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Created December 7, 2017 20:01
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# Part 2 of 2
# Part 1 Places EC2 instance into autoscaling group's standby mode.
# Part 2 Exits standby mode and waits for instance to be InService.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ASGEnterStandbyDeployStep, # Deploy step name of EnterStandby.ps1
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ASGNameVariable, # Variable name that is set by EnterStandby.ps1 for ASG Name
# Get EC2 Instance
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get
If ($response)
$instanceId = $response
Write-Host "Instance ID: $instanceId"
Write-Error -Message "Returned Instance ID does not appear to be valid"
Exit 1
Write-Error -Message "Failed to load instance ID from AWS." -Exception $_.Exception
Exit 1
# Get ASG Name variable from previous deploy step (EnterStandby.ps1)
$ASGName = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Action[$ASGEnterStandbyDeployStep].Output.$ASGNameVariable"]
Write-Host "Auto Scaling Group Name: $ASGName"
If (!$ASGName)
Write-Error -Message "Returned Auto Scaling Group Name does not appear to be valid"
Exit 1
Write-Error -Message "Failed to get ASGNameVariable output variable from Octopus" -Exception $_.Exception
Exit 1
# Exit standby mode
Write-Host "Exiting standby mode for instance: $instanceId in ASG: $ASGName."
Exit-ASStandby -InstanceId $instanceId -AutoScalingGroupName $ASGName -Force
Write-Host "Instance exited standby mode, waiting for it to go into service."
$instanceState = (Get-ASAutoScalingInstance -InstanceId $instanceId).LifecycleState
Write-Host "Current State: $instanceState"
$checkCount = 0
Write-Host "Retry Parameters:"
Write-Host "Maximum Checks: $maxRegistrationCheckCount"
Write-Host "Check Interval: $registrationCheckInterval"
While ($instanceState -ne "InService" -and $checkCount -le $maxRegistrationCheckCount)
$checkCount += 1
Write-Host "Waiting for $registrationCheckInterval seconds for instance to be InService"
Start-Sleep -Seconds $registrationCheckInterval
If ($checkCount -le $maxRegistrationCheckCount)
Write-Host "$checkCount/$maxRegistrationCheckCount Attempts"
$instanceState = (Get-ASAutoScalingInstance -InstanceId $instanceId).LifecycleState
Write-Host "Current instance state: $instanceState"
If ($instanceState -eq "InService")
Write-Host "Instance in service!"
Write-Error -Message "Instance not in service: $instanceState"
Exit 1
Write-Error -Message "Failed to exit standby mode." -Exception $_.Exception
Exit 1
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