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Created May 17, 2013 17:02
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I was called
I was called
I was called
I was called
at com.beastorigin.backend.core.generic.dao.GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method(
at ✽.When I persist the valid generic entity(com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:7)
at com.beastorigin.backend.core.generic.dao.GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method(
at ✽.When I persist the valid generic entity(com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:7)
Test '.Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA.Then lastModificationTimestamp in the entity should be set' ignored
Test '.Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA.And creationTimestamp in the entity should be set' ignored
Test '.Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA.And persist should only be called once' ignored
at com.beastorigin.backend.core.generic.dao.GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method(
at ✽.When I persist the valid generic entity(com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:7)
Feature: GenericDAO
Abstract Object which offers the basic capability of CRUD to all specific DAO'S
Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA # com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:4
Given there is a valid generic entity # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.there_is_a_valid_generic_entity()
When I persist the valid generic entity # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method()
at com.beastorigin.backend.core.generic.dao.GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method(
at ✽.When I persist the valid generic entity(com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:7)
Then lastModificationTimestamp in the entity should be set # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.lastModificationTimestamp_in_the_entity_should_be_set()
And creationTimestamp in the entity should be set # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.creationTimestamp_in_the_entity_should_be_set()
And persist should only be called once # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.persist_should_only_be_called_once()
Process finished with exit code -1
I was called <--- constructor
Feature: GenericDAO
Abstract Object which offers the basic capability of CRUD to all specific DAO'S
Scenario: Create GenericEntity via JPA # com\beastorigin\backend\core\generic\dao\GenericDao.feature:4
Given there is a valid generic entity # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.there_is_a_valid_generic_entity()
When I persist the valid generic entity # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.I_call_the_generic_create_method()
Then lastModificationTimestamp in the entity should be set # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.lastModificationTimestamp_in_the_entity_should_be_set()
And creationTimestamp in the entity should be set # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.creationTimestamp_in_the_entity_should_be_set()
And persist should only be called once # GenericDataAccessObjectStepDefs.persist_should_only_be_called_once()
Process finished with exit code 0
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