Steps to upgrade to React Native head
Delete your Derived Data and node_modules folders
Reboot your computer dangling symlink
Install io.js.
nvm install iojs
nvm alias default iojs
Update brew | | | | | | | | |
Join Room: | |
```json | |
{ | |
"caps":{ | |
"ver":"4ArXvj+KpyleAhwHHCoKUPRQRto=Rto=", | |
"node":"", | |
"hash":"sha-1" | |
}, | |
"muc":{ | |
"affiliation":"none", |
• ios_native/integrate_skillz_sdk/turn_based_implementation | |
• points to: | |
• ios_native/additional_game_info/single_sign_on | |
• points to: | |
• best_practices/tournament_types | |
• points to: | |
• unity/ios/integrate_skillz_sdk/turn_based_implementation | |
• points to: | |
• marmalade/ios/localization/localization | |
• points to: |
- (RCTSizeComparison)attemptScale:(CGFloat)scale | |
inStorage:(NSTextStorage *)textStorage | |
forFrame:(CGRect)frame | |
{ | |
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [textStorage.layoutManagers firstObject]; | |
NSTextContainer *textContainer = [layoutManager.textContainers firstObject]; | |
NSRange glyphRange = NSMakeRange(0, textStorage.length); | |
[textStorage beginEditing]; | |
[textStorage enumerateAttribute:NSFontAttributeName |
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event | |
{ | |
__block UIView *hitView; | |
[_stickyHeaderIndices enumerateIndexesWithOptions:0 usingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { | |
UIView *stickyHeader = [self contentView].reactSubviews[idx]; | |
CGPoint convertedPoint = [stickyHeader convertPoint:point fromView:self]; | |
hitView = [stickyHeader hitTest:convertedPoint withEvent:event]; | |
*stop = (hitView != nil); | |
}]; |
Error I get: | |
Class RCTStatusBarManager is implemented in both <App Path> and <Dynamic Framework Path> | |
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. | |
Did two-level namespacing just not make it's way to dynamic framework iOS, and only functions on OSX? | | |
//RN attempts this @ ln686 of RCTConvert.m, imageWithContentsOfFile fails to load the image. | |
(lldb) po [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:@"file:///Users/tfallon/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E2A18017-6069-45C6-BFB2-814E62A3F6DA/data/Containers/Data/Application/3A2FBAD8-BCC9-417E-8644-FAD4551A681C/tmp/genImageFile.png"] | |
nil | |
//Image is loaded when I attempt this at a breakpoint on the same line. | |
(lldb) po [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:@"Users/tfallon/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E2A18017-6069-45C6-BFB2-814E62A3F6DA/data/Containers/Data/Application/3A2FBAD8-BCC9-417E-8644-FAD4551A681C/tmp/genImageFile.png"] | |
<UIImage: 0x7f9f9a41cef0>, {90, 90} |
Steps to upgrade to React Native head
Delete your Derived Data and node_modules folders
Reboot your computer dangling symlink
Install io.js.
nvm install iojs
nvm alias default iojs
Update brew
//Rather than defining containerRow as multiple hard coded elements: | |
containerRow { | |
backgroundcolor: #ffffff, | |
opacity 90%, | |
dropshadow: 4px color: #000000, | |
corner-radius: 10pt, | |
} | |
//We define those one use elements as classes, very simple building blocks: | |
containerCornerRadiusPrimary: { |
##Various React Native Things
This gist will hold all of the fun/useful React Native links we find.