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Created May 28, 2019 06:09
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Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax - Cancellation

Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax - Cancellation

This is the second article in a series of articles around Rusts new async/await feature. The first article about interfaces can be found here.

In this part of the series we want to a look at a mechanism which behaves very different in Rust than in all other languages which feature async/await support. This mechanism is Cancellation.

Cancellation - an overview

For some applications it can be very useful to cancel ongoing operations before they have finished - mostly for the reason that their results are no longer out of any interest and that continuing the operation would needlessly tie up resources.

Examples for those are:

  • In graphical applications (like an IDE) users might start long-runnning sub-operations and then cancel and restart them before they are finished (e.g. because they changed a program or parameters for the operation).
  • A webservice might create a requests for a variety of other services that need to be answered before a response for the actual user can be generated. However from time to time one of those requests might take an exorbitant amount of time (e.g. due to network failures). Since the user won't wait multiple minutes for the request to finish anyway, the sub-operations should rather get cancelled if no response had been received within a timeout window and an error should be sent back to the user.

Cancellation in synchronous programs

Before exploring cancellation in asynchronous environments, let's first take a look on how Cancellation is implemented in "normal" (synchronous) programs:

Every synchronous function is always guaranteed to be run to completion - it can't be aborted at an arbitrary point of time. Therefore there typically exists no inbuilt mechanism to cancel an ongoing operation (e.g. on another thread). Early java versions featured a Thread.stop method. However it was deprecated since it's flawed

In order to still support cancellation, different ecosystems defined their own mechanisms in library form that allow to request and handle a cancellation.

The most well-known form is the CancellationToken, as e.g. known from C#. A variable of type CancellationToken is passed to each method which is part of the cancellable workflow. Those methods can check CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested from time to time in order to discover whether the parent task has requested cancellation. In this case the subtask can return early (e.g. by throwing an Exception), which leads the overall method to run to completion.

Other environments utilize variations of this pattern:

  • Go uses the Context struct in order to propagate a cancellation request to subtasks. In Go, the cancellation request is signalled via a Channel since that easily enables programs to wait for either a cancellation request or a state update from another source.
  • Java utilizes a thread-local interruption state. If a a thread gets .interrupt()ed, certain operations will throw and force the subtask to return if the exception is not handled otherwise. This can be treated as some kind of thread-local CancellationToken which is not explicitely passed between methods. It comes with the downside of not being usable in asynchronous contexts.

The general workflow of cancellation is similar in those environments:

  1. An external source signals a cancellation request.
  2. Specific checks inside the sub-operation listen for cancellation-requests and lead to early returns - e.g. by throwing exceptions.
  3. The operations runs to completion. The initiator of the request will be able to retrieve a result for the operation. It either finishes normally, or it will signal that the operation aborted early due to the cancellation (e.g. via a OperationCanceledException).

This behavior has a specific set of properties:

  • The cancellation is always only a cancellation request. It can not be enforced. Even ifcancellation is requested, the subprocess might continue to run for a certain amount of time. Either because no checks for cancellation had been incorporated in this specific code path, or because an early abort of the operation would cause substantial problems.
  • All methods can observe whether a cancellation happend, if a child-method was affected by it, and have the ability to react on it. E.g.
    Result cancellableMethod(CancellationToken ct) {
        var resource = getImportantResource();
        try {
            var result = cancellableSubMethod(ct);
            // The sub-method finished without having being cancelled.
        } catch (OperationCanceledException) {
            // This branch will be taken if the operation was cancelled inside the
            // sub-method.
            // We can run specific code here if required - e.g. for clean-up.
        } finally {
            // The source ALWAYS needs to be returned - whether the operation had
            // been cancelled or not.

async/await and cancellation - in other languages

The async/await feature allows us to write asynchronous code (not-thread-blocking code which multiplexes a set of tasks on a lower number of threads) in a way that resembles traditional synchronous code. async/await and related mechanisms (e.g. stackless coroutines) already exist in a variety of other programming languages.

