int8 final_type; // w19
__int64 v36; // x0
int index; // w0
const char **v38; // x22
const char **v39; // x21
unsigned __int64 v40; // x23
const char **copy_table; // [xsp+0h] [xbp-B0h] BYREF
const char **v43; // [xsp+8h] [xbp-A8h]
__int64 v44; // [xsp+10h] [xbp-A0h]
const char **v45; // [xsp+18h] [xbp-98h]
const char **best_types_table_start; // [xsp+38h] [xbp-78h] BYREF
const char **best_types_table_end; // [xsp+40h] [xbp-70h]
__int64 v48; // [xsp+48h] [xbp-68h]
const char **v49; // [xsp+50h] [xbp-60h]
__int64 v50; // [xsp+58h] [xbp-58h]
__int64 v51; // [xsp+60h] [xbp-50h]
int v52; // [xsp+68h] [xbp-48h]
unsigned __int8 candidate_types[4]; // [xsp+7Ch] [xbp-34h] BYREF
arceus = sub_7100833EEC(*(*(a1 + 104) + 208LL), attacker_index);
opponent = sub_7100833EEC(*(*(a1 + 104) + 208LL), defender_index);
opp_type_1 = Pml_PokePara_CoreParam__GetType1(opponent);
opp_type_2 = Pml_PokePara_CoreParam__GetType2(opponent);
v9 = sub_7100831F40(opponent);
v10 = *(a1 + 8);
op_def_types = v9;
highest_effectiveness = 0;
atk_type = 0;
v52 = 0;
best_types_table_start = 0LL;
best_types_table_end = 0LL;
v48 = 0LL;
v49 = v10;
v50 = -1LL;
v51 = 0LL;
effectiveness_total = get_effectiveness_total(atk_type, op_def_types);
if ( highest_effectiveness < effectiveness_total || best_types_table_start == best_types_table_end )
best_types_table_end = best_types_table_start;
highest_effectiveness = effectiveness_total;
LOBYTE(copy_table) = atk_type;
add_entry_to_type_table(&best_types_table_start, &copy_table);
goto LABEL_4;
if ( highest_effectiveness == effectiveness_total )
goto LABEL_3;
while ( atk_type != 18 );
v16 = best_types_table_start;
v15 = best_types_table_end;
if ( (best_types_table_end - best_types_table_start) <= 1 )
goto LABEL_48;
copy_type_table(&copy_table, &best_types_table_start);
copy_table_start = copy_table; // Working copy of best types table.
copy_table_end = v43;
best_types_table_end = best_types_table_start;
if ( copy_table != v43 ) // Copy table has entries.
best_def_effectiveness = 0;
while ( 1 )
candidate_types[0] = *copy_table_start;
effectiveness_vs_type1 = get_effectiveness_single(opp_type_1, candidate_types[0]);
if ( effectiveness_vs_type1 < best_def_effectiveness || best_types_table_start == best_types_table_end )
best_types_table_end = best_types_table_start;
best_def_effectiveness = effectiveness_vs_type1;
else if ( best_def_effectiveness != effectiveness_vs_type1 )
goto LABEL_14;
remove_from_best_types(&best_types_table_start, candidate_types);
copy_table_start = (copy_table_start + 1);
if ( copy_table_end == copy_table_start )
copy_table_start = copy_table;
if ( copy_table_start )
v22 = v45;
v43 = copy_table_start;
v23 = (v44 - copy_table_start);
if ( ((*(*v45 + 24))(v45) & 1) == 0 )
goto LABEL_27;
StatusReg = _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_SYSREG(3, 3, 13, 0, 2));
if ( !*(StatusReg + 3724424) )
*(StatusReg + 3724424) = 1;
*(StatusReg + 3724408) = 0LL;
*(StatusReg + 3724416) = 0LL;
_cxa_thread_atexit_0(nullsub_5029, (StatusReg + 524408), &off_710401A000);
if ( *(StatusReg + 3724416) >= 1 )
sub_7102ACC824(v22, copy_table_start, v23, 1);
(*(*v22 + 3))(v22, copy_table_start, v23, 1LL);
v16 = best_types_table_start;
v15 = best_types_table_end;
if ( (best_types_table_end - best_types_table_start) < 2 )// 0-1 types left
goto LABEL_48;
copy_type_table(&copy_table, &best_types_table_start);
copy_table_start1 = copy_table;
copy_table_end1 = v43;
