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Last active December 17, 2015 11:09
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  • Save MarvinSchramm/5599571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarvinSchramm/5599571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Problem with cucumber-weld, every step creates a new Objekt of the stepclass. which means it is not possible to create a state over several methods.
Feature: GenericDAO
Abstract Object which offers the basic capability of CRUD to all specific DAO'S
Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA
Given there is a valid generic entity
When I persist the valid generic entity
Then lastModificationTimestamp in the entity should be set
And creationTimestamp in the entity should be set
And persist should only be called once
private EntityManager em;
private DataAccessObject dataAccessObject;
private GenericEntity genericEntity;
public GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs(){
System.out.println("i get called for every step");
public void before()
em = mock(EntityManager.class);
dataAccessObject = spy(new DataAccessObjectJPA(GenericEntity.class, em) {
@Given("^there is a valid generic entity$")
public void there_is_a_valid_generic_entity() {
genericEntity = spy(new GenericEntity() {
@When("^I persist the valid generic entity$")
public void I_call_the_generic_create_method() throws SystemException {
@Then("^lastModificationTimestamp in the entity should be set$")
public void lastModificationTimestamp_in_the_entity_should_be_set(){
@And("^creationTimestamp in the entity should be set$")
public void creationTimestamp_in_the_entity_should_be_set(){
@And("^persist should only be called once$")
public void persist_should_only_be_called_once(){
@Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:target/cucumber-json-report.json"})
public class RunCukesTest {
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