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Last active August 19, 2019 22:58
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* The Pokemart
* This assignment has you working with Objects and Functions/Methods.
* The goal is to create code to represent a pokemart that sells items, and then
* simulate a player purchasing some items from the pokemart.
* Requirements [READ CAREFULLY]:
* The pokemart must be an Object containing at least 10 items. You can pick what
* items are sold and at what price.
* The player must have a predetermined amount of money, and must buy at least 20 items,
* at least 3 of which must be unique (duplicates are allowed, make sure to give the player enough money).
* Log how much money the player has to the console when the script starts.
* Use an object to keep track of what is currently in the player's cart. Use functions/methods to add items to the cart.
* Do NOT allow a player to have a negative number of an item in their cart.
* Log when an item is added to the cart to the console, including the quantity.
* The pokemart must have a checkout method to calculate how much money the player pays for the items.
* The checkout method must log:
* - A line for each item being purchased including the name of the item, quantity, and cost.
* - A line for the total cost of the cart
* - A line either saying how much money the player has left OR
* - A line stating the player cannot afford the purchase
* The checkout method must not allow a purchase that the player cannot afford.
* OPTIONAL BONUS: Add an extra item that cannot be purchased but it can be obtained in a simaler way to premier balls in the pokemon games.
* - If you do this, make sure this item cannot be added to the cart, and note how many were given (if > 0) after sucessfully checking out.
* OPTIONAL BONUS 2: Make it so that the player can remove items from their cart. This can be a new function/method or built into
* - the one for adding items to the cart (maybe a negative value indicates a removal?)
* OPTIONAL BONUS 3: Empty the player's cart after they checkout (in the checkout function), and have them make a second purchase.
* - (Second purchase only needs a total of 1 item and 1 unique item, unlike the first).
* DRY (Don't repeat yourself)
* Try to make your code industrial strength. This means verify function arguments before doing what was asked.
* For example: When adding to cart, make sure the requested item is a valid item & can be purchased, also make sure
* the player will not have a negative number of that item in their cart after (or just block negative values).
* You can use the return keyword to terminate a function early, even if the return value is unimportant to the function.
* Use Math.floor(NUMBER) to round NUMBER down to the nearest whole number (returns an integer).
'use strict';
let pokemart = {
pokeball: 200,
greatball: 600,
ultraball: 800,
potion: 200,
superpotion: 700,
hyperpotion: 1500,
maxpotion: 2500,
fullrestore: 3000,
revive: 2000,
antidote: 200,
paralyzeheal: 300,
awakening: 100,
burnheal: 300,
iceheal: 100,
fullheal: 400,
function calculateCost(objCost = 0, numObj = 0) {
return (objCost * numObj);
// Starts out empty.
let cart = {};
// Adds a certain amount of an item to the cart, if the user has enough money.
function addToCart (item, quantity) {
let totalCost = calculateCost(pokemart[item], quantity);
if (totalCost + cartValue > startingWealth) {
console.log(`You wouldn't have enough to buy that if you added it to your cart.`);
} else {
cartValue += totalCost;
console.log(`You added ${quantity} ${item}${addPlural(quantity)} from your cart.`);
console.log(`You have ${startingWealth - cartValue} Pokédollar${addPlural(startingWealth - cartValue)} to spend.\n`);
// If it's already in the cart, add to what we have.
if (cart[item] == undefined) {
cart[item] = quantity;
} else {
cart[item] += quantity;
function showCart () {
let found = false;
for (let property in cart) {
if (cart[property] > 0) {
console.log(`${property.padStart(15, ' ')} x ` + cart[property]);
found = true;
if (!found)
console.log(` Your cart is empty.`);
/* Removes a certain amount or all of an item from the cart. If we made it here,
* we already verified that they are removing a real item and correct quantity.
function removeFromCart (item, quantity) {
let totalCost = calculateCost(pokemart[item], quantity);
cartValue -= totalCost;
console.log(`You removed ${quantity} ${item}${addPlural(quantity)} from your cart.`);
console.log(`You have ${startingWealth - cartValue} Pokédollar${addPlural(startingWealth - cartValue)} to spend.\n`);
// If it hits 0, then delete it.
if (cart[item] == quantity) {
delete cart[item];
} else {
cart[item] -= quantity;
function addPlural(amount) {
if (amount === 1)
return "";
return "s";
// Starting amount of money.