best_types_table_end = best_types_table_start;
if ( copy_table == v43 )
goto LABEL_41;
best_def_effectiveness1 = 0;
while ( 2 )
candidate_types[0] = *copy_table_start1;
effectiveness_vs_type2 = get_effectiveness_single(opp_type_2, candidate_types[0]);
if ( effectiveness_vs_type2 < best_def_effectiveness1 || best_types_table_start == best_types_table_end )
best_types_table_end = best_types_table_start;
best_def_effectiveness1 = effectiveness_vs_type2;
remove_from_best_types(&best_types_table_start, candidate_types);
goto LABEL_33;
if ( best_def_effectiveness1 == effectiveness_vs_type2 )
goto LABEL_32;
copy_table_start1 = (copy_table_start1 + 1);
if ( copy_table_end1 != copy_table_start1 )
copy_table_start1 = copy_table;
if ( copy_table_start1 )
v30 = v45;
v43 = copy_table_start1;
v31 = (v44 - copy_table_start1);
if ( ((*(*v45 + 24))(v45) & 1) == 0 )
goto LABEL_46;
v32 = _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_SYSREG(3, 3, 13, 0, 2));
if ( !*(v32 + 3724424) )
*(v32 + 3724424) = 1;
*(v32 + 3724408) = 0LL;
*(v32 + 3724416) = 0LL;
_cxa_thread_atexit_0(nullsub_5029, (v32 + 524408), &off_710401A000);
if ( *(v32 + 3724416) >= 1 )
sub_7102ACC824(v30, copy_table_start1, v31, 1);
(*(*v30 + 3))(v30, copy_table_start1, v31, 1LL);
v16 = best_types_table_start;
v15 = best_types_table_end;
if ( v15 == v16 ) // No best types.
arceus_type = Pml_PokePara_CoreParam__GetType1(arceus);
v34 = best_types_table_start;
final_type = arceus_type;
if ( !best_types_table_start )
return final_type;
v38 = v49;
best_types_table_end = v34;
v39 = (v48 - v34);
if ( ((*(*v49 + 24))(v49) & 1) == 0 )
goto LABEL_56;
v40 = _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_SYSREG(3, 3, 13, 0, 2));
if ( !*(v40 + 3724424) )
*(v40 + 3724424) = 1;
*(v40 + 3724408) = 0LL;
*(v40 + 3724416) = 0LL;
_cxa_thread_atexit_0(nullsub_5029, (v40 + 524408), &off_710401A000);
if ( *(v40 + 3724416) >= 1 )
sub_7102ACC824(v38, v34, v39, 1);
(*(*v38 + 3))(v38, v34, v39, 1LL);
v36 = sub_7100823BF0(*(a1 + 104));
index = select_from_table(v36, best_types_table_end - best_types_table_start);// Xoroshiro to decide which one if multiple are equally effective
v34 = best_types_table_start;
final_type = *(best_types_table_start + index);
if ( best_types_table_start )
goto LABEL_52;
return final_type;
.text:000000710081C398 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:000000710081C398 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
.text:000000710081C398 ; unsigned __int8 __fastcall select_judgment_type(__int64 a1, unsigned __int8 attacker_index, unsigned __int8 defender_index)
.text:000000710081C398 select_judgment_type ; CODE XREF: sub_710081C360+18↑p
.text:000000710081C398 copy_table = -0xB0
.text:000000710081C398 var_A8 = -0xA8
.text:000000710081C398 var_A0 = -0xA0
.text:000000710081C398 anonymous_0 = -0x98
.text:000000710081C398 best_types_table_start= -0x78
.text:000000710081C398 best_types_table_end= -0x70
.text:000000710081C398 var_68 = -0x68
.text:000000710081C398 anonymous_1 = -0x60
.text:000000710081C398 var_58 = -0x58
.text:000000710081C398 anonymous_2 = -0x50
.text:000000710081C398 var_48 = -0x48
.text:000000710081C398 var_40 = -0x40
.text:000000710081C398 candidate_types = -0x34
.text:000000710081C398 var_30 = -0x30
.text:000000710081C398 var_20 = -0x20
.text:000000710081C398 var_10 = -0x10
.text:000000710081C398 var_s0 = 0
.text:000000710081C398 SUB SP, SP, #0xC0