The observation of the author is it that cancellation of asynchronous tasks in those languages follows the pattern that was described for synchronous environments:

  • Cancellation is requested via a dedicated parameter or an implicit task-local parameter
  • Methods are required to observe cancellation status.
  • Async methods run to completion even after cancellation.

In particular:

  • C# async Tasks signals cancellation via CancellationToken as already described above. Lots of .NET [core] framework functions support this parameter in order to propagate cancellation requests.
  • Kotlin coroutines utilize a task-local cancellation status. This adds some extra convenience by parent tasks being able to automatically signal child-tasks about the requirement for cancellation. The coroutine standard library (e.g. timers and channels for coroutines) recognizes cancellation requests and allows the operations to abort early when cancelled.
  • Javascript doesn't have standardized types for Cancellation. Libraries need to define their own. However since async Javascript functions will always run to completion, the mechanism would also need to follow the described pattern.
  • C++ coroutines can utilize a CancellationToken defined in the cppcoro library.

Cancellation in async Rust

Cancellation in async Rust works differently compared to the mechanisms we look at so far.

In order to understand how Rusts cancellation mechanism works in detail and how it impacts users, let's start with a small example that demonstrates how an async subtask can be cancelled:

/// This is an operation that will take a long amount of time.
/// We therefore might want to cancel it under certain conditions.
async fn some_long_taking_operation() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // ...

/// This is a timer function that is provided by some async base framework. The
/// method will return (and the generated Future will get completed)
/// when the given duration has elapsed.
async fn delay(duration: Duration) {
    // ...

async fn do_operation_with_timeout() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // This might look like it would run the operation. But in reality it is
    // just producing a Future which represents the operation.
    let long_taking_operation_fut = some_long_taking_operation();
    let timer_fut = delay(Duration::from_millis(10_000));

    /// Wait on either the operation to finish or the timer to expire
    select! {
        res = long_taking_operation_fut => {
            // The operation succeeded first. Return the result.
            return res;
        _ = timer_fut => {
            // The timer finished first. The operation is still running as
            // part of long_taking_operation_fut.
            // We could now wait for it to complete by calling
            // long_taking_operation_fut.await. However in this case we want to
            // cancel the operation and return a timeout error to the user.
            // Dropping a Future cancels the associated operation. Therefore we
            // can utilize the following statement to cancel the operation:
            // drop(long_taking_operation_fut);
            // However we don't need to perform this explicitely, since just
            // returning will lead to long_taking_operation_fut getting dropped
            // and the operation being cancelled.
            return Err(TimeoutError);

As indicated by this example, cancellation within Rusts async/await system works differently than in the previously described implementations:

  • Cancellation is triggered by simply dropping the Future which represents the async operation.
  • Methods are not required to forward cancellation requests or cancellation abilities (e.g. by passing on a CancellationToken).
  • Cancellation is synchronous - since drop() is synchronous.
  • Cancellation does not consist of separate cancellation request and wait for operation to complete steps. There is only a single cancel/drop step.
  • Cancellation is enforced - submethods can not prefer to ignore or postpone the cancellation.

These properties provide some advantages, some disadvantages, and a bit of surprising behavior:

The benefits of synchronously-cancellable subtasks

Rusts async/await and the underyling Futures ecosystem provides the clear benefit of unconditionally being able cancel a subtask. There does not exist a requirement for all intermediate methods to also provide cancellation support by forwarding a CancellationToken.

This makes it a lot easier to utilize cancellation later on in a program which had not been designed with cancellation in mind right from the start. E.g. if after several month it had been discovered that a certain subtask requires a timeout it can be added just as described in the example above. There is no need to refactor lots of code in order to add timeouts.

The drawbacks of synchronously-cancellable subtasks

Unfortunately this design does not only provide benefits, it also comes with drawbacks.

Support for IO completion based operations

The main drawback is that the underlying operation must support synchronous cancellation. This property is not given for a variety of asynchronous operations.

