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Created March 18, 2023 04:06
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ChatGPT4 React suggestion for policy impact written template
import React from 'react';
const PolicyAnalysis = ({ baseline, reform, impacts, outcomes, incomeChanges, povertyRates, deepPovertyRates, genderPoverty, inequality }) => {
const generateIncomeChangeText = () => {
let text = "";
incomeChanges.average.forEach((value, index) => {
text += `The ${index + 1}${index === 0 ? "st" : index === 1 ? "nd" : index === 2 ? "rd" : "th"} decile experiences an average change of $${value.toFixed(2)}. `;
return text;
const impactLevel = (value) => {
if (value <= 0.5) return "negligible";
if (value <= 1.5) return "small";
if (value <= 3) return "modest";
return "large";
const overallImpact = impactLevel(Math.abs(povertyRates.all.baseline - povertyRates.all.reform));
const genderImpact = impactLevel(Math.abs(genderPoverty.poverty.female.baseline - genderPoverty.poverty.female.reform));
return (
The policy reform analyzed, titled "{reform.label}," focuses on changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for {reform.state} in {reform.year}. The EITC is a refundable tax credit for low to moderate-income working individuals and couples, particularly those with children. The goal of the EITC is to reduce poverty and incentivize work.
The reform includes several key provisions: {reform.provisions}.
According to {impacts.source} and {}, the reform results in a budgetary impact of ${impacts.budgetaryImpact.toFixed(2)}, mainly due to reduced tax revenues. The reform leads to {outcomes.gainLess5}% of households experiencing a gain of less than 5% in their income, while {outcomes.gainMore5}% of households see an increase of more than 5%. The remaining {outcomes.noChange}% of households experience no change in their income.
The reform has a {overallImpact} impact on poverty, as measured by the {povertyRates.measure}. Overall poverty rates decrease from {povertyRates.all.baseline}% to {povertyRates.all.reform}%. For adults, the poverty rate declines from {}% to {}%. However, the reform does not affect poverty rates for children and seniors, which remain at {povertyRates.child.baseline}% and {povertyRates.senior.baseline}%, respectively.
Deep poverty rates, which measure the proportion of the population with incomes below half of the poverty line, also see {impactLevel(Math.abs(deepPovertyRates.all.baseline - deepPovertyRates.all.reform))} reductions. The overall deep poverty rate decreases from {deepPovertyRates.all.baseline}% to {deepPovertyRates.all.reform}%, with the adult deep poverty rate dropping from {}% to {}%. Child and senior deep poverty rates remain unchanged.
The reform has a {genderImpact} impact on poverty rates by gender, with the female poverty rate declining from {genderPoverty.poverty.female.baseline}% to {genderPoverty.poverty.female.reform}%. The male poverty rate decreases from {genderPoverty.poverty.male.baseline}% to {genderPoverty.poverty.male.reform}%.
The effect of the reform on inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, is {impactLevel(Math.abs(inequality.baseline - inequality.reform))}. The Gini coefficient decreases from {inequality.baseline.toFixed(3)} to {inequality.reform.toFixed(3)}, indicating a {inequality.direction} in income inequality.
In conclusion, the "{reform.label}" reform has a {overallImpact} impact on poverty rates, a {genderImpact} impact on poverty rates by gender, and a {impactLevel(Math.abs(inequality.baseline - inequality.reform))} impact on income inequality. While the reform has positive effects on some aspects of poverty and inequality, it might not be sufficient to address all the issues in these areas. Further analysis and potential adjustments to the reform may be necessary to achieve desired outcomes.
export default PolicyAnalysis;
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