.text:000000710081C39C STR X25, [SP,#0xB0+var_40]
.text:000000710081C3A0 STP X24, X23, [SP,#0xB0+var_30]
.text:000000710081C3A4 STP X22, X21, [SP,#0xB0+var_20]
.text:000000710081C3A8 STP X20, X19, [SP,#0xB0+var_10]
.text:000000710081C3AC STP X29, X30, [SP,#0xB0+var_s0]
.text:000000710081C3B0 ADD X29, SP, #0xB0
.text:000000710081C3B4 LDR X8, [X0,#0x68]
.text:000000710081C3B8 MOV X19, X0
.text:000000710081C3BC MOV W21, W2
.text:000000710081C3C0 LDR X0, [X8,#0xD0]
.text:000000710081C3C4 BL sub_7100833EEC
.text:000000710081C3C8 LDR X8, [X19,#0x68]
.text:000000710081C3CC MOV X20, X0
.text:000000710081C3D0 MOV W1, W21
.text:000000710081C3D4 LDR X0, [X8,#0xD0]
.text:000000710081C3D8 BL sub_7100833EEC
.text:000000710081C3DC MOV X23, X0
.text:000000710081C3E0 BL Pml.PokePara.CoreParam$$GetType1
.text:000000710081C3E4 MOV W22, W0
.text:000000710081C3E8 MOV X0, X23 ; a1
.text:000000710081C3EC BL Pml.PokePara.CoreParam$$GetType2
.text:000000710081C3F0 MOV W21, W0
.text:000000710081C3F4 MOV X0, X23
.text:000000710081C3F8 BL sub_7100831F40
.text:000000710081C3FC LDR X8, [X19,#8]
.text:000000710081C400 MOV W23, W0
.text:000000710081C404 MOV W25, WZR
.text:000000710081C408 MOV W24, WZR
.text:000000710081C40C MOV X9, #0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
.text:000000710081C410 STR WZR, [SP,#0xB0+var_48]
.text:000000710081C414 STP XZR, XZR, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C418 STP XZR, X8, [SP,#0xB0+var_68]
.text:000000710081C41C STP X9, XZR, [SP,#0xB0+var_58]
.text:000000710081C420 B loc_710081C448
.text:000000710081C424 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C424 loc_710081C424 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+C4↓j
.text:000000710081C424 ; select_judgment_type+D0↓j
.text:000000710081C424 STR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C428 MOV X1, SP
.text:000000710081C42C MOV W25, W0
.text:000000710081C430 loc_710081C430 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+E0↓j
.text:000000710081C430 STRB W24, [SP,#0xB0+copy_table]
.text:000000710081C434 ADD X0, SP, #0xB0+best_types_table_start
.text:000000710081C438 BL add_entry_to_type_table
.text:000000710081C43C loc_710081C43C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+D8↓j
.text:000000710081C43C ADD W24, W24, #1
.text:000000710081C440 CMP W24, #0x12
.text:000000710081C444 B.EQ loc_710081C47C
.text:000000710081C448 loc_710081C448 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+88↑j
.text:000000710081C448 MOV W0, W24 ; atk_type
.text:000000710081C44C MOV W1, W23 ; def_type
.text:000000710081C450 BL get_effectiveness_total
.text:000000710081C454 LDR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C458 CMP W25, W0
.text:000000710081C45C B.LT loc_710081C424
.text:000000710081C460 LDR X9, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C464 CMP X8, X9
.text:000000710081C468 B.EQ loc_710081C424
.text:000000710081C46C CMP W25, W0
.text:000000710081C470 B.NE loc_710081C43C
.text:000000710081C474 MOV X1, SP
.text:000000710081C478 B loc_710081C430
.text:000000710081C47C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C47C loc_710081C47C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+AC↑j
.text:000000710081C47C LDP X9, X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C480 SUB X10, X8, X9
.text:000000710081C484 CMP X10, #1
.text:000000710081C488 B.LS loc_710081C698
.text:000000710081C48C MOV X0, SP
