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Last active October 19, 2024 04:11
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Send an email via an R function using Mailgun
#' Email a user a report is ready
#' Requires an account at Mailgun:
#' Pre-verification can only send to a whitelist of emails you configure
#' @param email Email to send to
#' @param mail_message Any extra info
#' @return TRUE if successful email sent
#' @import httr
#' @export
sendEmail <- function(email = "",
mail_message = "Hello"){
url <- ""
## username:password so api_key is all after the api:
api_key <- "key-c5957XXXXXXXXXXXbb9cf8ce"
the_body <-
from="Mailgun Sandbox <>",
subject="Mailgun from R",
req <- httr::POST(url,
httr::authenticate("api", api_key),
encode = "form",
body = the_body)
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teguhn commented Dec 4, 2017

how do you send attachments? thanks

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For email attachments, modify above to include HTML files - see the API docs


 the_body <-
      from = from_name,
      to = email,
      subject = subject_line,
      html = html_string

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laresbernardo commented Apr 19, 2019

Hello!! Really enjoyed this function because I want to get rid of mailR::send.mail() that depends on rJava. But, how can I send attachments with PDFs, ggplots objects, CSVs, and simple HTML files as mailR does? Can you please share a reproducible example? Already have mi API credentials and is working just fine with simple texts.

I think it must have something to do with add_headers("Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data") in the POST function, and something like pdf = upload_file("~/Desktop/myPDF.pdf") inside the the_body list. But haven't succeeded

UPDATE: I got to send an attachment file with what I commented above. But can't send more than one in the same email! Is it possible? tried a list for attachment inside the the_body but doesn't work.

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Pimped it up a little:
Just need to know how to send multiple attachments for it to fully work!

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Sorry I missed your comment @laresbernardo, they only just started sending notifications.

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