Examples for APIs which do not support synchronous cancellation are IO completion based OS APIs, e.g. IO completion ports (IOCP) on windows, the recently introduced io_uring on Linux and a certain amount of other lower level constructs (e.g. in device-drivers where the end of the operation might get signalled through an interrupt).

These APIs can't be exposed through async fn in a safe and zero-cost manner.

In order to understand why, the following example demonstrates how we could try to implement IOCP based socket support for windows.

Ideally we would like to implement a method like this for an asynchronous Socket:

async fn receive(self: &mut Socket, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Error>;

This signature is an asynchronous equivalent of the normal synchronous socket API, We start a receive operation on a socket, which reads data into a target byte array. There is no requirement for any special higher level buffer type.

We can now start to implement the method on a Socket struct. The following section provides some pseudo-code on how IOCP based sockets could potentially be wrapped in a Future.

struct Socket {
    os_handle: Handle,

impl Socket {
    fn receive(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> SocketReceiveFuture {
        SocketReceiveFuture::new(self, buffer)

struct SocketReceiveFuture<'a> {
    socket: &'a mut Socket,
    buffer: &'a mut [u8],
    op_started: false,
    op_handle: AsyncOperationHandle,

impl Future<'a> for SocketReceiveFuture<'a> {
    fn poll(
        &mut self, // We ignore Pin here just to make the example less complicated
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
    ) -> Poll<Result<usize, Error> {
        match self.op_started {
            false => {
                // Initiate winapi operation
                let (result, op_handle) = WSARecv(
                    self.buffer.into_c_buffer_pointer(), 1, &self.buffer.len(),
                // In winap operations might finish synchronously. In that case
                // the Future is Ready.
                if result != WSA_IO_PENDING {
                    return Poll::Ready(result.into());
                // The operation is pending. Store a reference for it
                self.op_handle = op_handle;
                // We need to wait until the IO completion
                // port signalled that the operation has completed.
                self.op_started = true;
                // Notify an IOCP port/manager that this task is waiting for a
                // completion event on this socket.
                io_completion_port.wait_for_completion(&self.op_handle, cx);
            true => {
                // This should be called once the io_completion_port dequeued
                // the completion event and woke up the task which polls the
                // SocketReceiveFuture. If this happened then this Future is
                // ready.
                if io_completion_port.is_receive_finished(&self.op_handle) {
                    let io_result = WSAGetOverlappedResult(
                        self.socket.os_handle, ...);
                    self.op_started = false;
                    return Poll::ready(io_result.into());
                // Otherwise continue to wait

We could then use this as

async fn interact_with_server() {
    let socket = Socket::connect(endpoint).await?;
    let buffer: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
    let bytes_read = socket.receive(buffer).await?;
// Do something with received bytes

This approach would however only be valid in the absence of cancellation. In case the async interact_with_server operation gets cancelled, SocketReceiveFuture as well as the buffer would get dropped immediately. This introduces a problem: The operation at the OS level might still be running, and the OS might try to write to the bytes inside buffer (which doesn't exist anymore). This means the cancellation introduced a memory safety issue.

As implementor of the SocketReceiveFuture we only have one tool to prevent this from happening: When the task gets cancelled SocketReceiveFuture::drop will get called, where we could try to cancel the underlying OS operation in order to prevent the OS from accessing the memory after the Future gets destroyed.

Unfortunately it is not possible to synchronously cancel the ongoing receive operation in this method. There exists a CancelIoEx method, but it will only initiate/request a Cancellation - but it won't make sure that the cancellation is actually happens and will also not wait until the IO operation completes.


impl<'a> Drop for SocketReceiveFuture<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.op_started {

would still not resolve the issue. The background operation could still run after drop() returned and write to buffer.

There exists an additional fix for it: We can perform a blocking wait after CancelIoEx in order to wait inside drop until the OS has finished processing the operation and until it does not require the buffer anymore. However since Cancel is only a hint to the OS - and since the cancellation might take a long amount of time or might even never happen - this is not practical in an async context where the OS thread should never be blocked.