.text:000000710081C490 ADD X1, SP, #0xB0+best_types_table_start
.text:000000710081C494 BL copy_type_table
.text:000000710081C498 LDP X23, X24, [SP,#0xB0+copy_table]
.text:000000710081C49C CMP X23, X24
.text:000000710081C4A0 LDR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C4A4 STR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C4A8 B.EQ loc_710081C504
.text:000000710081C4AC MOV W25, WZR
.text:000000710081C4B0 B loc_710081C4D4
.text:000000710081C4B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C4B4 loc_710081C4B4 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+158↓j
.text:000000710081C4B4 STR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C4B8 MOV W25, W0
.text:000000710081C4BC loc_710081C4BC ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+160↓j
.text:000000710081C4BC ADD X0, SP, #0xB0+best_types_table_start
.text:000000710081C4C0 SUB X1, X29, #-candidate_types
.text:000000710081C4C4 BL remove_from_best_types
.text:000000710081C4C8 loc_710081C4C8 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+164↓j
.text:000000710081C4C8 ADD X23, X23, #1
.text:000000710081C4CC CMP X24, X23
.text:000000710081C4D0 B.EQ loc_710081C500
.text:000000710081C4D4 loc_710081C4D4 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+118↑j
.text:000000710081C4D4 LDRB W1, [X23] ; unsigned __int8
.text:000000710081C4D8 MOV W0, W22 ; unsigned __int8
.text:000000710081C4DC STURB W1, [X29,#candidate_types]
.text:000000710081C4E0 BL get_effectiveness_single
.text:000000710081C4E4 LDP X8, X9, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C4E8 CMP W0, W25
.text:000000710081C4EC CCMP X8, X9, #4, GE
.text:000000710081C4F0 B.EQ loc_710081C4B4
.text:000000710081C4F4 CMP W25, W0
.text:000000710081C4F8 B.EQ loc_710081C4BC
.text:000000710081C4FC B loc_710081C4C8
.text:000000710081C500 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C500 loc_710081C500 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+138↑j
.text:000000710081C500 LDR X23, [SP,#0xB0+copy_table]
.text:000000710081C504 loc_710081C504 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+110↑j
.text:000000710081C504 CBZ X23, loc_710081C588
.text:000000710081C508 LDP X8, X24, [SP,#0xB0+var_A0]
.text:000000710081C50C STR X23, [SP,#0xB0+var_A8]
.text:000000710081C510 SUB X22, X8, X23
.text:000000710081C514 LDR X8, [X24]
.text:000000710081C518 LDR X8, [X8,#0xC0]
.text:000000710081C51C MOV X0, X24
.text:000000710081C520 BLR X8
.text:000000710081C524 TBZ W0, #0, loc_710081C56C
.text:000000710081C528 MOV X0, #0x38D488
.text:000000710081C530 NOP
.text:000000710081C534 NOP
.text:000000710081C538 MRS X25, #3, c13, c0, #2
.text:000000710081C53C LDRB W8, [X25,X0]
.text:000000710081C540 CBZ W8, loc_710081C818
.text:000000710081C544 loc_710081C544 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+4D0↓j
.text:000000710081C544 MOV X0, #0x80078
.text:000000710081C54C NOP
.text:000000710081C550 NOP
.text:000000710081C554 ADD X8, X25, X0
.text:000000710081C558 MOV W9, #0x30D408
.text:000000710081C560 LDR W8, [X8,X9]
.text:000000710081C564 CMP W8, #1
.text:000000710081C568 B.GE loc_710081C794
.text:000000710081C56C loc_710081C56C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+18C↑j
.text:000000710081C56C LDR X8, [X24]
.text:000000710081C570 MOV X0, X24
.text:000000710081C574 MOV X1, X23
.text:000000710081C578 MOV X2, X22
.text:000000710081C57C LDR X8, [X8,#0x18]
.text:000000710081C580 MOV W3, #1
