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Created May 29, 2024 16:14
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# Define the threshold size in MB
$thresholdSizeMB = Read-Host "Enter the minimum file size in MB to list"
# Convert the threshold size to bytes
$thresholdSizeBytes = $thresholdSizeMB * 1MB
# Define the drive to scan
$drive = Read-Host "Enter the drive letter to scan (e.g., C:)"
# Get a list of all files larger than the threshold size
$largeFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$drive\" -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt $thresholdSizeBytes }
# Check if any large files are found
if ($largeFiles.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "No files larger than $thresholdSizeMB MB found on drive $drive."
} else {
# Display the list of large files
$largeFiles | Select-Object FullName, @{Name="Size (MB)";Expression={ [math]::round($_.Length / 1MB, 2) }} | Sort-Object @{Expression="Size (MB)";Descending=$true} | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Prompt the user to confirm removal of files
$confirm = Read-Host "Do you want to delete these files? (y/n)"
if ($confirm -eq 'y') {
foreach ($file in $largeFiles) {
try {
Remove-Item -Path $file.FullName -Force
Write-Host "Deleted $($file.FullName)"
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to delete $($file.FullName): $_"
} else {
Write-Host "File deletion cancelled."
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