This unfortunately means we have to give up at this point. It is not possible to implement the method safely and without blocking a thread.


There exists a workaround for this problem: We can provide the operation an owned buffer instead of a reference - and make sure that the ownership is kept intact over the whole duration of the operation. E.g. the caller can pass a BytesMut struct, which we std::mem::forget() for the duration of the IOCP operation and reconstruct it when done. Or we can pass that owned buffer to the io_completion_port which could track oustanding operations together with their buffers safely - even while they are cancelled. The io_completion_port (or any other central operation manager) would continue to run all the operations in the background. Even if the user-visible Socket and it's associated Futures are gone.

The downside of this workaround is that it requires either an API change or an extra copy. The API now needs to be

async fn receive(
    self: &mut Socket,
    buffer: OwnedBufferType) -> Result<OwnedBufferType, Error<OwnedBufferType>>;

This requires the user and the API implementor to either agree on specific owned buffer types that are used or additional generics are required. The API also gets more complicated to use, since callers always need to make sure to recover the utilized buffer from the Result.

It must also be ok for the calling task to leak the buffer in case the operation gets cancelled.

Alternatively, the implementation of the Socket can use an owned buffer internally to read new data from the OS and can copy it to the user-provided &mut[u8] when finished. In this case the original function signature can be kept. However the downside of this approach is an extra copy of each read byte.

An additional drawback of this mechanism is also that the system now performs invisible background work that is no longer visible to the foreground application, but still drains resources. We can't control or see how much oustanding work the io_completion_port still needs to perform due to cancellations.


Within the current design of Rusts async functions and Futures it is not possible to wrap a certain set of asynchronous APIs in a true zero-cost fashion without degrading interoperability.

While readiness-based asynchronous APIs (as e.g. provided by select/poll/epoll/kqueue) can easily be wrapped, completion based APIs require workarounds.

This drawback might be not that visible today, since most high performance server software that could benefit from async/await is running on readiness-based unix APIs. However it seems like we might see a bigger amount of IO completion based primitives in the future. E.g. io_uring moved into this direction, and it's documentation describes why it has benefits compared to other models (e.g. a lower number of required system calls which also get more expensive in the days of Spectre/Meltdown mitigations). If this happens, the inability to model model IO completion based operations in simple asynchronous Rust APIs could become a bigger problem.

The surprises of synchronously-cancellable subtasks

For new users of async/await it can be surprising that cancelled async functions do not run to completion. Instead they can silently return at any .await point. already described this behavior a while ago.

As a short recap: A function like

async fn my_async_method() {
    println!("Step 1");
    println!("Step 2");
    println!("Step 3");

can be cancelled in any of it's .await points. Therefore the output of the function can be anything from

Step 1


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

While this behavior causes no further issues in this example, it can lead to subtle bugs in other functions.

The following sections describes one example where the author of this article run into the problem, and discusses some of the fixes for it:

The async fn represents a task that is responsible for sending messages that had been previously been enqueued for sending at another component, which we refer to as the message_store. The message_store manages the full lifecycle of outgoing messages. If the current send task or any other task which interacts with the connection encounters an error, all tasks that operate on the current connection get cancelled. They will get restarted if a the connection had been resumed, and can then resume sending messages. The send task needs to notify the MessageStore about the outcome of sending each message. This will allow the store to either request a retransmission of the message later or to notify other components that the message had been successfully transmitted.

In this environment, the send task for message had been implemented in roughly the following fashion:

impl SendTask {
    async fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        loop {
            // Obtain the next message to send from the message store
            let msg_to_send = self.message_store.get_next_outgoing_message();
            if let Some(msg_to_send) = msg_to_send {
                // Send the message using an asynchronous connection type
                let send_res = self.connection.write(msg_to_send.as_bytes()).await;
                // Return the ownership of the message back to the store, so that
                // it can be retransmitted if sending the message failed here.
                    msg_to_send, send_res.is_ok());
                if !send_res.is_ok() {
                    return Err(...);
            } else {
                // Wait for an event that signals a new message is available

In this example it is crucial for the sending task to return ownership of the obtained message back to the store after attempting to send it, in order to make sure that retries for sending the message work. The send task can't just obtain a reference to the message for the variety of reasons (e.g. message_store keeps all state inside a Mutex which needs to get locked again after each access).

