Posts are generally in reverse chronological order (newest listed first).
Most listings are mine; others I've worked with or retweeted are noted.
Last updated Jan 20, 2025.
- Actual Mark Rates
- Shiny Rates for Version 3.0.1
- Item Printer RNG Seeds
- Discussion of how shiny rates are calculated
- Why Bruxish, Finneon, and Lumineon can't outbreak in Paldea
- Stellar Type is largely unhandled but doesn't crash the game
- Weather Mechanics
- Overworld Gimmighoul Mechanics
- Gimmighoul Coin Guy Limit
- Explanations for Item Printer RNG seeds: Round 1 Explanation, Round 2 Explanation
- Item Printer RNG Mechanics/Guide, Initial, Initial 2 (Kaphotics)
- Tera Raid attack/defense cheer mechanics (showing permanent cheer stacking with fainting)
- Tera Raid heal cheer rates
- Shiny Ditto block rate is 1/100
- Terapagos boss battle weakens the Special Attack
- Minor updates thread after 3.0.1
- Item Printer RNG is per Serebii
- ZR add-on for size evaluation
- 3.0.0+ legendary, sublegendary, mythical, Ultra Beast, Paradox lists, including info about how DLC2 Paradox Legends aren't Paradoxes
- Carmine's Sinistcha is scripted to be KO'd by taking 9999 damage
- Lure Ball has a 4x multiplier sometime between 1.1.0 and 3.0.0
- Static encounters are affected by Catching Power as of 3.0.0 - zakocky
- Fickle Beam has a 30% chance to use the all-out attack
- Surskit's encounter data has a typo, and spawning changed after 3.0.0 - vbbcla
- Synchro Mode doesn't allow Partner Mark or Itemfinder Mark
- Friendship info updated for SV
- Outbreak generation was affected by Encounter Power and location when tested before 2.0.1
- Using item sort tables to guess at DLC2 content
- Hattrem doesn't spawn in Paldea because all its spawners are in water
- SV Maps - vbbcla
- SV 2.0.1 can only track 300 random trainers
- 1/20 of wild Poltchageist are Artisan
- DLC1 mons are sublegendaries
- Confirmation that 2.0.1 fixed outbreak forms
- 2.0.1 added new fields for overworld spawners, probably for distribution outbreaks
- 2.0.1 fixed spawner off-by-one error
- 2.0.1 fixed Itemfinder Mark, which has a rate of 1/100
- Auto Battle Mechanics
- GO Postcard Gimmighoul Coin rates
- Demo of time to evolve Bramblin, Rellor, and Pawmo
- Let's Go step counter is based on trainer steps and can be transferred
- 1.3.2 added handling for Mighty Mewtwo 7-star raid, gives Mew Mightiest Mark
- 1.3.0 fix for Bad Egg WW/IL
- 1.2.0 changed Mystery Gift scale values
- All Meal Powers & egg cycles are 128 steps in SV and SWSH
- Encounter Power does not spawn Antique Sinistea
- Porto Marinada Auctions
- 1.2.0 fixed uncatchable Ditto
- Picnic Egg/Item Generation Rates
- Gourmand Mark Rate
- Partner Mark Rate and Conditions
- Mark Rates + Title Power calculated from lincoln's research
- Titan battles can trigger shiny Titan species seen in Dex
- Ditto transformed into an altform has catch rate of 0 as of 1.1.0
- Sylveon was unable to have its type changed in 1.0.0
- Ultra Beasts split off from sublegendary list
- Marshadow/Shiinotic Mythical classification error
- Tera Raid shield damage reduction
- Capture formula
- Tera Raid attack/defense cheer mechanics (initial testing)
- Failed critical captures display as regular captures
- Successful repeat captures display as critical captures
- Teensy/Humungo Powers and effect on scale
- Mystery Gift locks nicknames with language mismatch for certain cards
- Shiny Rates 1.1.0
- Fixed Symbol Encounters
- Arven's Pokémon can appear shiny
- Last Respects has a 5050 BP cap
- Itemfinder Mark has no code, Partner has Friendship req of 200
- Battle Stadium RNG uses a fixed seed in 1.0.1
- Clarifying Maushold/Dudunsparce form evolutions
- 6-star Raids have EVs
- Basic Mass Outbreak guide
- Fixed symbol encounters aren't shiny-locked
- Kingambit doesn't need Leader's Crest to evolve
- Gimmighoul Coin Table
- Sandwich Ingredient/Seasoning Bonuses
- Loaded Dice/Population Bomb
- Jumbo/Mini Mark requirements
- Ribbon visual display bug
- New Ribbons/Marks
- Tera Raids are cryptosecure, but prizes are fixed
- Rare ball availability
- Hisui Ribbon
- Shiny rates 1.0.1
- Farming buried items with subzones
- Blissey healing is all for show
- Ginter rare item tables
- Dex size research thresholds
- Distortion items table
- Ursaluna buried items table
- Eternal Battle Reverie prize table
- Buizel quest height/weight fudge factor
- Distortion activation timer is based on player distance from the distortion
- Massive mass outbreak generation and encounter tables
- Capture formula 1.1.1
- Complete damage formula
- Legends: Arceus shiny Giratina crash
- Reversing and Permuting MMO/MOs
- Day/Night Swap in 1.1.1
- Ghost Spawns in Permutations
- Speed Abuse vs Arceus
