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Last active February 2, 2022 18:49
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Copy and paste sprite physics shapes between TextureImporter, SpriteRenderer and PolygonCollider2D using their context menus.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using UnityEditor;
public class SpriteShapeUtils
static List<Vector2>[] shapesByIndex = new List<Vector2>[0];
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/TextureImporter/Copy Physics Shape", priority = 110)]
static void CopyShapeFromImporter(MenuCommand command)
var importer = command.context as TextureImporter;
var sprite = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Sprite>(importer.assetPath);
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/SpriteRenderer/Copy Physics Shape", priority = 110)]
static void CopyShapeFromSpriteRenderer(MenuCommand command)
var renderer = command.context as SpriteRenderer;
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/PolygonCollider2D/Copy Physics Shape", priority = 110)]
static void CopyShapeFromCollider(MenuCommand command)
var collider = command.context as PolygonCollider2D;
shapesByIndex = new List<Vector2>[collider.pathCount];
for (int s = 0; s < shapesByIndex.Length; s++)
shapesByIndex[s] = new List<Vector2>(collider.GetPath(s));
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/PolygonCollider2D/Paste Physics Shape", priority = 110)]
static void PasteShapeIntoCollider(MenuCommand command)
var collider = command.context as PolygonCollider2D;
collider.pathCount = shapesByIndex.Length;
for (int s = 0; s < shapesByIndex.Length; s++)
collider.SetPath(s, shapesByIndex[s].ToArray());
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/PolygonCollider2D/Use Sprite Physics Shape", priority = 110)]
static void UseSpriteShape(MenuCommand command)
var collider = command.context as PolygonCollider2D;
//this checks for SpriteRenderer upwards through the hierarchy (starting at the current GameObject)
var sprite = collider.GetComponentInParent<SpriteRenderer>()?.sprite;
private static void CopyShapeFromSprite(Sprite sprite)
if (sprite == null)
Debug.LogWarning("No Sprite found!");
shapesByIndex = new List<Vector2>[sprite.GetPhysicsShapeCount()];
for (int s = 0; s < sprite.GetPhysicsShapeCount(); s++)
shapesByIndex[s] = new List<Vector2>();
sprite.GetPhysicsShape(s, shapesByIndex[s]);
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