In synchronous code, this snippet would be correct (at least as long no subtle bugs lead to panics). However the asynchronous version contains an issue due to the described Cancellation behavior: If send_task gets cancelled while waiting on self.connection.write, the code for returning the message and signaling completion (self.message_store.signal_completion) will never be invoked. This might lead to either a leak or a crash on the next query to get_next_outgoing_message.

Unfortunately the issue is not easy to spot for a beginner, and might also not be covered by unit-tests (which are less likely to check for error and cancellation paths).

In order to fix it, we need to make sure that signal_completion also gets called when the operation is cancelled. That means it needs to happen inside a drop function which gets executed when the generated Future gets dropped. The following code demonstrates this, by introducing an additional structure that acts as a RAII guard for the message:

struct SendHelper<'a> {
    msg: Option<Message>,
    message_store: MessageStore<'a>,
    send_ok: boolean,

impl<'a> SendHelper<'a> {
    async fn do_send<'b>(&'b mut self, connection: &'b Connection) -> bool
    where 'a : 'b {
        if let Some(ref mut msg) = &mut self.msg {
            self.send_ok = self.connection.write(msg.as_bytes()).await.is_ok();
        } else {

impl<'a> Drop for SendHelper<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // ALWAYS signal the MessageStore about whether the message
        // had been delivered or not.
        let msg = self.msg.take().unwrap();
        self.message_store.signal_completion(msg, self.send_ok);

impl SendTask {
    async fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        loop {
            // Obtain the next message to send from the message store
            let msg_to_send = self.message_store.get_next_outgoing_message();
            if let Some(msg_to_send) = msg_to_send {
                let mut helper = SendHelper {
                    msg: Some(msg_to_send),
                    message_store: self.message_store,
                    send_ok: false,
                let is_ok = helper.do_send(self.connection).await;
                if !is_ok {
                    return Err(...);
                // At this point `helper` gets dropped and `message_store` will
                // automatically be notified.
            } else {
                // Wait for an event that signals a new message is available

As it can be observed, this increases the necessary code size for the example a lot. In the case of the authors codebase the overhead was even bigger due to a a variety of trait bounds on the MessageStore which all needed to get propagated to the RAII guard.

Readers might notice that the design for sure would be better if MessageStore would directly return the RAII guard. This is certainly true. However it might not be aware about the Connection type, and the amount of required code would still stay the same.

In order to avoid the overhead of an additional data structure we can experiment with a ScopeGuard: A closure which gets automatically executed whenever the owning scope gets destructed. Using a ScopeGuard we could try to write the task as:

impl SendTask {
    async fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        loop {
            // Obtain the next message to send from the message store
            let msg_to_send = self.message_store.get_next_outgoing_message();
            if let Some(msg_to_send) = msg_to_send {
                let mut is_ok = false;

                let _guard = ScopeGuard::new(||{
                    // This code is executed whenever the scope is left, including
                    // the situation when the task gets cancelled.
                        msg_to_send, is_ok);

                // Send the message using an asynchronous connection type
                is_ok = self.connection.write(msg_to_send.as_bytes()).await;
                if !send_res.is_ok() {
                    return Err(...);
                // At the end of this block the message_store would be notified.
            } else {
                // Wait for an event that signals a new message is available

However this approach will not pass the borrow checker: msg_to_send is used both inside the closure in an owned fashion as well as by mutable reference outside of the closure. We can't move msg_to_send inside the ScopeGuard, since we would lose the ability to send it that way.

The borrow checker simply won't understand that the code inside ScopeGuard would only be called after self.connection.write does not require the message anymore - e.g. because it is cancelled.