.text:000000710081C584 BLR X8
.text:000000710081C588 loc_710081C588 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type:loc_710081C504↑j
.text:000000710081C588 ; select_judgment_type+410↓j
.text:000000710081C588 LDP X9, X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C58C SUB X10, X8, X9
.text:000000710081C590 CMP X10, #2
.text:000000710081C594 B.CC loc_710081C698
.text:000000710081C598 MOV X0, SP
.text:000000710081C59C ADD X1, SP, #0xB0+best_types_table_start
.text:000000710081C5A0 BL copy_type_table
.text:000000710081C5A4 LDP X22, X23, [SP,#0xB0+copy_table]
.text:000000710081C5A8 CMP X22, X23
.text:000000710081C5AC LDR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C5B0 STR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C5B4 B.EQ loc_710081C610
.text:000000710081C5B8 MOV W24, WZR
.text:000000710081C5BC B loc_710081C5E0
.text:000000710081C5C0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C5C0 loc_710081C5C0 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+264↓j
.text:000000710081C5C0 STR X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C5C4 MOV W24, W0
.text:000000710081C5C8 loc_710081C5C8 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+26C↓j
.text:000000710081C5C8 ADD X0, SP, #0xB0+best_types_table_start
.text:000000710081C5CC SUB X1, X29, #-candidate_types
.text:000000710081C5D0 BL remove_from_best_types
.text:000000710081C5D4 loc_710081C5D4 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+270↓j
.text:000000710081C5D4 ADD X22, X22, #1
.text:000000710081C5D8 CMP X23, X22
.text:000000710081C5DC B.EQ loc_710081C60C
.text:000000710081C5E0 loc_710081C5E0 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+224↑j
.text:000000710081C5E0 LDRB W1, [X22] ; unsigned __int8
.text:000000710081C5E4 MOV W0, W21 ; unsigned __int8
.text:000000710081C5E8 STURB W1, [X29,#candidate_types]
.text:000000710081C5EC BL get_effectiveness_single
.text:000000710081C5F0 LDP X8, X9, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C5F4 CMP W0, W24
.text:000000710081C5F8 CCMP X8, X9, #4, GE
.text:000000710081C5FC B.EQ loc_710081C5C0
.text:000000710081C600 CMP W24, W0
.text:000000710081C604 B.EQ loc_710081C5C8
.text:000000710081C608 B loc_710081C5D4
.text:000000710081C60C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C60C loc_710081C60C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+244↑j
.text:000000710081C60C LDR X22, [SP,#0xB0+copy_table]
.text:000000710081C610 loc_710081C610 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+21C↑j
.text:000000710081C610 CBZ X22, loc_710081C694
.text:000000710081C614 LDP X8, X23, [SP,#0xB0+var_A0]
.text:000000710081C618 STR X22, [SP,#0xB0+var_A8]
.text:000000710081C61C SUB X21, X8, X22
.text:000000710081C620 LDR X8, [X23]
.text:000000710081C624 LDR X8, [X8,#0xC0]
.text:000000710081C628 MOV X0, X23
.text:000000710081C62C BLR X8
.text:000000710081C630 TBZ W0, #0, loc_710081C678
.text:000000710081C634 MOV X0, #0x38D488
.text:000000710081C63C NOP
.text:000000710081C640 NOP
.text:000000710081C644 MRS X24, #3, c13, c0, #2
.text:000000710081C648 LDRB W8, [X24,X0]
.text:000000710081C64C CBZ W8, loc_710081C86C
.text:000000710081C650 loc_710081C650 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+524↓j
.text:000000710081C650 MOV X0, #0x80078
.text:000000710081C658 NOP
.text:000000710081C65C NOP
.text:000000710081C660 ADD X8, X24, X0
.text:000000710081C664 MOV W9, #0x30D408
.text:000000710081C66C LDR W8, [X8,X9]
