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Trying to find some meaning in this absurd world. Iam14andthisisdeep.

霧雨魔理沙 MarisaKirisame

Trying to find some meaning in this absurd world. Iam14andthisisdeep.
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MarisaKirisame /
Created December 17, 2023 02:35
type expr = Var of int | Abs of int * expr | App of expr * expr
| Lit of int | Add of expr * expr;;
let cnt = ref 100;;
let fresh () = let ret = !cnt in cnt := 1; ret;;
let rec cps e k =
match e with
| Var x -> App (k, (Var x))
| Abs (v, x) ->
type gen = | Init | Gen of bool | Running of bool * bool * gen
let flip () = true
let one_in_three() = true
let rec generate g =
match g with
| Init -> generate (Running (true, true, Init))
| Gen b ->
if one_in_three() then
type expr =
| Var of string
| Int of int
| Add of (expr * expr)
| Mult of (expr * expr)
| Let of (string * expr * expr)
| IfZero of (expr * expr * expr)
| Pair of (expr * expr)
| Zro of expr
| Fst of expr
import Data.List
data Op = Add | Mult | Sub
select :: [x] -> [(x, [x])]
select [] = []
select (a : b) = (a, b) : (do
(c, d) <- select b
return $ (c, a : d))
Require Export List FunctionalExtensionality.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Ltac get_goal := match goal with |- ?x => x end.
Ltac get_match H F := match H with context [match ?n with _ => _ end] => F n end.
Ltac get_matches F :=
match goal with
| [ |- ?X ] => get_match X F
module StringMap = Map.Make (String);;
open StringMap;;
type op =
| Add
| Sub
| Mult
| Div;;
set -e
set -x
mkdir $1
cd $1
gclient root
import math
def sin(x):
if isinstance(x, Dual):
return Dual(sin(x.x), cos(x.x) * x.dx)
return math.sin(x)
def cos(x):
if isinstance(x, Dual):
return Dual(cos(x.x), -1 * sin(x.x) * x.dx)
class LVal: # logical value. store fact we know about a logical variable
class Unknown(LVal): # we dont know it's value
class Known(LVal): # we know it's value
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x