let startingWealth = 20000;
let cartValue = 0;
let readline = require('readline');
let rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
// Lists the options available.
function showPrompt() {
console.log(` list: lists all items for sale` +
`\n buy: adds items from the Mart to your cart. e.g. "buy 2 potion"` +
`\n remove: removes items from your cart. e.g. "remove 2 potion" or "remove all potion"` +
`\n cart: shows the items in your cart` +
`\n wealth: shows how much money you have` +
`\n checkout: buys everything in your cart` +
`\n done: closes out of the Poke Mart\n\nWhat would you like to do?`);
console.log(`Welcome to the Poke Mart! May I help you?`);
console.log(`You have ${startingWealth} Pokédollar${addPlural(startingWealth)} to spend.`);
console.log(`Your cart is currently worth ${cartValue} Pokédollar${addPlural(cartValue)}.`);
rl.on('line', function (line) {
/* Break up what the entered word for word. This means the str[0] will
* be the command they used, and str[1] and str[2] will be arguments
* for buying and selling items.
let str = line.split(" ");
let quantity = parseInt(str[1]);
// 1) List all objects for sale.
if (str[0] === "list") {
console.log(`This is what we have for sale:`);
for (let property in pokemart) {
if (pokemart[property] >= 0)
console.log(`${property.padStart(15, ' ')}: ` + pokemart[property]);
console.log(`\nWhat would you like to do?`);
// 2) Add an object to the cart if we have enough money.
} else if (str[0] === "buy") {
// Go through all the conditions where they failed their syntax.
if (pokemart[str[2]] == undefined) {
console.log(`We don't have any of that for sale. Try checking our "list".`);
} else if (isNaN(quantity)) {
console.log(`You have to enter a number of that item to add to your cart!`);
} else if (quantity < 1) {
console.log(`You can't add less than 1 of that.`);
} else {
// If we made it to here, we try to add it to the cart.
addToCart(str[2], quantity);
// 3) Remove an item from the cart.
} else if (str[0] === "remove") {
// Go through all the conditions where they failed their syntax.
if (cart[str[2]] == undefined) {
console.log(`You don't have that in your cart. Try checking your "cart".`);
} else {
/* If they used "all" for the quantity, set it to the amount they
* have in their cart right now. */
if (str[1] === "all")
quantity = cart[str[2]];
if (isNaN(quantity)) {
console.log(`You have to enter a number of that item to remove from your cart!`);
} else if (quantity > cart[str[2]]) {
console.log(`You can't remove more of that than you have.`);
} else if (quantity < 1) {
console.log(`You can't remove less than 1 of that.`);
} else {
// If we made it to here, we try to remove it from the cart.
removeFromCart(str[2], quantity);
// 4) List current items in the cart.
} else if (str[0] === "cart") {
console.log(`This is what you have in your cart:`);
console.log(`Your cart is currently worth ${cartValue} Pokédollar${addPlural(cartValue)}.\n`);
// 5) Check how much money we have.
} else if (str[0] === "wealth") {
console.log(`You have ${startingWealth} Pokédollar${addPlural(startingWealth)} to spend.`);
console.log(`Your cart is currently worth ${cartValue} Pokédollar${addPlural(cartValue)}.`);
// 6) Checkout.
} else if (str[0] === "checkout") {
if (cartValue <= 0) {
console.log(`You have nothing to check out.`);
} else {
console.log(`You spent a total of ${cartValue} Pokédollar${addPlural(cartValue)}. Thanks for your purchase!`);
// They get 1 premierball for every 10 pokeballs.
if (cart["pokeball"] >= 10) {
let bonusBalls = Math.floor(cart["pokeball"] / 10);
console.log(`You also get ${bonusBalls} premierball${addPlural(bonusBalls)} as an added bonus.`);
// Spend their money and empty their cart.
startingWealth -= cartValue;
cartValue = 0;
cart = {};
console.log(`You have ${startingWealth} Pokédollar${addPlural(startingWealth)} left to spend.\n`);
// 7) Finish up and leave.
} else if (str[0] === "done") {
console.log(`Please come again!`);
// They entered a command we don't understand.
} else {
console.log(`I didn't quite catch that. How can I help you?`);
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