.text:000000710081C670 CMP W8, #1
.text:000000710081C674 B.GE loc_710081C7AC
.text:000000710081C678 loc_710081C678 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+298↑j
.text:000000710081C678 LDR X8, [X23]
.text:000000710081C67C MOV X0, X23
.text:000000710081C680 MOV X1, X22
.text:000000710081C684 MOV X2, X21
.text:000000710081C688 LDR X8, [X8,#0x18]
.text:000000710081C68C MOV W3, #1
.text:000000710081C690 BLR X8
.text:000000710081C694 loc_710081C694 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type:loc_710081C610↑j
.text:000000710081C694 ; select_judgment_type+428↓j
.text:000000710081C694 LDP X9, X8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C698 loc_710081C698 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+F0↑j
.text:000000710081C698 ; select_judgment_type+1FC↑j
.text:000000710081C698 CMP X8, X9
.text:000000710081C69C B.NE loc_710081C6B8
.text:000000710081C6A0 MOV X0, X20 ; __int64
.text:000000710081C6A4 BL Pml.PokePara.CoreParam$$GetType1
.text:000000710081C6A8 LDR X20, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C6AC MOV W19, W0
.text:000000710081C6B0 CBNZ X20, loc_710081C6DC
.text:000000710081C6B4 B loc_710081C75C
.text:000000710081C6B8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C6B8 loc_710081C6B8 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+304↑j
.text:000000710081C6B8 LDR X0, [X19,#0x68]
.text:000000710081C6BC BL sub_7100823BF0
.text:000000710081C6C0 LDR W8, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C6C4 LDR W9, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C6C8 SUB W1, W8, W9 ; total_best_types
.text:000000710081C6CC BL select_from_table
.text:000000710081C6D0 LDR X20, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_start]
.text:000000710081C6D4 LDRB W19, [X20,W0,SXTW]
.text:000000710081C6D8 CBZ X20, loc_710081C75C
.text:000000710081C6DC loc_710081C6DC ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+318↑j
.text:000000710081C6DC LDP X8, X22, [SP,#0xB0+var_68]
.text:000000710081C6E0 STR X20, [SP,#0xB0+best_types_table_end]
.text:000000710081C6E4 SUB X21, X8, X20
.text:000000710081C6E8 LDR X8, [X22]
.text:000000710081C6EC LDR X8, [X8,#0xC0]
.text:000000710081C6F0 MOV X0, X22
.text:000000710081C6F4 BLR X8
.text:000000710081C6F8 TBZ W0, #0, loc_710081C740
.text:000000710081C6FC MOV X0, #0x38D488
.text:000000710081C704 NOP
.text:000000710081C708 NOP
.text:000000710081C70C MRS X23, #3, c13, c0, #2
.text:000000710081C710 LDRB W8, [X23,X0]
.text:000000710081C714 CBZ W8, loc_710081C7C4
.text:000000710081C718 loc_710081C718 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+47C↓j
.text:000000710081C718 MOV X0, #0x80078
.text:000000710081C720 NOP
.text:000000710081C724 NOP
.text:000000710081C728 ADD X8, X23, X0
.text:000000710081C72C MOV W9, #0x30D408
.text:000000710081C734 LDR W8, [X8,X9]
.text:000000710081C738 CMP W8, #1
.text:000000710081C73C B.GE loc_710081C77C
.text:000000710081C740 loc_710081C740 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+360↑j
.text:000000710081C740 LDR X8, [X22]
.text:000000710081C744 MOV X0, X22
.text:000000710081C748 MOV X1, X20
.text:000000710081C74C MOV X2, X21
.text:000000710081C750 LDR X8, [X8,#0x18]
.text:000000710081C754 MOV W3, #1
.text:000000710081C758 BLR X8
.text:000000710081C75C loc_710081C75C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+31C↑j
.text:000000710081C75C ; select_judgment_type+340↑j ...