- Shiny Rates 1.1.0 Daybreak Onward
- Weather Rates
- Distortions
- Pushing Pokémon in a battle to other areas
- MO is 20% chance to spawn/despawn - Kaphotics
- Pioneer Ribbon flag
- Research Report cap
- Shiny Locks on Mythicals
- Shiny Rates 1.0.0
- Honey Tree and Berry Tree timers lose fractional minutes in battle - Etchy, and menus too - Anubis
- 1.0.0 - Poké Radar only fails to enforce shiny patch on the first mon in the chain, and using the item resets the chain
- Spinda in contests use a random spot pattern
- Amity Square Pickup Items
- Vending machines still have 1/64 chance of a bonus drink
- 1.0.0 - All fishing has an additional 20% chance to fail even if an encounter is 100%
- Entry trainer animation has 50% chance to go off if any of the wild Pokémon has > 1 perfect IV
- Capture formula, Great Marsh mechanics - with simulations by denvoros
- PokeDupeChecker - Kaphotics
- Scrolling Dex = Crash
- 1.1.3 - Radar has 20% chance of not using Radar slots
- Grand Underground Digging Statue, Item, Box Rates
- 1.1.3 - Lead abilities work for Radar
- 1.1.3 - Radar rates reverted
- Meister Magikarp OT name changes with trade
- Activities that only require National Dex, and ones that require beating Champion - mattyoukhana_
- Getting National Dex early
- Poké Radar tile distance
- 1.1.2 - Radar rates got worse
- Suction Cups doesn't work in BDSP
- You can't use the dex to check if roaming Cresselia is shiny
- BDSP Roamer checks vs a fake trainer, 1/4090 shiny rates
- Shiny rates
- Move Reminder is free after 10 Heart Scales
- Eggs use SWSH mechanics; Manaphy Egg can't be traded to be shiny
- LightStone bonus is obtained by finding 40 Diglett
- Early versions of BDSP mishandling older gen TIDs prior to HOME and again
- Digging Pa Counting Error
- Wild Area Hiker Rewards
- Wild Area Fisher Lady Rewards
- Stow-on-Side Merchant Inventories
- Battle Cafe Rewards
- Wild Area Online Player Gifts
- Isle of Armor Ingredient Seller Inventory
- Snowslide Slope Watt Trader Highlighted Items
- Champion Cup & Galarian Star Tournament Rewards
- SWSH Raid Cheers
- Lead Abilities and Hidden Encounter Spawning
- IoA Wailord respawns at 1/100 rate every day + visit
- Legendary and sublegendary lists
- Capture formula
- Digging Family
- Cram-o-matic
- Curry mechanics and encounter tables
- Encounter slot boosting (KO respawn, type pulling, DexRec)
- Demonstration of a bot RNG abusing SWSH wilds
- SWSH off-by-one bug makes 1% memories impossible
- Proper Mark rate calculations
- Tea Smash method for Antique Sinistea
- Dynamax HP exploits still work online
- Only one Brilliant Aura shows at a time
- Shiny Rates
- Brilliant Aura = extra rerolls from Dex KOs
- Spawning Pokémon in adjacent areas with impossible weather
- Nickname setting off = no OT memory on hatched eggs
- KO respawning stores the form
- Dex Recommendations work globally
- Galarian Stunfisk is erroneously not a regional form, affects breeding with other regional forms
- Galarian Farfetch'd can evolve in Motostoke Gym without leveling up
- Initial camp Sociability post
- Keldeo form updates properly except for if leveling up erases Secret Sword
- Shedinja copies affixed ribbon even though it has no ribbons
- Overworld RNG and encounter types
- A place to camp Galarian Articuno
- Friendship ratings and thresholds
- Walking with you increases a Pokémon's friendship past 160 so it starts moving in battle
- A place to potentially camp Galarian Zapdos
- SWSH 1.3.1 darkened many Max Moves
- Initial numbers for dex recommendation on Feebas
- Toxic sure-hit accuracy glitch fixed in 1.3.1
- HOME changes OT on non-legendary Max Lair Pokémon due to trash bytes
- HOME update to fix bad PoGO transfer creates mons otherwise impossible
- Gen 6 memory feelings are off-by-one in SWSH and here
- A place to camp Moltres - PSBillo
- Dynamax Adventure shiny rates - SciresM
- All Restricted Sparring sets
- Proof of concept for battle RNG abuse and here
- Catch Combo increases the initial chance of a Pokémon to flee
- Catch Combo of 999 does not disable the shiny bonus
- Capture rewards
- Flee mechanics
- Partner Gift and Partner Power Mechanics
- Game Corner Floor Items
- Cerulean Cave Floor Items
- LGPE level-up AVs
- Capture formula
- Spawn mechanics
- Shiny rates and Catch Combo only affects next spawn
- Home messes up CP for non-OT Pokémon in LGPE
- Default Spinda pattern - w/ Kaphotics, mattyoukhana_
- HOME has a 50% chance to give Galarian Slowking Unseen Fist (finally fixed)
- PoGO transfers for alternate form Pokémon get base form moves if they're available in LGPE
- Trading Pokémon whose OTs have chars not compatible with language tag HOME's their OT
- HOME uses wrong apostrophe for Farfetch'd so it can't be nicknamed in SWSH