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Last active June 21, 2024 06:31
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Exports Unity meshes to an obj file
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
public class ObjExporterScript
private static int StartIndex = 0;
public static void Start()
StartIndex = 0;
public static void End()
StartIndex = 0;
public static string MeshToString(MeshFilter mf, Transform t)
Vector3 s = t.localScale;
Vector3 p = t.localPosition;
Quaternion r = t.localRotation;
int numVertices = 0;
Mesh m = mf.sharedMesh;
if (!m)
return "####Error####";
Material[] mats = mf.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(Vector3 vv in m.vertices)
Vector3 v = t.TransformPoint(vv);
sb.Append(string.Format("v {0} {1} {2}\n",v.x,v.y,-v.z));
foreach(Vector3 nn in m.normals)
Vector3 v = r * nn;
sb.Append(string.Format("vn {0} {1} {2}\n",-v.x,-v.y,v.z));
foreach(Vector3 v in m.uv)
sb.Append(string.Format("vt {0} {1}\n",v.x,v.y));
for (int material=0; material < m.subMeshCount; material ++)
sb.Append("usemtl ").Append(mats[material].name).Append("\n");
sb.Append("usemap ").Append(mats[material].name).Append("\n");
int[] triangles = m.GetTriangles(material);
for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i+=3) {
sb.Append(string.Format("f {0}/{0}/{0} {1}/{1}/{1} {2}/{2}/{2}\n",
triangles[i]+1+StartIndex, triangles[i+1]+1+StartIndex, triangles[i+2]+1+StartIndex));
StartIndex += numVertices;
return sb.ToString();
public class ObjExporter : ScriptableObject
[MenuItem ("File/Export/Wavefront OBJ")]
static void DoExportWSubmeshes()
[MenuItem ("File/Export/Wavefront OBJ (No Submeshes)")]
static void DoExportWOSubmeshes()
static void DoExport(bool makeSubmeshes)
if (Selection.gameObjects.Length == 0)
Debug.Log("Didn't Export Any Meshes; Nothing was selected!");
string meshName = Selection.gameObjects[0].name;
string fileName = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Export .obj file", "", meshName, "obj");
StringBuilder meshString = new StringBuilder();
meshString.Append("#" + meshName + ".obj"
+ "\n#" + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()
+ "\n#" + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
+ "\n#-------"
+ "\n\n");
Transform t = Selection.gameObjects[0].transform;
Vector3 originalPosition = t.position;
t.position =;
if (!makeSubmeshes)
meshString.Append("g ").Append("\n");
meshString.Append(ProcessTransform(t, makeSubmeshes));
t.position = originalPosition;
Debug.Log("Exported Mesh: " + fileName);
static string ProcessTransform(Transform t, bool makeSubmeshes)
StringBuilder meshString = new StringBuilder();
meshString.Append("#" +
+ "\n#-------"
+ "\n");
if (makeSubmeshes)
meshString.Append("g ").Append("\n");
MeshFilter mf = t.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null)
meshString.Append(ObjExporterScript.MeshToString(mf, t));
for(int i = 0; i < t.childCount; i++)
meshString.Append(ProcessTransform(t.GetChild(i), makeSubmeshes));
return meshString.ToString();
static void WriteToFile(string s, string filename)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename))
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radiatoryang commented Jun 20, 2022

for anyone who gets here via Google -- just fyi, Unity won't import OBJ submeshes separately unless there's a .MTL file, among other possible problems... see

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