A workaround for this could be to develop a new ScopeGuard type which allows to reference the data that is stored inside it. Another workaround is to use RefCells to coordinate ownership between the guard and the method.

Rust could potentially also provide a new language construct for asynchronous cleanup work which would follow different borrow-checker rules. It could understand that connection.write is no longer executing when it starts running. This could be provided through a hypothetical defer or finally block, which mimics how other languages have solved the issue:

if let Some(msg_to_send) = msg_to_send {
    let mut is_ok = false;

    defer {
        // This code is executed whenever the scope is left. The borrow-checker
        // rules are different and allow to move msg_to_send as long as no
        // other code moved it before.
            msg_to_send, is_ok);

    is_ok = self.connection.write(msg_to_send.as_bytes()).await;
    if !send_res.is_ok() {
        return Err(...);


if let Some(msg_to_send) = msg_to_send {
    let is_ok = try {
    } finally {
        // This code is also executed in case of a cancellation.
            msg_to_send, is_ok);
    if !send_res.is_ok() {
        return Err(...);

These solutions lead to a significantly lower amount of code. An interesting observation is that those patterns also reflect how another language (e.g. C#) might handle an explicit CancellationException that is thrown by signal_completion in case of cancellation.

However it's arguable whether they are good ideas or not: They resemble concepts from other languages which are not idiomatic or required as much in "synchronous Rust". Therefore introducing them specifically for asynchronous contexts seems questionable.

The actual mitigation of cancellation related issues might also be only the secondary concern. The primary concern is how authors of asynchronous code can gain the ability to detect subtle bugs that are introduced due to cancellation possibilities, and how they can have confidence about their code and dependencies being bug-free in scenarios where cancellation is involved.

Translation of synchronous to asynchronous Rust code

The described cancellation behavior has an impact on the ability to move synchronous Rust code into the asynchronous world. On a first glance translating synchronous Rust code into the async equivalent should be possible by just adding async to all functions, by replacing thread-blocking primitives (mutexes, sockets, etc) with their async equivalents, and by adding .awaits.

However due to additional early-returns in case of cancellation this might not be sufficient. Code that spans .await points must be audited for sections which depend on run-to-completion semantics, and suitable RAII guards must be inserted that mitigate potential cancellation issues.


This document describes the impact of Rusts cancellation mechansims for asynchronous functions and compares it with how other languages handle cancellation.

As described, Rusts cancellation mechanisms is very unique and comes with a huge benefit as well as with a certain set of drawbacks. We will need to find better ways to deal with the drawbacks in the Future. E.g. we can explore how to best document and highlight the "early return behavior" in documentation.

For wrapping IO completion based operations we can at least provide guides which describe the necessary workarounds in-depth.

While it seems unlikely that we can still discover a mechanisms that enables us to seemlessly wrap IO completion based operations, we can also perform further investigations in that direction.

One possible change which would allow to wrap IOCP operations natively and which would also remove the "early return" behavior is a redefinition of the Future trait: It could be defined in a way where callers are obligated to poll the Future until sPoll::Ready is returned - without caller being allowed to perform early drops. This change would lead to run-to-completion async fns. But it would also have some further impliciations. A future article might explore this more in detail.

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How about introducing a new CancellableFuture type and a cancellable keyword?

let cbl_fut: CancellableFuture<Output=()> = async cancellable {
  // Execution stops at any `await` if Future is cancelled (dropped).
  async {
    // Executes all statements in closure, even if Future is dropped.

This syntax eliminates unexpected early execution stops. It requires users to opt-in to the error-prone behavior of early returns.

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Hey, I've found this (nice read!) and we're discussing about what's right for Node.js - would you mind considering filling in rust under ?

That is - how do users detect cancellation and are there different types of cancellation?

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Also other languages you use in your day-to-day

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That's really a fundamental design flaw that simply should not have happened. There are so many good approaches Rust could have learned from, a pity. Go really has the best abstraction in that sense. Go does everything under the hood, it is free to impl. cancellation properly. Even Python did this better, with async context managers etc.

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