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Marvin Schramm MarvinSchramm

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if segue.identifier == "toEmbeddedCompass" || segue.identifier == "toCompass"{
var compassController = segue.destinationViewController as CompassController
compassController.currentRecord = destination
if segue.identifier == "toEmbeddedCompass" {
compassController.isEmbbeded = true
"associations" :
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Real Federación Española de Fútbol",
"shortName" : "RFEF",
"countryCode": "SPA",
"postCode": 28230,
"cityName": "Madrid",
I was called
I was called
I was called
I was called
at com.beastorigin.backend.core.generic.dao.GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method(
at ✽.When I persist the valid generic entity(com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:7)
MarvinSchramm / GenericDao.feature
Last active December 17, 2015 11:09
Problem with cucumber-weld, every step creates a new Objekt of the stepclass. which means it is not possible to create a state over several methods.
Feature: GenericDAO
Abstract Object which offers the basic capability of CRUD to all specific DAO'S
Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA
Given there is a valid generic entity
When I persist the valid generic entity
Then lastModificationTimestamp in the entity should be set
And creationTimestamp in the entity should be set
And persist should only be called once