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Maxime Chambonnet Maxzor

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Maxzor /
Last active September 15, 2023 23:19
Get your offline JuliaPlaysGroove covers 101 -
#make room :
# 4GBs 99 songs as of 20230916
# 3GBs 66 songs as of 20210529
#install latest youtube-dl (superseded by yt-dlp)
cd && git clone
#install jq the json parser
sudo apt install jq
#create the music directory
cd ~ && mkdir juliaplaysgroove_flac && cd "$_"
#download the metadata (50 video ids per json page) from youtube data api v3, then parse json with jq and proceed to download the audio files
Maxzor /
Last active August 13, 2024 13:12 — forked from beeman/
Remove all from Docker
echo "Removing containers :" && if [ -n "$(docker container ls -aq)" ]; then docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq); docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq); fi; echo "Removing images :" && if [ -n "$(docker images -aq)" ]; then docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq); fi; echo "Removing volumes :" && if [ -n "$(docker volume ls -q)" ]; then docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q); fi; echo "Removing networks :" && if [ -n "$(docker network ls | awk '{print $1" "$2}' | grep -v 'ID\|bridge\|host\|none' | awk '{print $1}')" ]; then docker network rm $(docker network ls | awk '{print $1" "$2}' | grep -v 'ID\|bridge\|host\|none' | awk '{print $1}'); fi;