.text:000000710081C75C MOV W0, W19
.text:000000710081C760 LDP X29, X30, [SP,#0xB0+var_s0]
.text:000000710081C764 LDP X20, X19, [SP,#0xB0+var_10]
.text:000000710081C768 LDR X25, [SP,#0xB0+var_40]
.text:000000710081C76C LDP X22, X21, [SP,#0xB0+var_20]
.text:000000710081C770 LDP X24, X23, [SP,#0xB0+var_30]
.text:000000710081C774 ADD SP, SP, #0xC0
.text:000000710081C778 RET
.text:000000710081C77C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C77C loc_710081C77C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+3A4↑j
.text:000000710081C77C MOV X0, X22
.text:000000710081C780 MOV X1, X20
.text:000000710081C784 MOV X2, X21
.text:000000710081C788 MOV W3, #1
.text:000000710081C78C BL sub_7102ACC824
.text:000000710081C790 B loc_710081C75C
.text:000000710081C794 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C794 loc_710081C794 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+1D0↑j
.text:000000710081C794 MOV X0, X24
.text:000000710081C798 MOV X1, X23
.text:000000710081C79C MOV X2, X22
.text:000000710081C7A0 MOV W3, #1
.text:000000710081C7A4 BL sub_7102ACC824
.text:000000710081C7A8 B loc_710081C588
.text:000000710081C7AC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C7AC loc_710081C7AC ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+2DC↑j
.text:000000710081C7AC MOV X0, X23
.text:000000710081C7B0 MOV X1, X22
.text:000000710081C7B4 MOV X2, X21
.text:000000710081C7B8 MOV W3, #1
.text:000000710081C7BC BL sub_7102ACC824
.text:000000710081C7C0 B loc_710081C694
.text:000000710081C7C4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C7C4 loc_710081C7C4 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+37C↑j
.text:000000710081C7C4 MOV X0, #0x38D488
.text:000000710081C7CC NOP
.text:000000710081C7D0 NOP
.text:000000710081C7D4 MOV W8, #1
.text:000000710081C7D8 STRB W8, [X23,X0]
.text:000000710081C7DC MOV X0, #0x80078
.text:000000710081C7E4 NOP
.text:000000710081C7E8 NOP
.text:000000710081C7EC ADD X1, X23, X0 ; obj
.text:000000710081C7F0 MOV W8, #0x30D400
.text:000000710081C7F8 ADD X8, X1, X8
.text:000000710081C7FC STP XZR, XZR, [X8]
.text:000000710081C800 ADRL X0, nullsub_5029 ; lpfunc
.text:000000710081C808 ADRL X2, off_710401A000 ; lpdso_handle
.text:000000710081C810 BL __cxa_thread_atexit_0
.text:000000710081C814 B loc_710081C718
.text:000000710081C818 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C818 loc_710081C818 ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+1A8↑j
.text:000000710081C818 MOV X0, #0x38D488
.text:000000710081C820 NOP
.text:000000710081C824 NOP
.text:000000710081C828 MOV W8, #1
.text:000000710081C82C STRB W8, [X25,X0]
.text:000000710081C830 MOV X0, #0x80078
.text:000000710081C838 NOP
.text:000000710081C83C NOP
.text:000000710081C840 ADD X1, X25, X0 ; obj
.text:000000710081C844 MOV W8, #0x30D400
.text:000000710081C84C ADD X8, X1, X8
.text:000000710081C850 STP XZR, XZR, [X8]
.text:000000710081C854 ADRL X0, nullsub_5029 ; lpfunc
.text:000000710081C85C ADRL X2, off_710401A000 ; lpdso_handle
.text:000000710081C864 BL __cxa_thread_atexit_0
.text:000000710081C868 B loc_710081C544
.text:000000710081C86C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000000710081C86C loc_710081C86C ; CODE XREF: select_judgment_type+2B4↑j
.text:000000710081C86C MOV X0, #0x38D488
.text:000000710081C874 NOP
.text:000000710081C878 NOP
.text:000000710081C87C MOV W8, #1
.text:000000710081C880 STRB W8, [X24,X0]
.text:000000710081C884 MOV X0, #0x80078
.text:000000710081C88C NOP
.text:000000710081C890 NOP
.text:000000710081C894 ADD X1, X24, X0 ; obj
.text:000000710081C898 MOV W8, #0x30D400
.text:000000710081C8A0 ADD X8, X1, X8
.text:000000710081C8A4 STP XZR, XZR, [X8]
.text:000000710081C8A8 ADRL X0, nullsub_5029 ; lpfunc
.text:000000710081C8B0 ADRL X2, off_710401A000 ; lpdso_handle
.text:000000710081C8B8 BL __cxa_thread_atexit_0
.text:000000710081C8BC B loc_710081C650
.text:000000710081C8BC ; End of function select_judgment_type
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